The Lone Wolf works

Chapter 973 Their Plan


ld handle. However, ever since Wang Hao's father was arrested, he had been utterly lost, unsure where to turn or who to contact to save his father.Originally, Wang Hao lived a life of extravagance as...At this moment, inside a super luxurious private compartment on the Heavenly Number One, a targeted conspiracy was quietly and intensely unfolding.

"Mr. Kozue Ichiro, could you please explain to me why Mr. Bai, the director, suddenly appeared here What is going on"

At the center of the table, Duan Changchun's face was as cold as frost. He looked at the middle-aged man across from him, whose face was equally grim, and asked a question.

Originally, Sister Hua, as the direct person in charge of this matter, should have been responsible. However, Duan Changchun didn't go to ask Sister Hua but instead questioned Xiao Quan Yi-fu. This doesn't seem logical at all.

Facing this highest-ranking official of the Hong Kong Province, Koizumi Kazuo merely smiled faintly and said, "Chief Duan, this is just an accident. That Bai Feng won't have any impact on our plan at all."

The Gambling God, Kuang Tianhua, frowned and said, "Are you sure Bai Feng wasn't coming for us"

There's a 90% chance she's not involved. She doesn't seem to know we're here, and she looks like she's on some kind of arrest mission.

"This Bai Feng can't stay." The speaker was a woman, she was smoking in one hand and making a slashing motion across her throat with the other, a flash of malice in her eyes.

Everyone looked up, and the person was Hua Jie, the direct person in charge here.

And the cigarette she was smoking, if Ye Fan were here, he would surely gasp in astonishment. It was none other than that "Point of Drunkenness" cigarette with its stimulant effect.

And usually, this kind of cigarette is only circulated among a few high-level figures within the blood pact.

And so the identities of these people, who was calling them out

"Sister Hua, continue." Duan Changchun still admired this Sister Hua. Since joining the organization and being assigned to the local area, he had been in touch with her privately and learned many things about the underground currents of Linhai City that shouldn't be spread around.

Haji slowly inhaled a cigarette, feeling her spirit reach a state of fullness. She then said calmly: "Whether Bai Feng is targeting us tonight or not, just the fact that she saw Mr. Duan Changchun and everyone else here means we absolutely cannot let her live."

When Hua Jie said this, a trace of ruthlessness flashed in her eyes, gone as quickly as it appeared.

No one spoke, they were all calculating their own little schemes in their hearts. Bai Feng, although insignificant in stature, was the chief of this precinct after all. If he died without a clear explanation, it wouldn't be much of a problem if they cleaned up everything properly. But if they didn't do a good job and got caught, they would always be at risk of being exposed.

"Moreover, according to my sources, she was actually after Ye Fan inside Tiandi No. 1, and she has already taken him back to the station. This is extremely detrimental to our overall plan."

Hearing this, Kozō Ichiro slammed his fist on the table and said resolutely, "Then this Bai Feng must die. We must create a clear path for Ye Fan."

Duan Changchun remained silent, all eyes turned to him with inquiring gazes. Obviously, in this place, his status was the highest; these people looked up to him.

"Mr. Xiaoquan, you are in charge of contacting that Ye Fan. Tell us about your situation."

Koizumi said: "I have reached a preliminary agreement with him. I will provide him with some information about the organization, and he will help us deal with some trouble within the organization. Most importantly, he has promised to help us find out who is really behind my brother's death. And this person is very likely to be the leader."

Xiao Quan's words fell on these people's ears like a heavy bomb, and they unconsciously chose silence once again.

"The one thing we need to be certain about right now is whether that Ye Fan is actually the legendary war god who once ran rampant in South Africa. Before our organization dispatches a true master, can he handle the current leader of Huaxia" Duan Changchun broke the silence.

"Please rest assured, Master Duan Changchun. I personally went to South Africa to verify Ye Fan's background. The rumors about him being a war god are completely false."

At this time, speaking was Tianhua Wang, the God of Gamblers who had never spoken much before. In these small organizations, he was responsible for the intelligence department.

“My friends, our individual strengths are small, which is why we must remain united. Over the past few years, we have all worked hard and gained some influence in our own spheres of power. However, compared to the vast structures of powerful organizations, our strength still pales in comparison. Therefore, before we undertake anything, we must proceed with caution.”

Duan Changchun glanced at everyone, his expression unusually grave.

Originally, he would never have imagined that he would one day betray the organization.

As the third-ranking figure in the organization, he was responsible for all overseas markets. His power within the organization was immense.

But as he stayed in the organization longer, he felt increasing pressure, and this pressure came from a young expert within the organization who wanted to replace him.

And that young expert was a top performer among the younger generation being secretly cultivated as a key asset by the organization.

He is the sworn disciple of the leader of the organization. It is said that he has received eight parts of the leader's true teachings, and coupled with his noble status, it is not unfounded to say that he will replace himself.

That young master, was Sōgen Daimon. He was a very forceful person and known for his righteousness. He had many supporters within the organization.

Originally, Duan Changchun didn't pay much attention to these rumors. However, what Masamune Takasugi did next completely provoked him. Takasugi dared to propose taking over the position of leader of the Xia Empire himself.

Of course, he didn't directly say that Duan Changchun should get lost in Hong Kong Province. However, if he came to China, given his tough style, he would certainly not allow Duan Changchun to continue growing powerful in Hong Kong Province.

And the previous leader of China, for some unknown reason, did not step forward to confront Matsuzaki at the gate. This put Duan Changchun under a certain amount of pressure.

Therefore, under these circumstances, Duan Changchun decided to turn against the organization. He then united a group of fellow members who also harbored dissent within their hearts and secretly met in Linhai City to discuss strategies.

And among these people, Koizumi Ichiro was the most active.

So, he opportunely proposed to study abroad while Daigate Sōgen was still out of reach. He secretly came to Rinkan, where he had already learned through special channels that the God of War was in Rinkan.

As long as they cooperate with the God of War, allowing him to deal with the Leader, and when both sides are severely weakened, Xiao Quan Yif and his team strike, killing the God of War and the Leader in one fell swoop, seizing China's aerospace technology and challenging the organization for dominance.

This is their planng's attack. Her left hand suddenly moved as fast as lightning, landing a downward hook punch on Ma Dayong's unsuspecting back before he could turn around. The blow sent Ma Dayong crashing to the grou...