The Lone Wolf works

Chapter 526: An Unusual Meeting (Part 2)


l look.And Ye Fan remained constantly holding the snake child, hiding himself behind it, as if he were very afraid.However, when Ye Fan felt the blood snake lizard stop its venom attack, he looked up....The camp here is vast, and Ye Fan finally saw the already opened diamond mine. According to Ye Fan's current identity, at least a portion of these diamond mines should belong to him.

Looking up, one saw a hillside that resembled a crater, with an excavated gap in the middle. On the surrounding slopes, numerous black soldiers patrolled back and forth, rifles in hand.

Just below, there were perhaps hundreds of black men working hard. Each one was shirtless, revealing their thin frames, looking like famine refugees. Many had scars all over their bodies from whippings. Outside the mine, under the protection of a group of soldiers with guns, several tables were set up. People were checking the ore that the miners had handed in.

After those Black workers emerged from the gap, each held a fist-sized lump of ore in their hands and lined up in front of the table.

That must be a diamond mine, right I wonder how many diamonds are inside Ye Fan glanced at the ore in the black man's hand. There are diamond mines everywhere here. When the time comes, I must get a few more from that Andre fellow. Just exchange them with planes and weapons, anyway, Kunka this guy is afraid of death, he would rather have powerful weapons. If you don't even have your life, what use are there for so many diamond mines.

Ye Fan quickly made up his mind.

At this time, the person sitting behind the table collecting ore took the ore from the black worker’s hand and threw it into a basket on the scale. He glanced at it, then waved his hand quickly. Then, a soldier pushed the miner aside and threw him a lump of something dark and murky, resembling food or some other kind of sustenance

Oh, seems like there are a few coins left.

That's it!

Seeing the Black man looking over there, the Black man wearing a beret grinned and said, "General Kunka gives them food, and these people don't even work hard."

When Li Su finished translating the sentence, Ye Fan couldn't help but whisper insults about Kunka in his heart: This guy is even more stingy than Andre. Be careful that these workers riot.

At this time, the convoy had driven into the camp and stopped. The black man's intention was to walk in.

Ye Fan walked while glancing at the miners. These people had numb expressions, their eyes dull as well. Those queuing up to exchange ore for food and coins resembled a flock of sheep. The soldiers who acted as overseers kept scanning them with gloomy gazes.


Just at that moment, two overseers burst into the crowd and quickly grabbed a miner, dragging him out and throwing him onto the open ground. Then the two men didn't say anything and directly whipped him savagely with their whips. The black worker who was being beaten let out a miserable and helpless cry, rolling on the ground in pain.

Seeing this, Ye Fan couldn't help but furrow his brows. Li Su, however, had already asked the black man wearing a beret, "What's going on"

“Theft of the mine, this kind of thing happens frequently… Those damned pigs, you give them food to make them work, and they dare to steal the general’s mine!” The black man wearing a beret didn't even look in that direction, knowing what had happened, he couldn't help but grumble.

This is the mine the organization wants to buy down, isn't it Even if it's helping Kunka launder money, they could still make a lot of profit every year, but these diamonds, they are truly blood diamonds. Ye Fan sighed in his heart, this mission assigned by the organization this time, I'm afraid it's not just as simple as obtaining advanced weapons, right

I'm afraid another faction has their eyes on this mine and is using this mission as an opportunity to get involved. The big families within the empire have already reached out all over the globe. Kunka, I'm afraid, will likely end up just a pawn in the end.

A cold smile curled up on Ye Fan's lips, he withdrew his gaze and looked into the distance.

"Where's the general" Beret whispered, and then followed the leader towards a shed by the mine.

Ye Fan looked up and saw, next to the mine, a group of black soldiers surrounding a man in a makeshift shed.

That man is the Kunka Ye Fan saw in Ren Zhihua's photos. Here, people call him General. Kunka looks a bit fatter and rounder than in the photo!

That awning was covered with army canvas, and beneath it sat Kunka. He leaned back in his chair, squinting, his body not at all like the muscular, menacing figure of a leopard as depicted in the photographs. Instead, he seemed plump, almost like a wealthy landowner. Yet, from time to time, a cold glint would flash in his narrowed eyes.

To Ye Fan's surprise, in such a nearly desolate place, General Kunka was actually wearing a crisp white shirt. The style of the shirt seemed to be from a European designer and its value should be worth tens of thousands of dollars.

General Kunka leaned back in his chair, one hand holding a riding crop which he tapped lightly against the other. Even after Ye Fan approached, Kunka remained seated, listening to the man with the beret whisper several words into his ear.

Ye Fan felt as if he was being scrutinized by a wild beast. He felt like prey, just like a lion in the wilderness ready to tear into its target at any moment. This gaze lasted for about half a minute.

Then he stood up and handed the whip to his bodyguard: “Hello, are you Mr. Ye” He said, then walked two steps towards Ye Fan. Ye Fan was also about to step forward and shake hands with this legendary general, but a low growl from a beast came from beside him!


Hearing the roar, Ye Fan immediately looked to his left and saw a strong beast lying under the shade of the awning! It was...a lion

Good heavens! That's really a lion! Although it looks slightly smaller, it's just a cub, but from its size and the fangs it's showing when it opens its mouth, this kind of creature could easily tear apart an adult human!

A chain hung from the lion's head. As Ye Fan walked towards Kunka, it let out a hostile roar.

"Shut up, don't scare my guests." Kunka chuckled deliberately and even generously stopped the soldiers beside him who were about to come up to Ye Fan. Instead, he directly embraced Ye Fan enthusiastically.

Ye Fan had a faint smile on his face, and he didn't react at all to the lion's roar. Ye Fan's calmness surprised Kunka slightly. He usually used this lion to give visiting guests a warning, and almost everyone would turn pale. But Ye Fan in front of him, including the beautiful woman behind him, and the sharp-eyed big man, didn't react at all.

Kunka couldn't help but look at Ye Fan with admiration and paid him more attention!

It seems that the person sent this time to negotiate is someone of note. Recalling past negotiation experiences, Kunka couldn't help but sneer inwardly... the places where he was hit by Shizi weren't vital, her strength wasn't something to be underestimated. He had broken teeth and several ribs were fractured on his chest.Guo Zisheng was gritting his...