The Lone Wolf works

Chapter 508: Encountered Interception


f. Xia Qi La, noticing his movements, launched her most skilled leg technique, delivering a powerful kick that landed squarely on Akari Taro's waist.Shakira wore black high heels. The toe of the shoe...It seemed as if he had discovered something amiss. She Kun's face changed drastically, and he stared incredulously at an exit ahead.

Sitting behind the wheel, Ye Fan had already noticed the situation. He just smiled faintly, took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and put it in his mouth, lit it and took a deep puff.

When She Kun said there was a road inside Myanmar, his heart moved. Yishui Town is at the intersection of three countries. If they wanted to take a shortcut, they could completely pass through Myanmar and then go around this recording.

The situation is a bit more complicated than anticipated. Just around the bend, there are over twenty military green pickup trucks lined up, and they're heading in our direction. The trucks are full of men armed with micro-**Gs and wearing camouflage uniforms. By their gear, it's definitely the local armed forces.

"The people of Sabah." Sakun's face changed slightly, and he said thoughtfully.

It seems Sabah's power is truly formidable, having established an armed force here equipped with advanced weaponry. Especially in this complex terrain, he practically claims to be a king. He was able to pass through checkpoints with his armed forces and then take a detour to catch up.

It seems like there's quite a bit of trouble. Even though Ye Fan is skilled, facing this kind of situation, he couldn't help but frown slightly. If it weren't for She Kun and A Long, he wouldn't be afraid of these people at all. Even if he fought a guerrilla war, he could eliminate them one by one.

Once, while on a mission in Southeast Asia, he bravely stormed a base and killed the leader of a local tribe. As a result, he was hunted by nearly an entire platoon of armed forces. In the end, he managed to escape. Over the past few years, his personal strength has grown even more, and now there are at most three or four hundred people under him.

Taking a deep drag of his cigarette, Ye Fan said in a low voice, "Jump down and find somewhere to hide." He spoke, snatching the micro-burst from Fang Nan's hand before he had taken it. He then leaped out of the car door himself.

In this situation, She Kun and Ah Lung's ruthlessness was also aroused. They both jumped out of the car one after another, each holding a pistol in their hand. Seeing that the military truck was getting closer and closer, the three immediately hid behind a small hill, found a large rock behind it and hid.

Extinguishing the cigarette in his hand, Ye Fan looked ahead with a calm expression.

Just then, the military truck had come to a stop. The people inside jumped out and opened fire on their car. Although Ye Fan and the others had hidden in the mountains from afar, they still unleashed their anger on the vehicle.

At that moment, a man in camouflage clothing, about forty years old, walked over with a cigar in his mouth. A group of people surrounded him, watching Ye Fan and the others head into the mountain.

"That's Sabah." She Kun hid behind Ye Fan, peering through a crack in the stone at Sabah and whispered.

Ye Fan nodded slightly, raised the micro-charge in his hand, and aimed it at Shaba. If he had a sniper rifle in his hand, he could have killed Shaba right here. But unfortunately, he only had a micro-charge. At such a distance, it was impossible to hit him with a bullet.

Then, Sabah and the few people standing beside him exchanged a few words, and then they saw at least two hundred people holding machetes surrounding Ye Fan and their hiding place.

Sabah was very angry.

On his own turf, his most trusted general had his fingers chopped off. This was like plucking hairs from a tiger's mouth. As the local emperor, how could he allow such a thing to happen After receiving Fang Nan's call, he immediately assembled his armed forces and chased after them, circumventing Myanmar and intercepting Ye Fan and his group just as they entered Vietnam.

At this time, he didn't care at all about Ye Fan's terrifying skill. This was his territory, and he knew the terrain like the back of his hand. Besides, this time he was fully armed. These people were all battle-hardened soldiers who had fought in Myanmar. They were formidable fighters. What's more, with over a hundred people chasing down three, it wasn't an overly difficult task.

So, he merely analyzed the terrain briefly and immediately ordered his men to go into the mountains and capture people.

"Click, click, click..."

Before they even entered the mountains, his men began firing wildly in the direction where Ye Fan and his companions were hiding. The mountain was very large with many rocks and a considerable distance, so the bullets couldn't reach them at all. They were only showing off their power.

Behind the large stone, Ye Fan made a gesture to She Kun and A Long, signaling them to continue retreating. At this time, he had already scanned the surrounding terrain, and a rough battle plan was already taking shape in his mind. Although he couldn't face so many warriors head-on, as long as he led them into the pile of rocks and then used the terrain to play guerrilla warfare with them, splitting them apart, they would be no match for Ye Fan at all.

Following Ye Fan's instructions, She Kun and A Long quickly retreated. At this time, Saba and his men were still a distance away, and the terrain blocked their view, so Saba's men couldn't detect them at all.

The passage was a little narrow, and they couldn't all squeeze in at once. So the Sabah people walked in groups of three, back to back. Groups of three prevented attacks from all four directions while also forming a small defensive formation. They could also react quickly when under attack.

Soon, several groups of these people walked in. Ye Fan held his breath and stared motionless at the approaching figures. At this time, his face and eyes were unusually calm. But if you looked closely, you would find that his eyes were emitting a sharp, cold light like that of a wolf.

He was waiting for the opportunity!

They were getting closer, the leading group was less than two meters away from him. Ye Fan slowly raised his micro-charger and aimed at the second group.

"Crackle, crackle, crackle..."

Three bullets flew out, Ye Fan firing with both accuracy and ferocity. At the same time, he crouched low, like a swallow, and shot out from his original position, dodging behind a large rock to his left.

"Click click click click click click..."

Suddenly, a gunfight broke out. Ye Fan's three shots earlier had already blown the heads of the three members of the second squad. Facing this situation, all the squads who had already come in turned their guns towards where Ye Fan was hiding and opened fire.


At this time, the members of the first group fell to the ground with a cry. It was She Kun and Ah Long who fired their guns simultaneously. They saw Ye Fan kill the second group, so they both locked onto the first group at the same time.

All three sides were filled with people, and five had been killed at the start. Sabu's men immediately became alert. They were all seasoned warriors who had fought countless jungle battles in Myanmar, their experience was unparalleled. If they were a little arrogant at first, they immediately calmed down and began to cooperate tactically.

"Click, click, click..."

At this time, Ye Fan fired his gun once again.Miao Bingxin is as unpredictable as the wind, her whereabouts are always a mystery. The only place she might be found is on Jueyu Island. How about you come with me for some fishing"Lan Hai Kun smiled...