The Lone Wolf works

Chapter 1680: Dragon Soars, Three Zones - I Don't Care


up of coffee and a cup of green tea, placing the green tea in front of Ye Fan."Since we're starting from scratch, you can put the current textbook aside for now. Just wait a bit, I seem to have some b...Did Su Ci and Li Nanfang really fight

At least not yet.

After Su Ci hissed "looking for death" at Li Nanfang in a low voice, he absolutely threw a punch with lightning speed.

But as the fist wind reached halfway, Su Ci suddenly retracted his hand and took a step back.

Li Nanfang could clearly see Su Ci's every move, but why didn't his body react at all when she threw and retracted her punches

Many people believe that in a two-person fight, when the opponent's fist is about to hit their face, only one centimeter away, they can suddenly grab the opponent's wrist, making it impossible for them to break free, regardless of how hard they struggle. The outcome of having the opponent's fist controlled like this is considered the style of a master.

First come, first served.

Fully showcase the expertise.

That is not the case.

That kind of waiting until someone hits you in the face before retaliating is not fighting, it's showing off.

When Li Nanting wasn't trying to show off, he would solve problems in the simplest and most straightforward way possible, never bothering with pointless posturing.

For example, just now, when Su Ci clenched his fist and swung it, Li Nanfang must have swiftly kicked that woman's wrist, making it impossible for her to raise that hand again.

He thought so, and prepared to do so, clearly seeing Su Ci's punching trajectory.

But it wasn't until Su Ci withdrew his hand that the heel of his right foot rose.

This means that, with his speed, he could only kick the woman when Su Ci's fist had already reached his face.

The key wasn't just the spot he aimed for with his ankle, but—the possibility of missing completely.

This is getting serious.

Li Nanfang's winning kick is almost certain, and there's a chance he could miss. Isn't that saying Su Ci's skill level is even higher than his


No woman will ever be able to beat me.

Standing at attention for ten hours definitely slowed my reflexes.

Also, I had a steel breastplate on my back, which also affected my performance.

Li Nanfang, who would never believe he could be defeated by a woman, immediately searched for reasons why he hadn't reacted correctly just now.

It was when he was trying to find excuses for himself that Su Ci, who had been retreating backward, turned back and asked Gong Jian, "Instructor Gong, what's this new recruit's name"

"Black Dragon."

Gong Jian, besides talking more during pre-training instruction, is usually the type of person who wouldn't utter a single word in casual conversation.

There are many people like this, the most typical of whom is Jinghong Ming.

From this perspective, Gong Jian is actually learning all of Jing Hong's commanding habits.

Don't find it strange, Dragon Soaring December is the soul of the Chinese military, an idol for Chinese soldiers. Every soldier joining the Dragon Soaring unit, whether new recruits or those close to retirement, learns about the glorious deeds of Dragon Soaring December on their first day in the unit.

Then, everyone will look for the person they like best among the dragons and tigers in December and consider them as idols.

Don't equate the idol-building behavior of units like Longteng with fans who spend their parents' hard-earned money to send food to celebrities.

Fans who blindly worship their idols only take pride in how much money they've spent on them.

The elite soldiers of the Dragon's Soar Corps prided themselves on how much they had learned from their idols.

Every single person in the entire unit would choose one person from amongst themselves during the Dragon Soaring December, to learn everything from them.

Behavior, diligence, thoughts, and character all align closely with the idol's. The goal is to one day become like that idol, make outstanding contributions to the nation, and become a renowned figure in the spirit of Chinese military prowess.

However, with so many soldiers in the Dragon Soaring Corps, who should they learn from

Learning to cheat merchants from the south in January

Come on, that's the highest leader of Long Teng Training Base. Although last year the principal unfortunately passed away, his position was passed to someone surnamed Chu.

But that cannot change the fact that it remains the Southward Heaven, the Dragon Rising Training Base's guiding pole star.

As a new recruit to this unit, you're immediately starting to learn the ways of the top leader.

Is that asking for trouble

Do you want to live

Give up.

Learn about the February Killer, Hu Mie Tang

It's possible, but first you need to hone your skills to become the world's greatest martial artist. Then we can talk about other things.

Thus, many soldiers in the process of desperately improving their skills did not manage to kill enough Hu people by the time they were nearing retirement to equal the number that Tang had killed.

Being the best often means stepping on countless others to get there.

You haven't even killed enough people, dare you say you've learned the skin of the Murder Demon

Give up.

Otherwise, learn from the April Blood Eagle's farewell injury

This suggestion isn't bad, but where would you find a woman as enchanting as Xie Jiapo to be your wife

Give up.

Have you been to July's Jade Face Underworld Qin Yu Guan

Okay, I give up. There aren't enough wives to learn about.

Give up.

When everyone in Long Teng December counted them one by one, they realized that the most suitable candidate for the rookie idol of the army was October's cold-blooded crimson fate.

Jing Hongming possesses all the qualities and abilities an excellent soldier should have.

This is also why in December, over half of the people who were on Long Teng remain, only Jing Hong received a recall to work at the highest security bureau and took on an important role.

Therefore, Jing Hongming became a target that countless people in the Dragon Soaring Corps eagerly strived to emulate.

Gong Jian was someone who studied Jinghong's fate and learned to the point of obsession.

It's not just Jing Hong's skills, marksmanship, or ideology that she learned from the past, but also her cold-blooded and ruthless personality.


You say that Jinghong is only cold-blooded, without being cunning

Just kidding!

If Jing Hongming wasn't cunning, why did she insist on treating Li Nanshan to meals every time they were together, and always order dishes with a total price not exceeding one hundred yuan

If Jing Hongming wasn't so cunning, how could he have thought of finding a woman like Shen Qingwu to deceive Li Nanfang into coming to the Longteng Training Base

Gong Jian is just a copy of Jing Hongming, there's no doubt about that.

Since we're playing the role of Jinghong, then when others ask questions, just answer them and don't say any extra useless words. What's wrong with that

After finding out the answer, Su Ci should have also seen a glimpse of Jing Hong's fate on Gong Jian's body. He secretly gave Gong Jian a wink.

Of course, this fleeting glance was just a moment's work, and immediately retracted, returning to that aloof and cool demeanor.

Gong Jian was slightly taken aback and secretly sighed that he must have been mistaken.

Su Ci put away that inexplicable mocking thought and coldly asked again: "What kind of punishment should this black dragon receive for its mistake just now"

"Increase training intensity."

Gong Jian's answer was concise again.

Everyone finally understood.

Li Nanfang made a joke about Su Ci's name, which enraged the beautiful female instructor. Not only did she hold a grudge, but she also wanted to fight Li Nanfang right there and then, hoping to beat him half to death.

But she stopped halfway through, not because she wanted to let Li Nanshan go, but because she had to follow the rules.

This is the Longteng Training Base, where the kings of the Huaxia army are born.

This place is sacred and private altercations are strictly forbidden.

Even if you're a specially trained, hired instructor, you can't break the base rules.

So, Su Ci stopped, turned back to Gong Jian, and asked for Li Nanfang's code name clearly. He also inquired about how to punish Li Nanfang according to the base military training regulations.

Gong Jian's answer was very clear.

Behavior like that, disregarding the authority of instructors, is definitely going to get you punished. A beating would be considered light.

Increase the intensity of training, while others eat he watches, while others sleep he stands, this is the only way to achieve maximum punishment.

Su Ci understood and turned his head to look at Li Nanfang, who was about to take off his iron breastplate: "Black Dragon!"

"What's your name What do you do"

Li Nanfang retorted with a snort.

Though he was just now making excuses for his own declining skill, and putting a lot of effort into trying to remove the iron breastplate from his wrist, he couldn't do it. He became increasingly frustrated and flustered.

But he saw everything Su Ci did.

Su Ci decided to follow the training regulations of the base.

Li Nanshan has a need to show respect to the Longteng training base and absolutely cannot call himself "Laozi".

"Black Dragon, you are disregarding base discipline. I, as the Political Guidance Officer of Sector Three, order you to do push-ups for six hours!"

Su Ci pointed to the spot under the training field's flag and issued his command in a loud voice.

A group of new recruits, now transformed into spectators, suddenly cast pitying, mocking, and schadenfreude-filled glances at Li Nanfang.

I just stood at attention for ten hours, and now I have to do the horse stance for another six hours.

Okay, bro, see ya.

No more seeing you.

Everyone believed that Li Nanfang would never accept such punishment.

Under normal circumstances, it is still possible to maintain the horse stance for six hours.

But after standing at attention for ten hours, no one could manage even an hour of horse stance.

Li Nanfang was punished and couldn't do it, he could only be dragged away like a dead dog.

It's better to leave now, with a snap of your fingers and a quick exit, than to leave without dignity.

As expected, Li Nanshan was as obedient to the female instructor's command as everyone had guessed. He strained his neck and continued wrestling with the iron breastplate behind him.

"Well, Black Dragon, do you still intend to disobey orders"

Su Cihu strode forward two steps, his towering chest almost pressing against Li Nanfang's. He said in a frigid voice, "Black Dragon, do you believe I can cancel you—"

Before Su Ci could finish his words, Li Nanfang gave up trying to compete with the armored cavalry behind him. He staggered towards the towering figure of Qin Chong, raised his head and interrupted her, "Are you going to revoke my training qualifications I believe you! I absolutely believe that you will kick me out of this training base. But I don't care."

"You don't care"

Su Ci asked with a smile that wasn't quite a smile, and a look of uncertainty in his eyes.

It was surprising to hear that there wasn't a proper training base or instructors, especially since rumors said the cadets didn't care about glory and honor.

Li Nanfang didn't care about Su Ci's attitude. He said faintly, "Yes, I don't care. I didn't ask anyone to bring me here, and even now, I can't figure out what the person who brought me here was thinking. I've never thought about becoming a hero like Long Teng December. I'm just a lazy good-for-nothing who wants to spend all day flirting with girls and playing cards. So why should I care if you fire me, or why should I be punished by you"

Li Nanshan said that this habitual gesture of touching his hair was to highlight his current state of calmness and detachment from fame and fortune.

It was that damned iron breastplate again, hindering his diligence.

"Could someone please help me out and take this down"

Li Nanfang turned back and shouted for help.

But no one has done this seemingly simple task.

Everyone was relentlessly focused their gaze on the beautiful female instructor.

"Gong Jian, instructor, this kid is leaving. What should we do according to the base regulations" Su Ci said with a sneer as he turned back again.

Gong Jianmian looked expressionless and replied in a firm voice, "Either you get eliminated, or you stay. No one can walk out of here standing!"

Like the lustful aunt, please collect everyone: () The lustful aunt updates the fastest.uickly dialed Sebika's number, relaying Ye Fan's message as instructed."Black Dragon, drive Shakira's car. Remember what I told you, get revenge for my people." Seeing Andre put down his phone, Ye Fa...