The Lone Wolf works

Chapter 1506: You Come From the Blazing Valley


er coming to see me..." Liu Jun paced back and forth in the room for a while before making his final decision. He was Liu Tiannan's son; he wasn't easily intimidated. Even if Ye Fan's single combat sk...Pretty.

Ravishingly beautiful.

Especially the hair at the temples, blown up by the wind outside, revealed the muscles of the neck and shoulders behind the ears, as white as snow that never melts.


This was Yang Xiao's first impression on the Shen family father and son after taking off the black veil from his face.

Actually, it's not just a matter of first impressions; even if they were to stare at Yang Xiao for their entire lives, she wouldn't change.

The world's best kung fu.

Unique in medical skill.

Yang Xiao's most outstanding feature is his unparalleled beauty.

It was just the sound of her voice when she spoke—looking at this beautiful face, both Shen's father and son were lost in thought, but they both felt a tinge of regret: "Such a delicate girl, why is her voice so unpleasant Alas, it seems that there is no such thing as perfection in the world."

"Are you done"

Although Yang Xiao was proud of her stunning beauty and loved being admired, she especially cherished sincere compliments. However, lately, she'd grown increasingly averse to being praised by those who didn't truly appreciate her.

So when she asked this question, her eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and her voice was very cold, lacking much joy.

"Huh Finished looking"

Shen Mingqing and his son, only then as if awakened from a dream, exclaimed in unison.

Then, Shen Mingqing got down to business: “I wonder why you said we’d soon see the person you mentioned”

Yang Xiao just said that she didn't personally deal with Shen Cun because there might be someone who dislikes her killing people.

When Shen Mingqing subconsciously asked who that person was, she said they would be able to see them later.

So he would only find it strange after waking up, who that person was.

Could it be that some handsome young man from Mount Canglong was smitten with this fearsome beauty

If that's really the case, that would be fantastic.

Who, exactly, is he

Yang Xiao looked at the display, slowly saying, “If you open the display, perhaps you'll be able to see him.”

"Turn on the monitor"

Shen Mingqing was stunned for a moment, then his face turned livid.

Where is the displayed screen on

This is Room Number 7 in the Canglong Mountain!

What is number seven, Canglong Mountain

That is the heart of Mount Canglong!

Room Number Seven was the most important place to the Shen family, for it held the Shen family's greatest secrets passed down through centuries.

But Yang Xiao said, as long as you open the display, you should be able to see the person who doesn't like her killing.

That person, how could they possibly be in room number seven

Only Shen Yun was alone in Room Number Seven, wasn't he

Only Shen Yun was alone, suffering the abuse of the Dragon God.

How could there be a second person in Room 7

When did the defenses of Mount Canglong, once as impenetrable as a sieve's bottom, become so easily breached

Shen Mingqing's mouth twitched violently, he slowly turned around and raised his hand to turn on the monitor.

He wanted to see who would appear in the Shen family's heart!

When the curse that the Shen family has suffered for thousands of years is about to be lifted, it will appear there.

Just as Yang Xiao said, will that person ruin the lifting of the Shen family's curse that has lasted for centuries

Just as he thought of this, Shen Mingqing firmly said in his heart: "Impossible!"

Even if someone as skilled as Yang Xiao went into Room 7 through an unknown path, their only outcome would be death.

Because the Shenlong, a divine dragon that blesses the prosperity and longevity of the Shen family for generations, would never allow anyone to invade its territory.

Why could Shen Mingqing be so certain that even Yang Xiao, a martial arts master as powerful as he was, would only end up dead after entering Room Number Seven

This is because he knows Shenlong is much stronger.

Not to mention anything else, just the protective scales of Shenlong.

That thing isn't as simple as it looks. It's so tough that even bullets can't penetrate it. To inflict a fatal blow on the dragon, you would need something like a rocket launcher, a real heavy hitter.

The problem is, even if that person could possess such a powerful weapon as a rocket launcher, as long as they made a single mistake, they would lose any chance of redemption.

That place is the lair of a dragon. It has resided there for over a thousand years, knowing every stone by heart. It can fully utilize the terrain and its invincible strength to turn every invader into its meal.

According to ancient legends of the Shen family, only someone with a black dragon hidden within their own body, who was reincarnated from the dark world and had returned to youth, could kill the Death Dragon and extract the sachet from its body. They would need a special black thorn to do so.

How is that possible!

In the real world, how could there be such a person

If none, then no one can kill the Death Dragon.

Shen Mingqing's mind raced as these thoughts flashed through him. His finger hovered over the power button of the monitor when Yang Xiao spoke again, "Hey you, turn on the speakers too."

That someone bit their lip hard, wanting to say no!

But he didn't dare.

Only when he bent his head and walked to the front of the speaker, ready to turn it on, did he suddenly ask, “You, you just now said, my dad is going to die Why”

Before Yang Xiao appeared, or more accurately, before Shenlong appeared, Shen Cun's father told him that he wouldn't live for much longer.

At that time, Shen Cunmao was frightened out of his wits, but privately he thought his father had only said it casually. He worried about the misfortune that awaited his granddaughter in the future.

Now, Yang Xiao even said that Shen Mingqing was going to die. Naturally, Shen Cunmao wanted to know what was going on.

Yang Xiao's answer was simple and cold: "Because I heard all your conversations. That's how I know he was the descendant of a traitor."

As soon as Shen Mingqing flipped the monitor switch on, he suddenly whipped his head around at the sound.

A face as withered and yellow as an orange peel, pale and trembling, shrieked, "So, you... you are from the Valley of Embers!"

"Father, she, she's from—"

Shen Cunmao was frightened by his father's appearance. His hand trembled as he pressed the switch. Just as he was about to speak, a thunderous roar suddenly echoed in his ears: "Aw!"

Staring at the monitor, Yang Xiao ignored the Shen family father and son. He just smiled happily and said softly, "You really came here."

Shen Mingqing twitched his ears and subconsciously turned his head back: "Who is he"

He, is Li Nanfang.

Time swiftly rewound to a certain point.

Li Nanshan was struggling to climb toward the top of the sky pit, with Duan Xing who had fainted from the pain of being carried on his back.

He's cursing again.

Although he knew very well that swearing wasn't good behavior - anyone carrying such a burden, climbing arduously upwards for who knows how long, hadn't reached the opening yet, feeling their limbs ache and weak, one slip could send them tumbling down to become an art piece... would inevitably curse.

What baffled Li Nanshan even more was that Duan Xing, even in a coma, continued to engage in such humiliating work. He could simply reach back and feel something warm underneath her.

This phenomenon is similar to a man's dream discharge.

It can also be called Mengxi.

After all, men and women are just human beings. As long as they are asleep and this thing comes out, it's a dream.

Luckily, Li Nanshan had the Black Dragon to protect him, so he could treat a creature like the Snake Demon, the most lustful being in the world, as nothing.

If it were Yang Xiao who personally configured the Springtime Elixir, Li Nanfang would have long since transformed into a demon, roaring and torturing Duan Xing to death.

"Damn, this thing is really powerful. Luckily, she only smelled a bit of it and wasn't splashed in the face by the snake demon. Otherwise, besides being completely paralyzed and dying instantly, she would have only been able to fight me, some extraordinary character like myself, for three hundred rounds, exhausting herself until I could dissolve the spring poison."

Just as children are born with the instinct to suckle, people also have an instinct to become stupid.

Li Nanfang, who would never forget how awesome he was, wouldn't forget the black dragon hidden in his body either, and what it could do.

His amnesia was merely a result of his mental breakdown after seeing Huanyesha God betray him while he was burdened with the darkness.

Let the past, and those who were part of it, fade away.

Instinct is unconcealable.

That's why Li Nanfang could judge the true power of the snake spirit, and he knew that to cure the deep spring poison, only a man as strong as him and a certain woman could fight for three hundred rounds.

Luckily, the problem with my niece wasn't serious. She only smelled the aphrodisiac released by the python, not inhaled it directly. Otherwise, her throat would have opened wide and she would have been spitting uncontrollably—she would have just felt pleasantly sour after that.

Although she might feel weak and exhausted after the experience, like she's had a bad illness, all she needs is some rest and she'll soon recover her strength.

The key is that after she'd been exposed to the sachet poison once, her body developed immunity to it. Even if the python smashed a sachet in her face, she'd only smell something nice.

"Damn creator, you're something else—**, how am I not at the top yet For **'s sake, when are you gonna wake up This is killing me."

Li Nanfang was climbing up with great difficulty, muttering to himself, "Just like a woman with a long tongue."

He really had no idea how deep the sinkhole was.

Because he rescued Duan Lingxing, who was desperate to die, in the Canglong River, the moment he held her, he was caught by a rapidly rotating vortex, as if being swept into hell, and plunged into an underground river. He drifted along with the current for a long time before being washed ashore.

That is to say, the bottom of the pit.

Thankfully, Duan Xing had already been knocked unconscious by a stone.

When a person is in a coma, their need for oxygen isn't very high - well, as long as they don't die, they have to breathe.

If you only breathe in water, you have to drink it.

So much water, able to fill even the scattered fragments, and thus she drowned.

If it's not a fatal drowning, just a near-drowning experience, as long as the person is pulled to shore and given immediate first aid, such as chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

If Duan Zero was an old woman, Li Nanhua probably wouldn't be so diligent when giving her CPR.

It was Li Nanfang's timely rescue that saved Duan Xing, who was actually in a state of feigned death. When her brother-in-law forcefully pressed down on her head and blew air into her mouth, she miraculously woke up, thinking she had arrived in hell.

Now it seems, this sinkhole is at least eight hundred meters deep.

Because Li Nanfang is tired already, he hasn't even reached the pit entrance yet, has he

The higher it went, the more Li Nanfang couldn't relax. To relieve his fatigue, he could only gnash his teeth and curse his sister-in-law as a waste of space. If it weren't for his elder sister's sake, he would definitely throw her down and smash her into a pile of art derivatives.

"Brother-in-law, if you really want to throw me down, then go ahead. Anyway, after you touched me so many times, I won't be able to live with myself anymore."

Just as Li Renzhao was cursing his niece for the eighty-ninth time, and touching her inappropriately for the seventy-third time, trying to gauge the severity of the “spring poison” she had fallen victim to, to the point where he considered resorting to a more “drastic” measure to “rescue” her, a faint, ethereal voice echoed from behind him.

"Damn it! Who let you speak Shouldn't you cough before speaking You scared the crap out of me, I nearly fell over."

Suddenly hearing a random noise, Li Nanfang, who was completely unprepared, jumped in fright.

But things aren't as bad as he said.

He purposely made it sound so serious, merely to cover up the awkwardness of being caught touching his sister-in-law inappropriately.

Like your voluptuous aunt, please collect: () Your voluptuous aunt updates the fastest.erated expression and envious, jealous, and hateful tone, he felt a sense of relief in his heart. He finally found some face on this kid. However, this wasn't enough. Once he became famous in the futu...