The Lone Wolf works

Chapter 1482 She Can't Read?


walking slowly down the path. Both elders had weathered faces, etched with wrinkles that spoke volumes of their experiences.Wherever they went, passersby all paid them attention. No one dared to look..."Li Nanting, can only die by your hand"

Yue Qingke couldn't understand why Bodhisattva Man would say that.

In his eyes, as long as Li Nanfang could die, no matter how he died—choking on food, choking on water, being struck by lightning, and so on, any kind of death—Yue Qingke would be incredibly happy. The anger that had been building up inside him would finally have an outlet.

It was precisely because of these reasons that when Yue Qingke received a call from a mysterious woman who wanted to team up with him to take down Li Nanfang, he immediately became interested.

With Yue Dashi's intelligence, he could naturally tell whether the woman who called him was deceiving him or truly wanting to cooperate.

Yue Qingke didn't care how Bodhisattva Ma knew his contact information, nor did he care how she knew he wanted to kill Li Nanfang.

In short, Yue Qingke is willing to cooperate sincerely with everyone who wants to get rid of Li Nanfang.

After all, that scumbag was too powerful, both in terms of his own strength and the backing he had.

He is not only the husband of Huaye Shen but also the beloved of Yuejia's despicable person. Moreover, he has a powerful figure like Jinghong Ming behind him. Last time, Yue Qingke, whose family was harmed by his father's reckless act of forcing himself to serve in the palace, ended up severely injured. It would be extremely difficult for him to eliminate this man with his own strength.

Hard to reach the sky.

No matter how difficult it was, it wasn't Yue Qingke being cuckolded, his ex-wife giving birth to his son after that, that would be the reason for him to let go.

No matter what, Yue Qingke must make Li Nanshan die!

It was precisely because of this that he, after much deliberation, chose to abruptly propose to Duan Xiang, one of the Four Phoenixes of the Duan family.

Duanyang might hate Li Nanfang even more than Yue Qingke.

This was Yue Qingke's summation. Because that woman was particularly naive—as long as he could exploit her naivety, Yue Qingke could outsmart her and successfully propose marriage.

If Duan Xiang could be dealt with, it would be a double victory for Yue Qingke.

He could use her, make her his pawn, and at the same time increase his status in the Yue family.

After all, Duan Xiang is the direct daughter of the Dali Duan clan. No matter whether Yue Zichong knows or not about the grudge between her and Li Nanfang, she has to agree to their marriage with her nose pinched.

To refuse is to not give Dali Duan clan face, which would offend people.

As Yue Qingke hoped, he successfully proposed to Duan Xiang.

When Gan succeeded, Duan Xiang immediately presented Yue Qingke with a generous gift and revealed Li Nanshan's detailed plan for his visit to Hankou.

According to Duan Xiang's detailed plan, Yue Qingke could calmly lay out his strategy and wait for the best opportunity to deliver a fatal blow to Li Renzhao.

It's wonderful that Li Renzhao could die in South Korea.

This way, no one will suspect Yue Qingke of being the one behind the scenes.

Just as Yue Qingke had just finalized his plan and was preparing to secretly rush here, he received a call from Bo Sa Ma.

Guided by the principle that the more allies, the greater the strength, Yue Qingke did not hesitate for long and agreed to her request.

And tell her if she wants to kill Li Nanfang, then come to Seoul.

That's why we have this meeting today.

But today's meeting was somewhat beyond Yue Qingke's expectations.

He never expected the mysterious woman who called him to be such a captivating beauty.

Just now, she only used a little trickery, and Yue Qingke almost hugged the chair to commit suicide.

Why did Bo Sa Ma treat Yue Qing Ke like that right from the start

She was using this way to dispel Yue Qingke's doubts about her: "I could have killed you easily. But I didn't, because I want you to understand that I am sincere in cooperating with you and together we can take down Li Nanfang."

Yue Qingke easily understood this principle, so the last bit of doubt in his heart disappeared.

He just didn't understand why the Bodhisattva Ma had said that Li Nanfang had to die at her hands.


The Bodhisattva gracefully twirled her coffee cup between her hands, saying softly, "Because only if he dies by my hand can I truly be free. You don't need to know the specific reasons, just believe that I can kill him, and do as I say.

Yue Qingke didn't like that at all. He felt disrespected when Bosu treated him with such a condescending tone, making him feel like her younger brother.

Although he could see that Bodhisattva Ma was not boasting.

Because just now, she only used a little trick, and Yue Qingke fell into it, becoming an easy target.

A man as rational, intelligent, and resolute as him could be instantly captivated by the celestial demon dance of the Bodhisattva Ma after all. Let alone someone like Li Ren渣, a lustful rogue!

Probably, even without displaying her allure, just standing before him and throwing a couple of seductive glances would have Li Nanting groveling at her feet, kissing her toes and begging for mercy.

Bodhisattva Man saw his displeasure and frowned, asking, "Is there a problem"


"What's the problem"

The question is very simple.

Yue Qingke walked up to her, sat down in a chair, and looked into her eyes with a smile: "That's it. I do things for you, what good can I get out of it"

The bodhisattva was stunned.

She thought that by finding someone who was willing to kill Li Nanshan for her and doing it with his cooperation, she was already giving him enough face.

But he didn't expect that Yue Qingke would now ask her for something so superficial.

With a click, Yue Qingke lit a cigarette.

As the tendrils of pale smoke swirled around his face, he finally spoke in a languid tone: “Is that how it is I help you, and I don't even get a little thanks”

With a bang, Bosatuma raised her hand and slammed it down on the table.

Though she was clearly furious, the spring water in her eyes flowed even faster, her allure intensified, the fragrance in the private room became stronger, and the words that came out of her mouth were even sweeter: "Young Master Yue, you might have gotten it wrong. I'm helping you kill someone, not—"

Yue Qingke raised his hand, interrupting her. "You're wrong. You're not helping me kill someone. Because if you were, you would follow my orders. For example, I want Li Nanfang to die in a specific way, at the hands of a particular person. But the fact is, you said he has to die at your hands. If I agree with you and continue to work with you, then I'd be your subordinate."

He smiled and then continued, “If the boss doesn't give people a good impression, who would want to be her subordinate It's simple logic, Bodhisattva Ma. I think you should understand.”

To be honest, Yue Qingke makes a lot of sense.

But Bodhisattva Man was unwilling to give up, and the flirtatious smile on her face gradually disappeared: "It seems we can't cooperate amicably after all."


Yue Qingke shrugged nonchalantly: "But I think, without your cooperation, I could have taken him down eventually. Bo Sa Man, you probably don't know what those great men of our time once said."

"What did you say"

"Struggle, failure. Struggle again, fail again - until victory through struggle. As long as you firmly believe and stick to it, there will be a day of success."

With absolute control over the conversation, Yue Qingke said with a smile: "These final words are my insights after reading famous quotes from great people."

The smile on Guanyin Bodhisattva's face was gone, without a trace.

She stared intently at Yue Qingke, and after a long while, she slowly asked, "What kind of good illusion do you want"

"Tianzhu Men is India, right"

Yue Qingke did not answer but asked a question in return.

The bodhisattva nodded. "Yes."

"Yue Qingke asked again, "What is the Tianzhu Men's influence like in India If they were to stir up trouble, how big of a wave could they create"

The Bodhisattva's pretty brows furrowed, then relaxed: "Do you want to use the Heaven-Reaching Gate to harm the land of India"

"If I ever had the chance, I hope that Tianzhu Men would do things my way."

Yue Qingke didn't deny it, still smiling: "Of course, the prerequisite is that Tianzhu Men has that much ability."

The composition of the Tianzhu Gate, although entirely made up of lower-class individuals, numbered in the millions.

The Bodhisattva pondered for a moment before speaking softly, "And their loyalty to me, or perhaps their blind faith, has reached the point where I need only utter a word and they would willingly jump into boiling water. This kind of power, in that impoverished and ignorant nation, should be able to cause quite a stir, wouldn't it"

"That's amazing"

Yue Qingke was a little surprised.

Then, a look of ecstatic joy, as if he'd stumbled upon a treasure, flashed in his eyes.


Bodhisattva Man hummed softly and asked, "I want to know, why do you have this request"


Yue Qingke quickly regained his composure and explained, "Because I am a person from Hua Xia. And, I also have a certain ambition for revenge."

The Bodhisattva Man tilted her head and looked at him, thinking for a moment before she understood why he said that.

As everyone knows, the country that never knew its place and only learned a lesson after being beaten up, has been quite active in various fields in recent years thanks to support from Uncle Sam.

Especially the ambition to expand territory is well-known, like Sima Zhao's heart, everyone knows it.

Several years ago, they repeatedly provoked the bottom line of China along the border.

To be honest, this clueless old neighbor is really a headache for Hua Xia.

After all, this is a crucial period for China's vigorous economic development. War should be avoided if possible.

They also took advantage of this point, and dared to provoke repeatedly, causing trouble.

But they are also very cunning, always resorting to small skirmishes, much like South Vietnam, backed by the former Soviet Union in the last century, constantly testing China's bottom line.

A petty provocation that's neither painful nor bothersome gives Hua Xia a headache, like a flea crawling in a boot. You're too lazy to lift your hand and swat it away, but leaving it there just makes you itch constantly—this feeling is simply unbearable.

But what if, when that's happening over there, a fire breaks out in the backyard

Hundreds of millions of inferior people suddenly riled up, if India could still have the mood to sneak across the border then, Yue Qingke would definitely give them a thumbs-up and say they are true men.


After much deliberation, the Bodhisattva finally made up her mind. “I can give you what you want,” she said. "But only once. If we do it more often, we'll pay a terrible price.”

"Once is enough."

Yue Qingke laughed happily and raised his right hand: "Come, let's celebrate our partnership."

Bodhisattva remained cold and unconcerned, seemingly oblivious to his outstretched palm. “Our cooperation,” she said icily, “ends here.”

After being rejected, Yue Qingke didn't take it to heart and put down his hand: "To be honest, I'm not very used to cooperating with unfamiliar people many times."

"I want to see that detailed plan you were talking about."

"Take a close look, I'm going to the window to smoke."

Ye Qingke took out his phone, opened his mailbox, and put it on the table.

"Read it to me."

The Bodhisattva didn't take out her phone.

Yue Qingke frowned: "Do you want me to read it to you You can't read"

The Bodhisattva Man nodded. “Yes, I don’t know how to read.”

Yue Qingke was stunned.

Guanyin looked at him, tilting her head curiously. "What's so strange about me not knowing how to read"

"Not very strange, but particularly strange."

"Yue Qingke's face was full of disbelief as he said, "How can an illiterate lead such a large organization"

"But I am Bo Sa Ni, the bodhisattva of the Tien-Chu Gate."

With a dismissive curl of her lips, Bodhisattva Man leaned back in her chair, closing her eyes as if poised to listen to a subordinate's report.

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