The Lone Wolf works

Chapter 1117: The Downfallen Man


little puzzled, that girl shouldn't come to this kind of place But he had clearly seen her just nowYe Fan was a bit unsure, the flashing lights and wildly swaying bodies blocked his view. He turned hi...Ye Fan said in surprise, "Mine hasn't been collected yet."

Lin Bingyue held back a smile in her eyes and said, "You are an elector, you can't vote."

Ye Fan was furious. "If you can't vote, why give me a note You made me waste my time!"

But even if we can't vote, it doesn't matter. We have four people on our side anyway, so we can definitely beat them two.

But when Lin Bingyue collected all the note papers and announced the results, Ye Fan was greatly surprised.

Because Lin Bingyue's statistics showed that there were three votes in favor of Ye Fan leaving.

That is, the number of votes for and against are equal, such a result is really unexpected.

This extra vote, who exactly cast it Who is the traitor

Ye Fan was surprised. Shan Shan's vote would definitely not work, and Lin Bingyue, for Fan Ye, would certainly not want to leave either, because only she could get in touch with Fan Ye.

And the rest, there were only Jiang Xue and Bai Feng left, but which one of them would it be Ye Fan looked at them. Jiang Xue kept winking at him, as if sending him signals. Was she trying to tell him that she voted for him

As for Bai Feng, from beginning to end, she only had her eyes fixed on that night pearl. Although she didn't look at herself once, her eyes were incredibly clear now. It wasn't like someone with a guilty conscience. Besides, Ye Fan couldn't just suspect her based on this alone.

Ye Fan looked suspiciously at the two people, but he had no evidence.

Lin Bingyue seeing him like this, couldn't help but say angrily: "Are you looking for people who oppose you and want to retaliate Let me tell you, I will be the first to vote against you. You come and attack me!"

"Ye Fan hurriedly laughed and said, "How could that be Democracy and freedom... hehe."

But in her heart, she was thinking: If I knew who did this, I'd make them pay dearly. They took my night pearl and still dared to scheme against me, I'll definitely make them spit it out!

Lin Bingyue, however, ignored him and turned to Mo Ziyan and the others, saying: “Now it’s three votes against three votes, a tie. Why don't we do this Ye Fan still retains his probationary period. If he openly violates the apartment rules during this period, we will decide on his stay or departure then. How about that”

Ye Fan smiled after hearing this. He knew it was still his night pearl that worked. Now Lin Bingyue was obviously helping him.

While Mo Ziyan and Dong Xiao Xiao didn't have any good solutions either, since Yue'er had already spoken up, they couldn't say anything more, so they got up and left.

"Well, well, let's keep eating." Ye Fan suddenly felt a great appetite.

But no one paid him any attention, one by one they got up and left, and Shan Shan also said to Ye Fan, "I'm going to school," then she got up and left.

School Ye Fan was stunned, right Counting it up, he hadn't been to school for quite some time.

I don't know what big event happened at school, but it's been a while since the end-of-term exams.

Ye Fan thought of promising his homeroom teacher, Wang Qin, to win the Excellent Class Collective thing, and he felt a headache coming on.

Don't expect that class full of students who barely pass to beat Class 1, which is filled with top students. For them, it would be a good outcome if they didn't have too many retakes.

As for Ye Fan, the class monitor of Class 1, he probably hasn't attended any classes this semester and might not have aced all his subjects. Perhaps even if he prayed and offered incense to Buddha, it wouldn't help him.

Alas, I guess I'll just go to school and see.

Ye Fan hastily ate a few bites and went downstairs. He got into his old car and drove away.

However, Ye Fan didn't immediately go to school. School wouldn't start until the afternoon, and it was lunchtime right now.

So he got in his car and drove off in the other direction, towards the Nanlong Gang.

Last night Tutu told Ye Fan that they took people to raid the Qingyi Society's lair, but to their surprise, the Qingyi Society had completely moved back to its headquarters in Hangzhou. All that was left behind were Fang Biao and a few of his brothers.

And the South Dragon Gang launched a full-scale assault, with the help of Dark Money's squad led by Tat Tat, Fang Biao and his men were completely overwhelmed within just a few rounds. They suffered a crushing defeat overnight. The Green Robe Society retreated step by step, losing most of their territory to the South Dragon Gang. If this trend continued, it would only be a matter of days before the South Dragon Gang completely devoured them.

However, Ye Fan's doubts came again. Why would the Qingyi Society choose to retreat entirely at this point Did he receive some information beforehand

Because the new leader of the Qingyi Society, Asura God, was only injured in his confrontation with Ye Fan, and this person gave Ye Fan the feeling of being extremely sinister. He is hard to kill and it's hard to guarantee he won't become a scourge.

Therefore, Ye Fan went to Liu Qin's place to see if there were any major discoveries.

Versailles Bar, a secluded corner.

A young man who looked somewhat aloof but undeniably handsome and dashing, held up his wine glass, savoring the red wine within.

He watched the traveling singer on the bar, singing and strumming intermittently, and couldn't help but remember that time when he first came to this bar—he had met Wang Nan who was down on his luck.

I wonder how that kid is doing now. Ye Fan thought of Wang Nan's handsome face and couldn't help but smile.

According to Yu Fei, after Wang Nan joined the company, the extraordinary company began to get back on track. Many media and film and television companies threw olive branches at the extraordinary company. The celebrity effect was completely different, and even entertainment groups started paying attention to Yu Fei.

When they learned that she was the famous star who had faded out of the entertainment industry years ago, these business owners were immediately abuzz. They could sense a business opportunity in this, knowing it was a rare chance.

Therefore, many companies requested to sign a contract with Yufei. Yufei also saw the business opportunity in this, but she didn't sign with any company. Instead, in a move that resembled a self-made deal, she signed a contract with herself and then made a comeback.

I didn't expect it to be even more popular this time, it's simply red hot.

Ye Fan lightly sipped the wine in his glass. Non-Fiction Company had finally gotten on track. As for rewards, that wasn't a concern. Next, it was time to figure out how to reward his own power base.

My mind flashed with the image of the Night Squad again, and I couldn't help but get a headache. This bunch of kids are all troublemakers. I don't know how TuTu managed to pick out these weirdos. It has to be said that Ye Fan admires this.

To turn them into an elite force, Ye Fan thought, it would take a fortune. He realized that Yan Wuque's Ninth Legion was coming soon, and in a short time, if the Night Force wanted to rival these freaks, they had to start with equipment.g this face, Mo Lao suddenly stood up, his mouth wide open and cried out: "Miss Miao Rou! How could it be you"Great, the alluring woman before him was none other than Black Rose, the cold-blooded kill...