<No Xiaoying> works

Chapter 1038: When She Was My Test Subject


yHome should be the warmest place.But for Liang Yimo, her home was so cold.When Liang Ma saw Liang Yimo trudging back from Linhai City with a suitcase, she wasn't concerned at all. Instead, she mocked...Yan Xuerli looked at Qin Niǎnxia very awkwardly.

At first, when she asked in the elevator, she thought it wasn't her girlfriend, so she must be an older female relative. 。 It's all because she thinks too highly of herself. 。"Thank you for buying clothes for me" 。Qin Nianxia apologized to Yan Xueli. 。Yanz Xueli's face was once again lit up with a smile: "No need to thank me, it's my job. I'll be going home now." 。" Good 。Qin Nianxia nodded. 。As Yan Xuerli turned to leave, Qin Nianxia saw that she was dragging a high heel with every step, a clicking sound. She called out to her again. 。Hearing someone calling her, Yan Xueli paused and turned to look in the direction of the voice. 。Let me get something for you, wait a moment. 。Qin Nianxia immediately returned to the CEO's office, pulled out a tube of ointment and several things similar to Band-Aids from her handbag, and ran back to Yan Xueli's face. 。"Here, this is for you" 。Qin Nianxia smiled and handed the thing in her hand to him. 。Yan Xueli took the ointment and patch from Qin Nianxia's hand, a little curiously, and asked, "What is this" "You apply the ointment to the swollen place on your ankle, and then stick the patch on where your high heels rub." 。This way, even if you wear high heels and walk a long distance, your ankles won't get rubbed raw. 。Qin Nianxia and Yan Xueli patiently explained how to use it. 。Yen Xueli nodded happily to Qin Nianxia: "Thank you" 。"You can try it now, it works very well." 。"Qin Nianxia continued," 。

Yen Xueli nodded.

Qin Nianxia then helped Yan Xueli sit down on a rest chair in the hallway, knelt down and personally applied ointment to her. 。

Yan Xuelì felt embarrassed and quickly pushed her hand away, saying, “I can do it myself!”

“It’s already done!” Qin Niànxià finished sticking a pad onto Yan Xuelì’s high heels and stood up, smiling.

Yan Xueli put on her high heels, stood up and took a few steps. Her face immediately showed a look of surprise: "It really doesn't hurt anymore! It's amazing! Where did you buy this ointment and patch" "This is a product I developed in my own studio, but it hasn't been registered for sale yet..." 。However, I've already used it myself, and it's very safe. 。“Qin Nianxia smiled faintly.” 。Yan Xueli was instantly very surprised, looking at Qin Nianxia: “You can still make skincare products!”“Of course! I'm good at beauty and rejuvenation this…” 。Qin Nianxia nodded. 。Yan Xueli immediately rolled up her sleeve, revealing a burn scar on her elbow to Qin Nianxia. 。"This is a scar from when I accidentally burned myself as a child. It's still here to this day. I went to a beauty clinic once, and they said they could graft skin to repair it, but I was afraid of the pain, so I didn't go through with it." 。"Can you do it" Yan Xueli sighed and asked. 。Qin Nianxia helped Yan Xueli take a look and pouted: "I can help you repair it, but you also need to cooperate with laser treatment. These require regular licenses to operate." 。I can't help you privately. 。"After all, her place is just a small studio. Using some non-side effect ointments privately is still okay, as for medical aspects, she still doesn't dare to operate illegally. " 。"Alright then! Thank you!" Yan Xueli thanked Qin Nianxia, and suddenly thought of something, suggesting, "I think, since you have a good relationship with President Leng, you could ask him to help you contact marketing companies and make your self-developed products into a brand..." 。"He's already helping me, but not with this ointment, but with another skincare product. " 。"Qin Nianxia smiled and replied" 。Yan Xueli's eyes lit up, then she said: "If possible, I would like to try first." 。"Are you going to be the tester for my product" Qin Nianxia stared at Yan Xuerli in disbelief. 。Yan Xueli raised the ointment in her hand, which she had just given him, and smiled knowingly: "Just this, I believe you" 。"Then, I'll have my assistant contact you!" Qin Nianxia said happily. 。Yan Xuerli smiled and nodded, then said goodbye to Qin Nianxia before leaving. 。Then, Qin Nianxia returned to the president's office to continue working. 。After an unknown amount of time, the phone she had placed on the table suddenly vibrated, interrupting her translation work. 。Seeing that the caller ID was Leng Yanchen, she couldn't help but feel a little curious. 。"Hey, Leng Yanchen, is there something you need" Let me know if you'd like me to translate any more text! 。Come to the main gate now, I'll be waiting for you in the car. 。A cool and detached voice came from the receiver. 。Qin Nianxia couldn't help but be more curious: "Why don't you tell me first, what's the matter" www.biqiuge8./book/15411/67272291. Please remember the book's first release domain name: biqiuge8. 。s were reduced by more than half.Lán Yè chén didn't know that "Xiǎo Xie" had called in sick tonight, so he sat alone at the booth for a long time. When "Xiǎo Xie" still hadn't gone on stage, he was ab...