anonymous works

Chapter 1350: The Prince's Instructions


saying that he still wants to see you one last time. This could be the last time you ever see each other, so I agreed to his request."Speaking of this, Li Chen smiled and said casually, "Come to thi...Chapter 1350: The Prince's Address

The Beijing Governor's Mansion, though the night was deep, was brightly lit within.

The moment Li Chen arrived, the Jinyiwei had already taken over all the defenses and security of the entire governor's mansion.

While the guards within the Governor's Mansion were initially confused, upon learning who had arrived and what had transpired at the city gate, they all obediently surrendered their weapons and were ordered out of the mansion by the Jinyiwei.

In the meeting hall, Li Chen sat at the top, in the usual place where Mi Liang would sit.

While Cheng Fuzhao knelt down obediently.

Soon, other officials qualified to hear the Crown Prince's lecture, either willingly or by compulsion, mostly trickled into the council hall one after another.

"Has everyone arrived" Li Chen took a sip of tea and asked.

Cheng Fu Zhao turned his head to glance at the scene, then gritted his teeth and replied, "Reporting to Your Highness, most of them have arrived."

"Most Then it's not all of it."

Li Chen put down his teacup and said to Xiaozi indifferently, "Take people there. No matter what reason those officials who haven't arrived have, since they didn't come tonight, then they will never have to come again."

Xiao Wa listened to Li Chen’s meaning and immediately took orders and left.

This single act made the officials from Gansu and Shaanxi provinces in the council chamber feel the ruthlessness of this prince.

That was an absolute tough guy, someone who wouldn't tolerate even a speck of sand in their eyes.

Li Chen waved his hand, and the door to the meeting hall was closed.

The sound of a door slamming shut echoed through the council chamber, sending shivers of unease down the spines of many officials present.

They didn't know what fate awaited them ahead.

His fingers tapped softly on the desk, Li Chen lazily leaned back in his chair and said: "Some things happened today, some of you saw it with your own eyes, and some didn't. But on the way here, I suppose many of you have also heard some rumors."

"That's right, He Long, the commander of Gansu and Shaanxi, is dead. He died at my hands, charged with treason."

"As for the military camp, this palace has already sent people to suppress it. As for you, this palace wants to ask you a question today..."

His gaze swept across the chamber, taking in over a dozen officials of various ranks. Li Chen's eyes flashed with intensity as he asked, "Is this Gansu-Shaanxi region still truly part of the Great Qin Is it still under the control of the court Or is it the territory of the Li imperial clan"

Before that, Li Chen's tone had been calm, but his last sentence, packed with three questions, struck everyone like a bolt from the blue. Each question sent shivers down the spines of the already anxious officials.

Without hesitation, the officials all shouted in unison: "From Gansu to Shaanxi, officials and people are united as one, loyal to Your Highness without any wavering!"

"From Gansu and Shaanxi provinces, both officials and common people are united in their hearts, loyal to your Highness without wavering!"

Not until all the officials had repeated his answer three times, did Li Chen's face finally show a satisfied expression.

He raised his hand to signal the officials to stop, and then said: "This answer is still fairly impartial, but this palace also knows that many people say one thing with their mouths, but think another in their hearts."

Before the officials could defend themselves, Li Chen continued, “But this palace doesn’t intend to be overly harsh. Water that is too clear has no fish, and a person who is too observant has no disciples. This palace doesn't need you all to be as pure as driven snow. What this palace wants is for you to recognize your own position and status, to lower your heads and see clearly what dynasty’s official robes you wear, and whose money you carry in your pockets.”of soldiers appeared out of nowhere in the seemingly deserted Taimiao.Each of these soldiers carried, in addition to their standard-issue longswords, a black burning staff on their back. A bulging po...