anonymous works

Chapter 1292: Test


tely and then confine him to a water prison. In the water, I'll put some rats, leeches, cockroaches, and other creatures.""There are a few other types, but I won't go into detail. Here, everyone faile...Chapter 1292: Trial

After a resounding cry, the side hall's main door swung open. Li Chenlong strode in with the confidence of a tiger.

He saw the Huangji Tian stand up and smiled as he walked forward, saying warmly, "It's been days since we last met, old brother, you are still so dazzling."

Huangji Tian smiled and bowed, saying, "Your Highness is too kind. No matter how brilliant, it's still a world apart from Your Highness, like the difference between stars and the moon."

This statement is quite humble in tone.

The Emperor of Heaven likened himself to a star, while comparing Li Chen to the bright moon.

Hierarchy is clearly defined.

And it was this low posture that caused An Tu beside him to frown slightly, his expression displeased.

Li Chen's gaze swept over An Tu, and he asked, "Who is this"

Before the introduction of Huangji Tian, An Tu bowed and said, "My name is Suan Tu, Minister of Military Machine Department, Jin Kingdom."

The Jin country's military intelligence agency, its function comparable to the Qin dynasty's cabinet after it was cut down by Li Chen.

And the Minister of Military Intelligence, how could he not be considered an official at the level of a great Qin scholar

It can fully influence the direction of Jin's national policies and exert influence on the emperor of Jin, which can be regarded as a truly high-ranking and powerful position.

But Li Chen simply nodded, then asked: "Lord Su, are you here in your capacity as an envoy"

"Well, no, not exactly."

"Not an envoy."

Li Chen nodded again, then suddenly raised his voice and said, "Since you are not an envoy, you are not protected by diplomatic etiquette. As a subject of the Jin Kingdom, this palace is the Crown Prince of the Great Qin Empire, as the superior, why don't you bow when you see me"

This blunt question instantly darkened Saan Tu's face.

And he was no fool, having thought of a response during that short period of time. He spoke, "I am a subject of the Jin Kingdom, why should I bow to the prince of this Great Qin"

This statement, at first glance, appears perfectly fine.

Even as the crown prince of the Qin Empire, he had no authority over subjects of the Jin Kingdom.

"But Li Chen didn't let him off so easily. He said coldly: “No matter what country you are a subject of, you are still a subject. And I am the crown prince of this nation. As a subject, you fail to bow to the crown prince, which is disrespectful and makes people ridicule your Jin nation as a barbarian land that doesn't understand our civilized etiquette.”"

Soan's face was flushed red, and he opened his mouth to speak, but couldn't utter a word in reply.

And then look at the Imperial Pole Heaven beside Li Chen. Instead of speaking up to help him out of this predicament, it acted as if it hadn't heard or seen anything, starting to feign deafness and blindness.

Seeing this, Saoantu gritted his teeth and said solemnly, “Jin Guo army intelligence department minister Saoantu, pays respects to the Crown Prince of the Great Qin Empire.”

"The humble servant has been remiss in his etiquette, and I humbly ask for Your Highness's forgiveness."

Upon hearing this, Li Chen finally nodded.

Whether it was a formal greeting or a submissive act, it didn't matter to Li Chen.

What's important is that through this probe, he has come to realize that this official of the Jin Kingdom named Saoan Tu and the Emperor are not on the same page.

It stands to reason that if Soantutu were from the Heavenly Emperor's Court, there would be no reason for him to appear at this crucial moment when the two nations are on the verge of cooperation.

But he just happened to appear at this very moment, there could only be one reason and explanation for it.

In China, some people do not want Huangji Tian Shun to cooperate smoothly with the Qin Empire.

After a casual probe, Li Chen got the information he needed and got straight to the point: "What are Jin's terms for cooperating with me"hing went wrong, naturally they wouldn’t be able to take the antidote. The poison would take effect, and they would die here.”Patted Li Yinhu on the shoulder, Li Chen chuckled lightly: "It's a pity, y...