<<Tang Jia San works

Chapter 1223: Shooting You


ked up to Mo Lan's desk with a smile. 。"How is it you again, you little girl What do you want from me Oh, right, about that day, I forgot to tell your sister. You came just in time to remind me, I'll...After all, by the time one reaches the rank of general, even if superiors want to deal with them, it's not so easy. 。The man seated in the main chair now was different. Although he was only a general, in some ways, at times, his authority even surpassed that of the Federal Marshal, because he held several titles that could shake the entire Federation to its core. 。These three identities, no matter which one is taken out, are the top existences in the Federation! Not to mention holding multiple positions at once. 。This commander-in-chief is also one of the leading figures among hawks in the military today, but even among hawks, there are different factions. 。This faction is by far the most hardline. 。"Whoever it is, and whatever their reason, whoever dares to attack the Allied fleet shall be punished! We will investigate this thoroughly!" "Report!"At that moment, a guard shouted from outside the door. 。The Commander's face darkened. "What is it" A guard rushed in and saluted smartly. "Reporting to the Commander, a squad of soldiers in unusual uniforms arrived outside camp. They claim to be inspectors sent by Federal Headquarters, here to investigate the fleet attack." 。"Federal headquarters special investigator" Chen Xinjie's face darkened, "Bring the leader in, I want to see who the Federal sent as an investigator." 。"

The other generals of the Allied Fleet were also a little puzzled. A Federal observer Could it be that... was it specifically aimed at the Allied Fleet Command

According to military regulations, there is indeed usually a special department responsible for supervising combat units>>>" 。But, this time the combined fleet is different! The commander of the combined fleet is none other than the contemporary war god, the Hall Master Chen Xinjie, the Sea-Vast Douluo. 。Who dares to touch this man's whiskers Especially now, when he's in a bad mood, isn't that courting death

Given Chen Xinjie's position in the military, if he really wanted to find a reason to execute one or two people, then no one would dare speak up.

Not long after, a young man in white military uniform walked in from outside, led by a guard. 。The young man was tall and broad-shouldered, with a dignified appearance. He carried himself with an air of authority, looking to be about twenty-eight or nine years old. He wore a crisp, spotless white military uniform, a star gleaming on his shoulder, radiating a heroic aura. 。Following the guard into the command center, despite dozens of generals standing before him, he remained unmoved. He strode forward to stand five meters in front of Chen Xinjie, his right hand clenched, hammering against his chest. 。

He performed a rather unusual military salute.

When Chen Xinjie saw his military uniform, a flash of realization crossed his eyes. Especially when he saw the military salute performed by this person, he was even more certain of the identity of the person before him. 。But soon, he frowned. When did this troop get mixed up with the Department of Supervision "Hello, respected commander, I am a special envoy from the Federal Army Headquarters Department of Supervision, my codename is Blood Dragon" 。Unlike most generals who expected a dramatic outburst, General Chen Xinjie remained calm as he looked at the young man before him. He spoke in a low voice, "What brings you here"Blood Dragon replied, "Our mission wasn't originally to supervise the Allied Fleet. However, we suspect the attack on the fleet is connected to our ongoing investigation. Currently, the Tianhai City lockdown is hindering our operations, so we came to request an audience." 。If possible, I would like to speak with you privately. 。As soon as this was said, most of the other generals breathed a sigh of relief. If it was really someone from the Federal Oversight Department sent to supervise them, it would be too fast, after all, the explosion had just happened. 。Such a young major general, where did he come from Just the fact that he could stand his ground against the formidable Chen Xinjie, the Sea-Haze Douluo, was enough to make them stare in awe. 。Even those who are doing it, not everyone can be so at ease in front of this vast sea Douluo. 。Chen Xinjie said: "Take him down to rest first, we'll talk after the meeting." 。As he spoke, he waved his hand, and the guardsmen led Xuelong away. 。Xu Yangyun looked at Chen Xinjie, "Commander-in-Chief, who are those people" The brigadier generals and major generals couldn't tell Xue Long's identity, but as a brigadier general himself, he already knew many Federation secrets and naturally recognized some of them. 。Chen Xinjie nodded. "It should be right, I'll ask later to see if it came from there" 。If that were the case, it wouldn't be of much concern to us. They might even provide some clues about this attack. 。" If it's those people, we can't afford to be negligent. They've made immense contributions to the Federation. " 。"I heard..."

Chen Xinjie raised his hand, stopping him from saying more. Xu Yangyun also realized this and the East Sea Fleet Commander, General Zhu Ming, who had just been promoted to admiral, seemed a little lost.

But he also realized that the white-uniformed major just now was probably connected to military secrets. Since he had just arrived in this position, he hadn't had access to anything like that yet. 。Brought into a reception room, Xue Long sat down on the sofa and looked around the room. 。The furnishings in the room weren't luxurious, but they were carefully considered. 。The door frame with carved wooden flowers, made entirely of solid wood furniture, looks quite rustic. 。Unlike the office of a general, it seems more like a place dedicated to culture. 。Blood Dragon closed his eyes, calming his mind. He pondered over his actions since arriving here, assuring himself that he hadn't made any mistakes. Only then did he peacefully enter meditation. 。Needless to say, Xue Long is naturally Tang Wulin. This time, although it seems like an adventure, he still has a considerable grasp of the situation. Most importantly, he cannot allow things to develop according to the script of the military hawks, otherwise, there is a high probability that problems will arise. 。So he boldly came, bringing his companions along. 。Before he came, he had also done a thorough preparation. 。The meeting of the Joint Command didn't last much longer, the tone had been set, investigate! They absolutely had to find the culprits. 。On the federal side, regarding this attack, it has already been one-sided pointing towards the distant Star Luo Empire. 。There is no doubt that the hawk faction's public support will surge. 。The smell of gunpowder has begun to permeate the air. 。When Chen Xinjie walked into his office, he saw Tang Wulin sitting quietly there, breathing evenly. 。He stood straight with military bearing, looking dashing in his white uniform. 。From our first meeting at the previous conference to now, four hours have passed. 。Chen Xinjie nodded secretly, worthy of being a person from the Blood God Legion, neither arrogant nor impetuous, no wonder he could become a major general at such a young age. 。But what surprised him was that he couldn't quite see through Tang Wulin's cultivation. He suddenly felt his soul power fluctuations seemed to be only below eight rings, but there seemed to be a stronger energy fluctuation on his body, different energies that were somewhat obscure and difficult to detect. 。But the spiritual fluctuations are absolutely not weak. 。From the fluctuations of qi and blood and the subtle movements of his bones, it can be seen that this young man before him is a true youth. At such a young age, to achieve such accomplishments is quite remarkable. 。Instinctively sensing something, Tang Wulin retracted his breath and opened his eyes, meeting the sharp gaze of the Sea God Douluo, Chen Xinjie. 。"Overall Commander" 。"Tang Wulin immediately stood up and again saluted Chen Xinjie." 。"Young man, do you know what my first reaction was when you introduced yourself" Chen Xinjie's voice was somewhat cold. 。Tang Wulin shook his head, "I don't know" 。"Shoot you." 。Four simple words, uttered by Chen Xinjie, felt as though a Soul Guidance Ray Gun was already pointed at Tang Wulin's forehead. 。 420/13120738 。 standstill in mid-air. 。A vine, shaped like bamboo joints, lashed out and struck it at the waist. Piercing plasma instantly tore through its body, causing the Nether Flame Beast to let out a roar of...