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Strike the snake at its vulnerable spot (3)


the company's top ten news stories of the year!“I… I just… want to go back…” Lin Meng couldn’t quite explain herself. She didn't really want Rong Ling to know where she was living now. Meeting him was...Since Rong Hendu had witnessed his mother's death right before his eyes, he became mentally unstable, often bursting into tears. It was Du Caiyi who soothed and comforted him. Du Caiyi was truly kind to him, far more than she was to Rong Hendu. She provided him with the best food and drinks, played with him, and put a lot of effort into comforting him. Meanwhile, Rong Feibu was busy with his affairs. Rong Hendu first went to the hospital, then to school, and even begged Rong Ling for help. After his success, he continued schooling, making it increasingly difficult for him to spend time with Rong Hendu in the evenings. As a result, Rong Hendu became entirely dependent on Du Caiyi. He wasn't particularly intelligent and was still young, lacking a proper understanding of things. Therefore, he was easily manipulated by Du Caiyi. Essentially, whatever Du Caiyi said, he would do. Just like how he had refused Rong Hendu before.

Now, Du Caiyi brainwashes Rong Hendah once more. Rong Hendah nestles in Du Caiyi's rather soft embrace, agreeing with everything like a mere echo. Du Caiyi watches, quite satisfied.

That troublesome grandson, just forget about him! She only needs to nurture this young grandson well; she'll still have hope for the future. But deep down, she knew that even if she nurtured him perfectly, he wouldn't compare to Rong Ling's children. With Rong Ling's status as the head of the family and Lin Meng's position as his aunt, there was no doubt that Rong You would be the next heir. And Lin Meng was still young; they could have more children. Then, her own son, Dada, would likely be pushed far out.

So, she couldn't fall asleep, feeling uneasy in her heart. Just thinking about the position that had been taken by Lin Meng, the one she had longed for with all her heart, felt like being scratched by a cat, an itch she couldn't stop. Then that surge of resentment welled up in her heart again.

She refuses to give up!

To have lived such a glorious first half of her life, only to be trampled upon by a few juniors in the latter half, she couldn't swallow this humiliation! Thinking about her deceased son, her heart was filled with even more hatred. Turning her thoughts to her losses over the past two years, she felt a surge of anger and resentment.

One night, she tossed and turned and couldn't sleep well. Later, even Rong Hendda started whining in protest, looking like he was woken up by her. Only then did she quiet down, went downstairs to heat a cup of milk, swallowed an sleeping pill, and finally fell asleep. But as soon as she woke up, this feeling of irritation rose again in her heart. She couldn't stand anything, wanted to scold anyone she saw, and wanted to smash everything she laid eyes on.

Early in the morning, she had another fight with Rong Fei Wu, making him so angry that he barely touched his breakfast before leaving. Rong Heng Duo also felt sorry for Rong Fei Wu, and directly got up from his chair and left without taking anything. Yesterday, when Du Cai Yi suddenly took him away, his backpack and everything else were left at school, so now he didn't need to bring anything, just go by himself.

Du Caiyi watched the two of them act this way and cursed, not caring that her own grandson was watching on one side and that her actions might have a bad influence on him.

Later, after the driver sent Rong Hengda to kindergarten, Du Caiyi scratched her itch and smashed two teacups before calming down a little. While the nanny was cleaning up the broken teacups, someone came to the door.

"Hey, what's going on" It was the same person who had agreed with Du Caixin yesterday, saying that if Du Caixin really wanted to, she would go with her to talk to their aunt and see if her aunt's position should be given to someone else, like Huang.

Du Caoyi's heart flashed with embarrassment, and she disguised it with a few words. "It's nothing, I accidentally hit the quilt!"

Huang Mou understood and didn't say much.

Du Caiyi pulled her to the side sofa and sat down, coldly watching as the nanny cleaned up the floor and left before she spoke.

What brings you here

Huang's face turned pale. "Oh, it's still about Lin Meng taking over as the eldest aunt-in-law. Thinking about it makes me feel uncomfortable, so I came to chat with you."

Du Caiyi also happened to need an ally to vent her frustrations with. Upon hearing this, she sighed and expressed her resentment. “I don’t know what my aunt is thinking. I went to her yesterday, but she seemed completely smitten with Lin Meng. No matter how I tried to reason with her, it was useless. It really got under my skin, but there was nothing I could do about it. After all, we don’t have the authority, and most of the clan agrees with this decision.”

"Yes, those who oppose are too few. Even if they have the thought, they dare not speak it out. You see, wouldn't it be much better if there were no Lin Meng"

Du Caiyi froze for a moment, a thought flashing through her mind like lightning. She tried to grasp it, but was a step too slow. Furrowing her brow, she strained to recapture the fleeting idea.

Then Huang continued to sigh and say, "Ai, I'm just thinking wildly. This good person, where would she disappear to Lin Meng is looking so young; you're hoping for her to get sick or something, which isn't very likely either. But at such a young age, she has this position as the eldest aunt. That means she'll be sitting there for decades, maybe five or six decades, before stepping down. Isn't that cutting off too many women's hopes in the clan Sitting like this is taking up so much space, it's really a cruel path. Ai, don't mind me for having such dark thoughts, but I have actually thought: what if Lin Meng suddenly got seriously ill and stepped down, or maybe something happened to her..."

Du Caiyi's hand suddenly tightened. She had been holding Huang Mo's hand all along, and this change was naturally immediately noticed by Huang Mo. Huang Mo instantly fell silent. As if reacting to the inappropriateness of his words and realizing they could cause trouble, Huang Mo became embarrassed.

"Hee hee..." she let out a dry chuckle. "I was just casually thinking, you know, just thinking. I didn't mean anything by it, Du Jie. Please don't take it to heart."

How could he not think about her feelings! Du Caiyi finally knew what fleeting thought she had just now!

There is no Lin Meng!

Make Lin Meng disappear!

Yes, without Lin Meng, there wouldn't be so many things!

Without Lin Meng, this position of aunt would rightfully belong to her!

Even more so, if Lian Rong is gone, then there's no reason for her to endure any humiliation. Zhu Xiaodan is nothing more than a pawn she can control, bringing her life or death with ease!

Her prolonged silence alarmed Huang, who hastily shoved Du Caiyi a few times.

"Du Jie, Du Jie..."

Du Caiyi came back to her senses and looked at her.

Huang immediately smiled sheepishly, with a look of apprehension. "Sister Du, what I just said was just nonsense, please don't take it seriously."

Du Caiyi nodded.

Huang seemed still not at ease. “That Sister Du, just pretend you didn't hear what I said earlier, okay”

She seemed to react later, saying that if such words were spread, she would be in trouble.

Du Caiyi smiled and comforted her. "Don't worry, you know what our relationship is like, I definitely wouldn't say those things. Oh, no, what did you just say I didn't hear anything."

Huang just let out a sigh of relief and smiled. "Hehehe, I knew Sister Du wasn't that kind of person. Only Sister Du can understand the bitterness in my heart."

"Of course, between the two of us, what's what!"

But secretly, she smirked with triumph. The person in front of her didn't even know her place, daring to compete for the position of eldest aunt! Yesterday, when she sought allies, all she needed was for this woman to step forward and say she wanted to talk to the eldest aunt with her. Her ambition was clearly evident. Now, she held this trump card in her hand. Just wait and see if she dared to compete for the position of eldest aunt again. Hmph, perhaps she could even use this to blackmail her into supporting her and defeating the other competitors.

Looking at Huang, she truly seemed to believe her words, and smiled trustingly. She thought this woman was naive. This woman, as if to make up for what she had said before, continued speaking in a way that seemed to be mending the broken fence.

"Well, if Lin Meng becomes the mistress and does a good job, that's fine. It's my fortune to gain, and my destiny to lose. I guess only she and that position are destined for each other."


Du Caiyi smiled noncommittally.

The two chatted for a while longer, then Huang left. Du Caiyi sat there with her eyes closed, deep in thought. The more she thought about it, the wider her smile became, and it began to look rather sinister.

She thought of her son's death and also of her daughter-in-law Mu Xin Feng's death. Her son was killed by an assassin, while Mu Xin Feng was shot dead by He Ya. Then, why didn't she find an assassin to kill Lin Meng and Rong Ling together It would be easy to get rid of the two of them silently. The Rong family would then belong to her again. As for Zhu Xiaodan, there was no need to kill her. She would let her suffer slowly, that way it would be more satisfying. She also wanted Zhu Xiaodan to taste the feeling of losing her son and daughter-in-law, and to experience the pain of her grandson not recognizing her.

Besides, she thought of a way to make Huang be the scapegoat for this murder. After all, if someone killed Rong Ling and Lin Meng, she could pretend to be shocked and reveal that Huang had planned to kill them both. Huang had indeed said those words himself, which she couldn't deny. Besides, she definitely had the motive!

This is great, even a hitman is available now. The only thing missing is the killer. How could He Ya get in touch with people and end up getting the gun herself This means she definitely has connections. However, she doesn't seem to have much contact on this side; she really doesn't know how to find someone right away. She needs to ask someone for help with this, and it absolutely has to be someone she can trust. Otherwise, if that person betrays her, the consequences of murder are serious, and she won't be able to handle it.

Who are you looking for

The first thing that came to her mind was naturally her own daughter, Rong Qixiang. But thinking of Rong Qixiang, ever since her husband had been threatened by Rong Ling, she had been keeping a distance from her and rarely visited her. This made her heart ache. A married daughter is like water spilled; her heart no longer belongs to her family but to her husband's. She could be so distant from her own mother for the sake of her husband's future, who knows what would happen if her husband was threatened again She might even sell out her own mother.

Unreliable! If she can't even rely on her own daughter, then in this world, the only person she can depend on is herself.

This deadly matter, she absolutely had to handle it herself. However, finding the person could be entrusted to someone trustworthy. He was only responsible for bringing the person to her, but he wouldn't know what she intended to do, so the danger level of this matter would be significantly reduced.

She quickly thought of someone: her nephew from her family! She had always been kind to him, so they were close. Her relationship with her family was one of mutual reliance, where both benefited together and suffered together. Knowing this intricate web of relationships, her nephew would naturally be filial towards her. Asking him to do this should be no problem.


The story of the wealthy family's young wife from four years ago has been published as "Love in a Rich Family". It is on sale at Dangdang, Zhuoyue, Jingdong, Taobao, and major bookstores. Please support it, o(n_n)o thank you

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