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cond, Rong Ling would change his mind.The cool stream brushed past her little feet, bringing a refreshing chill. Comfortably, Lin Meng closed her eyes like a cat, stretching her brows and unconsciousl...She was waiting, all her attention focused on the face before her, so she missed Greed's soft whisper. Then she felt something cold and smooth pressed against her wrist.

"Eh!" She let out a soft hum, her eyelids fluttering slightly as if she were about to open her eyes. But the man's scorching hot lips pressed against hers, instantly closing the distance and warming her eyelid with their heat.

“Don’t look!” The man’s voice was still a little husky. The hot breath hit her eyelids, making her eyelashes flutter wildly. She really didn’t dare to open her eyes, because if she did, all that awaited her was the man’s kiss. But she couldn’t help her curiosity and asked,

"What the heck!"

She already felt it, the icy thing that resembled a chain, had wrapped around her wrist. It slid slowly down along her skin, and in that instant, there was a very alluring feeling of smoothness. The other hand also couldn't escape, being ensnared by the same icy, chain-like thing.

Her heart skipped a beat, she already had some guess, but couldn't quite believe it! Would this man... would he give her that thing! Is it true!

She couldn't contain her excitement, her face flushing even redder!

"Open your eyes!" he said with a languid smile, kissing her lips lightly. She fluttered her eyes open and looked closely, instantly surprised. She saw that on both of her white wrists were two incredibly alluring chains made of bright white. The design was simple, resembling the graceful willow branches in an ink painting, swaying gently with three subtle curves. Yet, it gave off a sense of gentle movement, delicate elegance. On each chain, almost every half inch or so, was set a blue diamond. It was truly breathtakingly beautiful. Those faint twinkling blue diamonds, like stars in the night, radiated a pure and aloof light within the stillness, making one fall deeply for their cold beauty. This feeling...was very much like the man before her!

She smirked.

Because the three chains are interspersed, and the position of each sapphire on the chain is different, looking at it this way, the chain with these sapphires resembles a starry sky. It gives one a vague feeling of a terrifying vastness and a deadly attraction.

"So pretty!"

Lin Meng muttered, her eyes fixed on the two chains intertwined together. Her gaze seemed insufficient!

The man half-hugged her, looking at her surprised face, his usually cold eyes softened.

"If you like it, that's great!"

"Love it, love it to death!"

She felt so happy she was about to die! Yesterday, she was still annoyed by the man's lack of understanding. She said if he didn't want her, he should just leave and stop sending her things, and she even thought about biting him! Unexpectedly, this man had seen through her all along and secretly bought her a present!

"Hee hee..."

What could be more delightful than receiving a gift from your loved one!

Lin Meng was delighted, swaying back and forth the two chains in her hands, her lips curving higher and higher. She didn't know much about gemstones; they belonged to a realm of luxury that she couldn't afford. So she had no idea of the terrifying value of these two starlight blue diamond bracelets. Her happiness stemmed from the fact that this man had personally given her something. As long as this man had her in his heart, she would be exceptionally content.

"So beautiful, I love it so much..."

She looked at him with delight, raising her head to nuzzle his chin softly with her forehead.

"Thank you, I really love it!"

The man just smiled faintly, his face full of indulgence.

She toyed with her hands, watching the blue diamond sparkle and shimmer like a bewitching blue enchantress as it swung along with the platinum chain, her face filled with enjoyment.

Suddenly, she thought of something and asked curiously, "Didn't you say you were going to buy me bracelets! How did it change!"

"Aren't you finding it uncomfortable" he asked back coolly.

She immediately squinted and smirked. This man truly hadn't missed a single word she had said!

Love it, love it, really love it...

"Mua~" Lin Meng fiercely kissed the chain she had just gotten her hands on. "I love you to death~"

His long fingers immediately reached up to caress her chin, gently pinching it and forcing her head to turn slightly towards him.

"Are you mistaken!" The man leaned in seductively, a smirk playing on his lips. "You should be kissing me, loving me to death! It should be me!"

She stared at him in astonishment for a moment, then burst into laughter, pointing at Rong Ling's outrageously ridiculous face and daringly mocking him.

"Rong Ling, are you jealous! Are you going to eat vinegar even for the bracelet you gave yourself Hahahaha… Mmm—"

A certain woman, who had been overdoing it with her exuberance and arrogance, was immediately shut down by a certain man. Her small mouth was sealed tight. At first, the woman couldn't stop the smile bubbling from her chest, her body trembling with laughter even as she was being kissed. However, as the man's masterful kissing skills unfolded, the woman gradually lost herself. Her body softened, melting like water as he pressed her down onto the sofa. Her hand, adorned with a necklace that emitted faint turquoise light, unconsciously found its way onto his shoulder, then wrapped around him, starting to cooperate silently; her legs also parted slightly involuntarily, making way for the man's muscular frame to sink in.

"Mmm…" A seductive moan escaped her lips, like silk softly gliding down a pristine marble surface in the dead of night. It was gentle yet intoxicating.

First, the thin jacket was pulled down, and the collar of her sweater also slipped. The man's hot kiss landed on her sexy collarbone, gently nibbling and licking. She half-closed her eyes, her gaze shattered, and she gasped softly, as if lost in spirit.

"Knock knock—"

The ungentle knocking startled the pair of lovebirds who were looking at each other with improving spirits.

Rong Ling was forced to lift his head from Lin Meng's alluring collarbone, for some Lin Meng who had come back to her senses began to push him away. When he looked up, there was no one there, only a hand, which seemed rather awkwardly placed on the door panel.

That is a man's hand!

And obviously, the visitors didn't dare to openly watch on!

Rong Ling knew exactly who this was!

A muffled grumble escaped his throat, a sound no one could quite make out. He glared at Lin Meng and gave her a hard kiss before reaching out to pull her displaced clothes back into place. Lin Meng hung her head, allowing him to fidget with her clothing, her face flushed red as a blush crept across it. When the redness on her face subsided slightly, Rong Ling finally called out loudly.

Come in!

The tall figure who came in was none other than Xiao Qiang!

"This... I didn't mean to interrupt you!"

It's rare, to see someone as imposing and aloof as him cracking a joke! Lin Meng was a little stunned, thinking to himself that people truly have many sides. Rong Ling's response was direct; he picked up the plan Lin Meng had set aside and, without any politeness, used it as a throwing knife, forcefully tossing it towards Xiao Qiang.

"Stop bothering me and get to the point!" Rong Ling rebuked coldly.

Fiao listened to this and didn't react much, he just raised his eyebrow slightly and casually took the plan in one hand. On the other hand, Lin Meng was again blushed by Rong Ling's words.

"Rong Ling!" she cried out stubbornly, pulling at him.

A smile flashed across the falcon's eyes.

Rong Ling rubbed Lin Meng's head, offering a small comfort. Then, she called Xiao Quing over to sit down, and the three of them began discussing how to deal with the media attention.

Here, I had just barely finished making a plan that was somewhat satisfactory, when on the other hand, another wave of problems arose!

The little one has been poisoned, the situation is very critical!

When Lin Mengyi received the call, her heart constricted and her vision blurred. She almost fainted, but luckily Rong Ling was quick to react, steadying her with a hand. At that moment, another phone call came in for Rong Ling, reporting the same event!

This made Rong Ling instantly explode with rage, furious to the extreme!

He sent his child to kindergarten to improve him, not to have him suffer repeatedly, even to the brink of death!

"With all my might, I will ensure A-Yu is safe!" Rong Ling's face was grim, gritting his teeth as he barked orders at Ah Yi, who was responsible for protecting the little one. This had already become a matter of going to any lengths, even risking exposing everything about himself!


He hung up the phone, letting out a cold snort, and half-carried Lin Meng out. Because Lin Meng's face was now as pale as paper, her forehead slick with sweat, she looked worse than someone dying from an illness. Her legs were so weak she couldn't walk, she was terrified! Right now, her mind was still buzzing, her vision blurry and gray, half of her world collapsing around her.

"Meng Meng, don't be afraid, it's okay, Youyou will be fine!"

Rong Ling looked at Lin Meng like this, her heart clenched into a ball. Such she, so fragile, seemed that anyone who pressed on her just a little bit would shatter her, make her disappear.

Lin Meng trembled her lips, trying to speak, but her quivering lips prevented her from uttering a sound. She could only pathetically open and close her mouth, tears flowing like a spring, streaming down her pale cheeks!

He reached out to wipe her tears, but his touch met with icy cold!

The temperature on that face was frighteningly low!

Let's take another look at her pupils, they're too dilated, as if they can't focus anymore!

This sounds like a terminal symptom!

He panicked, feeling she could be tortured to death like this!

"Dream!" he shouted, his voice like thunder, clutching her waist with such force that it hurt.

Her pupils shrank slightly, and her eyes regained some sparkle.

He raised his hand, enduring the pain in his heart, and slapped her face hard, forcing her to wake up with pain, while he roared angrily —

"I'm telling you, Youyou is fine, she'll definitely be okay. Don't give me that dead look! I warn you, don't be so useless!"

She opened her mouth, like a mute unable to speak, uttering a few "ah-ahs" before finally managing to speak in a dry, strained voice.

"I'm afraid..."

Two words escaped her lips, and she shuddered, sobbing uncontrollably in his arms.

He let out a long sigh!

It's okay to cry, it's okay to cry, that's all that matters!

Her spooky look just now really scared him!rtesan, the most outstanding business capital, a famous flower of the wine country. So why should he spare her! This little person who had been raised by his side since childhood wasn't originally his...