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ed out and rested on her back. She took her hand away, looked at the worried child in front of her, smiled, shook her head, and held him in her arms.It was a coincidence. As soon as she led Xiao Haohà...Chapter name: 129

Ronger's departure drove the j city reporters crazy. Now that one of the hottest topics has left, the remaining one can no longer be simply let go. In short, they have to dig out the most value from that person. Thus, Lin Meng asked Xiao Yi to help her hold a press conference. Almost every newspaper, magazine, entertainment TV station, and so on, both those who should come and those who shouldn't, crowded together, almost bursting the exhibition hall.

She walked out, hair tousled and in whatever clothes she could find. The flashbulbs exploded, a cacophony of questions shouted out, crazy with the energy of the moment. The whole hall was like a giant duck pond, quacking away.

Lin Meng sat calmly, with a well-trained press officer by her side tidying things up. This was all Xiao Yi's responsibility, nothing to do with Lin Meng. All she needed to do was answer the reporters' questions, say what she wanted to say. Anything she didn't want to say, even if they pried, wouldn't come out of her mouth.

Come one by one! I know everything and speak all.

She opened her mouth, lazily lounging there. Her ink-black hair cascaded down like a waterfall, covering half her face, and unconsciously, she seemed to transform into a moving masterpiece. The exhibition hall instantly fell silent. Everyone was stunned by her appearance! Soon, the reporters came to their senses and started asking questions one after another.

"Lin Meng, you chose to hold this press conference at this time. Did you discuss it with Rong Ling Or is Rong Ling finally going to sacrifice you!" The opening question was sharp and critical, very pointed!

Lin Meng smiled, pondered briefly in her heart, and then replied slowly: "It's not about any negotiation. It's just that Rong Ling and I have broken up, so there's nothing I can't say publicly, which is why I called this press conference. As for the sacrifice, it's not even a consideration. Friends, if you get along well, then keep being friends; if you don't, then part ways. I believe everyone present has probably had similar experiences!"

"Oh, so you two are dating!"

"How is that possible! Do you think someone like me could ever catch Rong Ling's eye!"

But didn't your father send you to Rong Ling that day! We also have concrete evidence proving that your father received benefits from Rong Ling!

“Oh, my father did indeed intend to send me away back then. He felt that I still had a certain amount of charm. At the time, even I thought so, feeling that I should be able to get close to Rong Ling after all, he was both handsome and rich. But that man was very disciplined and would never do anything illegal. Knowing that I was only a high school student, he immediately expressed his intention to send me back. At that time, I clung to him, almost kneeling and begging him, tears welling up in my eyes, before finally persuading him to keep me by his side. But that was also because he pitied me, which is why he kept me and helped out with my father's business in return.”

"Is Rong Ling such a kind person! He helped you, so he doesn't expect anything in return"

Does it take too many reasons to help someone Perhaps, at that moment, my heart just moved unexpectedly. Just like when you're walking on the street and a beggar approaches you. You usually wouldn't pay attention to such people, but that day, something stirred within me, and I took out some money and gave it to them. It was just a momentary surge of emotion. And I, I must have been lucky enough to have caught that moment!

And, when you gave money to the beggar, did you think about getting anything in return! I and Rong Ling stood together. Rong Ling could be you, and I could be that beggar. The gap between me and him is like heaven and earth. He was kind for a moment and just gave me alms like that. Do you find this strange!

But he bought a house to accommodate you, helping people this much You're not homeless! The truth is, it's more like hiding a beauty in a golden house, isn't it

"Wrong, that house was originally his. It wasn't a purchase. At the time, he just lent me the house to live in. To be honest, I was really homeless back then. And I won't hide it from you, with my looks, there were quite a few people who wanted me. If I hadn't met Rong Ling who was kind enough to help me, by now I probably would have been kept by someone. My father did business hard but many people tried to pressure him to get close to me. My father had no choice but to send me out."

Then I begged Rong Ling again. He pitied me, thinking that at my young age, it wasn't easy for me. What was even more coincidental was that he was also my schoolmate, so he provided me with a place to live, acting as a protector of sorts. With him around, others naturally wouldn't dare to touch me. The only thing is, we have always been ordinary friends. I believe this will be clear when the police search Rong Ling and my residence. He and I have always lived in separate houses. And if it were really a case of keeping a mistress hidden away, our clothes and belongings wouldn't be kept so clearly separated!

Speaking of this, it's fortunate that she made the move to set boundaries with him when she was at her most desperate!

Everyone was silent for a moment, suddenly caught off guard by Lin Meng's words. According to her, it seemed that she and Rong Ling were indeed innocent of any wrongdoing.

"Then are you a virgin!" A reporter blurted out shocking words, as if he had to find out the ambiguity between her and Rong Ling!

Lin Meng was taken aback, her eyes dropping slightly. She casually took out a cigarette, picked up a lighter, and lit one, holding it in her mouth and taking a deep puff. Half-closing her eyes, she slowly exhaled the smoke. That movement was quite skillful, revealing a mature and alluring charm. Everyone was stunned, never expecting this side of the girl. In an instant, the flashlights started blinking fiercely.

Lin Meng held a cigarette, lazily smiled at the female reporter who had asked the question, and winked. "Do you think I could still be a virgin!"

Even the seasoned female reporter blushed when she met Lin Meng's gaze, momentarily lost for words. Thankfully, another reporter bravely interjected, "So you had a relationship with Rong Ling, right!" It was clearly a leading question.

Lin Meng wasn't stupid either. She still maintained her calm and collected tone, slowly replying: "No, I wasn't a virgin when I was in junior high!"

Things have come to this, lying has become commonplace for her. The more difficult part is how to make the lies more realistic and not appear unconvincing.

"Who!" The reporter pressed further, relentless in their pursuit of gossip.

Sorry, I can't do that!

Don't you think it's a bit too early

"Good morning! I think it's normal enough, just a little bit south. Didn't high schoolers below that have no experience"

Don't you think that's a bit shameless

"Shame, that's just something they talk about in books. In this world, how many people even have shame"

This statement caused most of the reporters to lower their heads in shame.

“Oh, I remember now.” Lin Meng took a puff of smoke and added with a smile. “Rong Ling is actually quite a good person! He’s really kind, I think he’s one of the best people I’ve ever met!”

"Good person! Is he a good person! Rumors say he colludes with businesses, maliciously suppresses competitors, acquires other companies, and openly uses his power to interfere in your case. Don't you think it's laughable to call him a "good person"!"

"Rumors are just rumors, do you have any concrete evidence! I only believe what I see with my own eyes. A person like him can be so selfless and help me without hesitation, then I believe he is a good person. To say someone is good or bad based on hearsay is the most ridiculous thing. You only see rumors about his connections with officials and businessmen, but have you seen what he does openly: He spends so much money every year to support orphans, donate to underprivileged children, and set up scholarships and various awards at universities. Have you seen that! All those businesses under his name employ so many people, alleviating the pressure on society and bringing in so much revenue for local finances, have you seen that! And there are some export projects, how much foreign exchange has he earned for the country Have you seen that!"

These points I've mentioned are just a small fraction of his good deeds. In my opinion, these alone make him a good person. A person who is willing to genuinely do things that benefit the country and the people deserves to be praised. This is much better than those shameless individuals who squander taxpayer money, doing nothing but talking empty words, like parasites in society! This is just like Wu Yong, the deputy director, who openly used his power to bring me out in the middle of the night under the pretense of questioning me, only to try and assault me. That's why Rong Ling angrily took me away from the police station. I didn't want to talk about this at first, after all, it's not good to involve civilians in conflicts with officials. But now that I'm in this situation, I've reached a point of no return, so there's nothing left to hide!

"You're saying that Wu Yong intended to assault you!" the reporter agitated.


"When did this happen!"

“The day I was detained, I was supposed to be held for 72 hours, but that night something happened and I couldn't stay at the police station any longer. Then Rong Ling learned about it and got me out. Wu Yong knew he was in the wrong, so he didn't stop Rong Ling. But who would have thought, that person was so shameless, he turned around and slandered people in the newspaper!”

---"Why didn't you tell me about this before!"

"As a suspect in a crime, how can I possibly fight Wu Yong Besides, this involves a woman's reputation. If it gets out, Wu Yong will be ruined, and my own image will be damaged!"

―"Now, how dare you say it again!"

"Now it doesn't matter at all. Rong Ling and I have severed ties, and I don't need to pretend anymore. What reputation matters"

"Disguise! What does that mean! And Lin Meng, you seem to care a lot about Rong Ling's opinion!"

“Of course I care, I’ve finally met a good man in my life, of course I want to hold onto him tightly. Rong Ling, he’s handsome, wealthy, educated and capable, he’s a complete gentleman. I believe that any woman who isn't blind would be attracted to him. I really want to be Rong Ling’s girlfriend, but that man is too self-disciplined, he always treats me as an ordinary friend.”

I know he likes clean and pure girls, so I didn't dare to act up. In front of him, I always pretended to be a good girl, just waiting until I turned 18 and got my ID card, then I would immediately pursue him. But heaven wouldn't help me, I got involved in a murder case, the police investigated me, almost digging out all my secrets. So, in front of him, I had nowhere to hide, I couldn't pretend anymore.

He knew I had been acting innocent and playing games in front of him these days. He thought I was fake and insincere, so he cut off all ties with my friends in a fit of anger! I don't blame him; I was always a troublemaker with a bad reputation. I had also messed around with boys before, so his disdain for me is understandable. It's just a pity that I hadn't even seriously tried to seduce him yet!

This is another big bombshell, reporters are excited, each one like they've been injected with chicken blood, holding pens and scribbling furiously, the recording devices over there didn't dare to stop. They really haven't paid much attention to Lin Meng's situation at school.

Although excited, the reporter remained composed. With her journalist's sharpness, she asked pointedly: "Lin Meng, are you sure everything you're saying is true! Aren't you being manipulated by Rong and speaking on his behalf!"

"Hee hee..." Lin Meng smiled seductively. "Don't you think it would be obvious if you interviewed at the school I went to! After all, isn't getting to the bottom of things a journalist's specialty! It seems like I'm still somewhat famous in the schools I attended. Just go ask around, and you'll know everything!"

Speaking of this, I have to thank those two "good friends" who spared no effort in denigrating her! Lin Meng is not afraid of them investigating at all. If they dare to investigate, then the better!

---"That Wu Yong is really planning to assault you! As a high-ranking deputy director, at such a crucial moment, he knows the law but breaks it. Is he that foolish! Or are you still looking for excuses to cover up for Rong Ling!"


“He knows best what he did to me. I've always been the type who doesn't start trouble unless it's started on me. That day, he acted inappropriately towards me, and out of helplessness, I bit him, right on his arm. To say he wouldn't do this sort of thing is uncertain. I think I'm still attractive, otherwise, there wouldn't be so many men who are interested in me. Perhaps Wu Yong also found out that I'm quite free-spirited and have been with some guys before, so he got the wrong idea and took me to the interrogation room in the middle of the night, locked the door, and acted inappropriately towards me. Although I don't mind being with other people, I'm selective. Wu Yong is much older, old enough to be my father, there's no way I would ever associate with him.”

He also threatened me, saying that if I didn't comply with him obediently, he would make things difficult for me and frame me for murder. I refused to give in. Who does he think he is The police station isn't his to run! Besides, the police aren't all-powerful; just because they say someone committed a crime doesn't mean they did it! I believe justice will prevail, and the law will surely clear my name. I didn't kill anyone, so I'm not afraid of them investigating. One month won't turn up anything, then two months, then three months. I'm not in a hurry; I'll wait patiently. I'm sure that one day, the truth about this murder will come to light."

But all the evidence points to you being the most likely killer of Su Xue!

As for the question of whether I killed someone, I won't answer that. I leave that to the police. I believe our people's police still have some real talent and will definitely give me a reasonable explanation! I believe that if there really are ghosts in this world, then my good friend Su Xue, who is now deceased, will surely protect me and quickly find the real murderer so that the culprit pays for their crimes with blood!

There's really nothing exciting about a murder case. The reporters aren't stupid; they immediately steered clear of that. They were still more interested in her relationship with Rong Ling, or the sales figures for newspapers and magazines, or ratings.

"Now, Lin Meng, Rong Ling publicly announced that he had severed ties with you. Is this truly the case Or is this a way for him to protect himself You called this press conference today, wasn't it at his suggestion You are just a high school student, your father's business seems to be struggling financially. Yet you were able to hold a press conference, this doesn't seem like something you could do right now! And I also want to ask, where are you living now Rong Ling said yesterday that he had severed ties with you, but it seems like you haven't gone home either Isn't it, Rong Ling has arranged another place for you to live Isn't today's press conference entirely orchestrated by Rong Ling behind the scenes Isn't this a performance you and he have jointly directed to wash your hands of the situation Please answer these questions one by one."

This reporter clearly came prepared!

Lin Meng gave him a deep look, smiled softly. Then she lit another cigarette, slowly igniting it, and then took two leisurely puffs. After this series of seemingly random actions, her heart was already set on her plan.

"Severing ties, this is certainly true. To think of him, the head of a large company, speaking his words as if they were arrows shot into the distance, there is no taking them back. Here, let me make it clear: Rong Ling and I will no longer be friends from now on, so please do not ask about his whereabouts here."

As for today's press conference, I naturally don't have the ability to arrange it. These are all arranged by my friends. As I said before, many men covet me. I didn't accept them before because I wanted to conquer Rong Ling, so I've always been acting innocent and not making a fuss. But now that Rong Ling is out of the picture, if I just snap my fingers, there will naturally be men who come to flatter me. Although I am young, my looks are still very good. Many men quite like me this way. The place I live in now was provided by a man. Maybe he can be considered my sugar daddy in the future.

Oh, by the way, I'm also quite interested in developing a career in the entertainment industry. I'd love to act in movies and TV shows. I think I look pretty good compared to many celebrities out there. If any director thinks I'm suitable for a role, feel free to give me a call. I'm really looking forward to it!

"Why not find a sponsor who can get you into the entertainment industry!" a reporter quipped maliciously.

Lin Meng was smoking, gave him a glance, and chuckled softly, looking seductive.

“Well, I also want to find one like that, but my circle of acquaintances is limited. I haven't met anyone suitable yet. So I'm taking advantage of this opportunity today to put out an ad. If you're writing articles or anything, please give me a hand and promote me a little. I'll be online 24/7, waiting for good news.”

As soon as she said that, the anger in the room instantly dissipated.

Lin Meng's image abruptly shifted from a pure girl to a vain and dissolute one, leaving many people's hopes dashed. There was a hint of ambiguity in her gaze, after all, she was truly beautiful, whether clean and innocent or with a cigarette dangling from her lips, wearing that air of decadence. If she were truly an actress, just based on her looks, she would surely become a star.

One person chimed in, asking, "Lin Meng, would you mind revealing the name of your current sponsor"

"No way!" Lin Meng shook her head, still holding a cigarette between her fingers. "A person should have some professional ethics, otherwise it's chilling. I'm counting on this man to find his next sugar daddy after he tires of me, hehe. I can't scare them all away now!"

She chuckled, her long and narrow eyes scanning the entire room. Half the men there felt their hearts flutter.

What a fairy!

I couldn't even tell how many people were present, and I was inwardly muttering to myself about it.

"Your man isn't afraid of being dragged down by you, after all, you're currently embroiled in lawsuits!" a reporter quipped.

He naturally believed I was innocent, that's why he did this. Besides, that kind of thing, it's consensual, even if I was still underage, others wouldn't have much to say, would they! In ancient times, people could get married at twelve or thirteen years old.

That kind of thing, needless to say, is naturally about getting under the covers.

Subsequent questions became purely gossipy, lacking any real depth. They mostly revolved around probing Lin Meng's private life, including her demands from a potential sugar daddy and her self-perception of what kind of director she would attract...

The questions are all over the place, and hardly any of them are sincere. I bet those who ask these questions just want to see her make a fool of herself!

Thus, newspapers, magazines, and entertainment news flooded the scene, all criticizing Lin Meng as a promiscuous young woman with ulterior motives, greedy for vanity, and like a toad wanting to eat swan meat, aspiring to be Rong Ling's girlfriend.

As for Rong Ling, after Xiao Yi's behind-the-scenes manipulations, she underwent a complete transformation, severing ties with Lin Meng and becoming an outstanding private entrepreneur -- wholeheartedly engaging in charitable activities and diligently working hard for the company's revenue generation, contributing her share to the country's GDP growth.

Although some newspapers still held a negative stance towards Rong Ling after Lin Meng's press conference, the majority of them offered positive coverage. This was due to Xiao Yi's efforts and Rong Ling's own influence at work. After two more days, even the remaining few newspapers caved in. Although certain individuals tried to smear Rong Ling behind the scenes, they couldn't withstand the overwhelming public tide. The audience's attention had already been captured by the deluge of reports about Lin Meng, who else would pay attention to Rong Ling!

This girl named Lin Meng is beautiful. No matter what image she presents, her beauty cannot be concealed. People naturally pay the most attention to beautiful things. They are curious about her birth, her life story, her academic journey, and how many boys she has been involved with. They are also curious about what kind of men have been interested in her, what they have done for her, and who is currently supporting her.

It is said that she is now being kept by a Chinese overseas businessman, but the businessman is very cautious and has never exposed it. He even uses someone else's name for the house he provides for Lin Meng to live in.

It is rumored that several directors specializing in adult films have extended olive branches to Lin Meng, and Lin Meng has indicated that she is considering it. Newspapers launched an investigation into this matter, and ninety-one percent of the male respondents expressed their eagerness to see her star in an adult film.

It is also rumored that several wealthy businessmen have secretly presented Lin Meng with expensive jewelry in hopes of winning her heart. After all, it is said that Lin Meng has a particular fondness for jewelry, as evidenced by the fact that she once stole Rong Ling's jewelry.

It is said that there are already more than a dozen people queuing up to support Lin Meng.

It is rumored that real estate registered under the name Lin Meng secretly increased by several properties; even luxurious private cars secretly increased by several, it is said that they were all given to her by well-wishers.

It is said that...

There are so many rumors about this girl, and there's just too much to dish right now!

She goes out for a walk, has a meal, buys some clothes, or even visits a beauty salon, and the media can twist it all into her going on a date with some man…

She comes and goes with a car at her beck and call, bodyguard in tow. She certainly has an air of importance about her.

She was practically stripped bare for everyone to critique, and guess what Every single piece of clothing she wore was a brand name!

Words like "flirtatious woman," "material girl," "vase of flowers," "flashy," and "lewd…" were all firmly attached to her.

To these negative responses, Lin Meng merely feigned indifference and smiled: "What's the big deal It's nothing. This society already laughs at the poor but not the prostitutes. I make money with my own abilities; there's nothing to be ashamed of!"

She almost ostentatiously cooperated with the media, and for some malicious or trap-laden questions from the media, she often answered in a foolish and evasive manner.

She succeeded, succeeding in destroying herself. With her own self-destruction, she completely captivated the media's attention and gave Rongling a complete silence and a clean, disciplined image. Back in city B, Rongling was almost flying every day after that. The media couldn't catch him, so there wasn't much to talk about! As for Lin Meng, she attracted all the attention. Although she wasn't a celebrity, she was almost more popular than an ordinary star.

Even, several advertisers came to her.

She smiled as she accepted the postcards everyone gave her, smiling and saying she would consider them. But once she returned home, she threw all the cards into the trash. Her phone was indeed on 24 hours a day, with all kinds of messages flooding in. There were those who scolded her for being slutty, those who left messages asking to meet her, some using obscene language to tempt her, and even calls that almost overloaded her phone. At first, no matter what came, she answered them one by one, then numbly endured being scolded, teased, and insulted in all kinds of languages, tears streaming down her face. Later on, she became numb, and she really got into the role. Every day, she picked up a few calls at random times, and when she had free time, she would tease some strangers on the phone. Then, some of her conversation content was inevitably published in the next day's newspaper. The concluding comments at the end were almost always the same, criticizing her for being shameless and hooking up with anyone!

School That's absolutely out of the question. There's no need for the school authorities to awkwardly persuade her to drop out; she's already contacted her homeroom teacher, expressing her desire to leave. After so many years of schooling, she really hasn't learned much. The darkness of this society contrasts sharply with the school, a place constructed as a shining temple of enlightenment. It seems too hypocritical and hollow. She might as well stay away. She'd rather spend her time exploring things she enjoys.

For him, do you have to put yourself through this

Xiao Yi painfully asked her.

He watched her putting on a fake smile and acting before people, watching her unwillingly cast herself as a frivolous, wanton, shallow gold-digger. But only he saw it. Every time she came back, she would put away all the smiles, and she could sit there in silence for half the day, utterly motionless. There was no pretense about it, just stillness like a sculpture. He also saw that in front of people, she smoked fiercely and seductively, playing the role of a femme fatale. But as soon as she turned her back on them, she would crush the cigarette hard, not smoking even one herself!

All the negativity, it's all for show.

Behind the scenes, she was still Lin Meng, a quiet and peaceful Lin Meng. But compared to before, she had become even quieter, a quietness that bordered on coldness and even dullness. She could return home after work and remain silent all day long without uttering a word.

He spared no effort to help her, though he disliked Rong Ling. He truly gave it his all and helped Rong Ling back on his feet. This was because he had promised her. Since he made a promise, he had to keep it. He also never hid anything from her, telling her about everything he did. He wanted her to know how he fulfilled his promises and to be grateful to him. This gratitude, at a specific time, would transform into moved feeling, and then, at another specific time, this moved feeling would turn into love!

But, her self-destructive behavior has come to an end!

He spent a fortune, invested in the stock market. At such a turbulent time, and with stocks related to Rong Ling's industry, he managed to get several stocks to reach their daily limit repeatedly. For several days, investors' confidence was greatly boosted. At the same time, the latest monthly economic report of Yidong Group was also publicly released. The final net profit margin was even 5 percentage points higher than last month, making shareholders overjoyed! For a company of this size, an increase in net profit margin by one percentage point would be enough to make them happy, but this time it rose by five, which was simply unexpected good news. The voices within the Rong family that had just begun to want Rong Ling to step down as head of the family were silenced completely when faced with these naked figures.

Rong Ling's ability is unquestionable. Even in such a predicament, he can still lead the company to great wealth, so who else is more suitable for this position than him!

Rong Ling had settled down, he was no longer bothered by the negative news from before, and no newspaper dared to go against him anymore, unless that newspaper wanted to shut down immediately.

Rong Ling was once again full of vigor and ambition, able to give advice on state affairs with a condescending air, commanding respect and caution from all. Everywhere he went, it seemed that local leaders would flock to greet him, showering him with praise for his support of local industries and actively encouraging him to reinvest in the region, assuring him of abundant government support.

Isn't it being reported that there is collusion between officials and businessmen This is the government openly displaying it!

In addition, he signed a production and sales agreement with Dakar, the head of French MoMo company, on a derivative product of petroleum. This further opened up a new realm. On that day, the stock of Asia-Pacific Group listed in the US soared to its limit, continuing to rise for four consecutive days. The prospects were promising. Domestically, Rong Ling, the new leader of Asia-Pacific Group, received overwhelming affirmation and praise. Almost all major official newspapers across the country reported on him. Rong Ling's reputation immediately reached a whole new level, surpassing his previous one!

Not a single newspaper, magazine, or entertainment radio station would be foolish enough to cross him!


Xiao Yi threw the top-selling newspaper in the country onto Lin Meng's face, and then attached some information he had found. Lin Meng glanced at it and smiled with relief.

"Ayi, thank you!"

He turned around, but had Xiao Yi on his back. He read the report from beginning to end greedily, not missing a single word, then treasured it like a precious gem.

Good news just keeps coming, all piling up at once. It's like icing on the cake, and it seems like Heaven itself is particularly generous with this kind of good fortune.

Su Xue's case is solved!

Although Rong Ling resolutely declared that he would cut ties with Lin Meng, he did not take Fang Daquan away. Fang Daquan stayed behind and continued to track the progress of the case.

All the evidence pointed to Li's couple as being very suspicious. Li Qing, taking advantage of his status and power, spared no effort in attacking Lin Meng. Even during Lin Meng's self-destruction, he sternly demanded that the Ministry of Public Security detain Lin Meng, saying that such a bad woman could not possibly be innocent!

But Lin Meng's situation escalated, with the media relentlessly pursuing the story. Even with Li Qing's connections and influence, it was impossible to forcefully secure a conviction against Lin Meng. Under such intense public scrutiny, the Ministry of Public Security couldn't even attempt any underhanded tactics. They had to treat Lin Meng with extreme caution, fearing that one careless misstep could lead to disaster. This was not without precedent; the former Deputy Director Wu Yong served as a stark warning. No matter how Wu Yong insisted on his innocence and claimed he hadn't acted inappropriately towards Lin Meng, the media reports still included some negative information. Online, Wu Yong faced relentless criticism and online attacks from netizens. Now, Wu Yong has been officially removed from Su Xue's case, with explicit instructions that he is absolutely forbidden from having any involvement in the investigation whatsoever.

Furthermore, the renowned Fang Daquan is investigating Su Xue's case here. If even Fang Daquan doesn't say anything about arresting Lin Meng, then other policemen definitely won't dare to act recklessly and make a fool of themselves!

Although the Li couple had strong suspicions, they were helpless because Su Xue's death time was stuck there, and they couldn't be proven to have killed her. Fang Daquan took a different approach and finally targeted the weak-minded and somewhat autistic youngest daughter of the Li family. He spent many days playing with the little girl, establishing a preliminary friendship. Even if someone is mentally challenged, they still have a heart, right Who can truly treat her well, the little girl also understands, and will sincerely communicate.

After countless questions to Su Xue, the little girl drew a picture. God said, when a window is closed to you, another one will be opened for you. Although the little girl was mentally challenged, she showed extraordinary talent in painting, fully inheriting her father's ability and it was clear that she would surpass him in the future.

Although the little girl's brushstrokes are naive, they do not hinder everyone's understanding of the picture.

In the painting, Su Xue lay on the ground, motionless. Beside her head was a smear of red crayon representing blood. Standing beside her were Li Qing, with outstretched arms and a vacant stare, and Li Zhuo, squatting beside Su Xue, his face ashen, gazing up at Li Qing. On the side wall, continued the red crayon blood, slowly flowing down the wall.

This is what the child saw!

With this painting unveiled, all evil will be exposed!

And the toughest level, finally cleared!

Fang Dazhi finally figured it out: if Su Xue's home wasn't the first crime scene, that is to say, Su Xue didn't die in her own home but at Li Qing's house, then all the timeframes in the case would fit. Li Qing or Li Zhuo would have had the time to commit the crime.

The reason everyone initially placed the crime scene at Su Xue's house was because of the realistic blood trail on the wall.

Fang Daquan slapped his forehead and finally understood where he had gone wrong. Li Zhuo was a painter of some renown, so he could use his paintbrush to recreate the crime scene. A painter's eyes are sharp; once they have seen something, they can vividly record it in their mind; a painter's brush is like magic, capable of recreating what they have seen with incredible accuracy. So Li Zhuo could simply remove the blood from the wall and then use his brush to redraw it on Su Xue's wall. In this way, a falsified scene would be created.

Actually, Su Xue died at the Li residence! But she was later transferred away!

Thus, the timing coincides perfectly. It should be that Li Qing had just returned home when the murder occurred.

Facing their child's painting, Li Qing and Li Zhu could no longer deny the truth and had to confess everything. Li Zhu had been secretly in contact with Su Xue all along, effectively supporting her financially. Li Qing was a strong, independent woman who rarely went home. After giving birth to an intellectually disabled daughter, she became even more focused on her career and avoided returning home, lest she see her disabled daughter and feel burdened.

As time passed, the relationship between the couple naturally grew cold. It was at this time that Su Xue entered their lives. The young girl, full of energy, faced life's difficulties and her seriously ill father with unwavering strength and optimism, always smiling. Li Zuo was captivated by her. Painters are perhaps all sentimental; thus, he naturally fell into a relationship with Su Xue. At first, he paid her to pose as a model; later, things naturally progressed to a physical relationship.

Su Xue needed money, so she agreed to this abnormal relationship. She once told her father: "Dad, don't worry about how much money it takes to treat this illness, you just need to live well. As long as you live, I live. If you die, I die too. It's perfect timing to go to the underworld and find Mom. Our family can finally be reunited."

So, she sold her body, time and time again, to earn money for her father's medical treatment.

She once told Lin Meng: We're so alike!

She, because she had lost her mother and was left only with her father, was forced to sell herself. When Lin Meng explained that the man living with her was her cousin, Su Xue saw the hickeys on Lin Meng's neck, and a few under her collarbone. This girl was smart and experienced, so she knew everything. So, when she saw Rong Ling at Lin Meng's place, she wasn't surprised at all. So, when Lin Meng asked what could be done to change someone's mind, she directly said: "Men are the most talkative when they're in bed. When emotions run high, you could even ask for his life, and he would probably nod in agreement," directly implying that Lin Meng had conquered Rong Ling in bed. So, after something happened to Lin Meng, she went straight to Rong Ling and said that a man should be responsible and that he better not regret it!

This girl, in fact, knows everything! Her heart is as clear as a mirror. But unfortunately, fate has arranged a bumpy path for her.

That night when Li Qing returned home, she had just gotten into bed with Li Zuo. Seeing the two of them in disarray, hugging and kissing each other, Li Qing became enraged. The intense resentment of having her own possessions taken away made her suddenly grab Su Xue from the bed. She beat and kicked her before pushing her hard against the wall, repeatedly slamming her against it.

Life, sometimes, is so fragile. Just one bump, and a young life, just like that, is gone.

At the first moment anyone kills someone, they are probably afraid!

In that situation, Li Qing could be considered manslaughter, and the ambiguous relationship between Su Xue and Li Zhuo was already questionable. If Li Qing had gone to report the case obediently, the judge would have certainly given him a lighter sentence.

But Li Qing didn't do that. She had a foolish daughter, which was enough to make others laugh at her. She absolutely wouldn't allow herself to have a second stain on her life. So she made a quick decision and transferred Su Xue. Under the pretext of going out on a date with friends, she took Su Xue back to Su Xue's own home and arranged the scene slightly. From Li Zhao's mouth, she learned about who Su Xue usually got along with, and she knew about someone named Lin Meng. In an instant of inspiration, she took Su Xue's phone and typed on it -- "Lin Meng killed me" -- four words. Of course, she also knew that she couldn't leave her fingerprints on the keyboard.

At that time, she wanted to divert the police's attention to Lin Meng, thinking that Lin Meng knew who killed Su Xue and could lead them down a wrong path. Because from Li Zhuo's mouth, she learned that Su Xue never mentioned her relationship with Li Zhuo to anyone, which meant that Lin Meng was completely unaware of it.

But the development of events was simply unexpected. Lin Meng ran away, and the police thought that the four characters were beaten out by Su Xue herself, directly stating that Lin Meng was the murderer. Li Qing saw an opportunity and wouldn't let it slip away. He immediately jumped out, in the image of a righteous fighter, determined to put the blame for the murder on Lin Meng!

If this wasn't Lin Meng, but an ordinary girl, Li Qing would have been able to frame her with ease. But this is Lin Meng. Li Qing's biggest mistake was underestimating the power behind Lin Meng. Without Rong Ling and Xiao Yi, without Xiao Yi, there were still the Jiang brothers, any one of them could ensure Lin Meng's safety!

In the end, both Mr. and Mrs. Li were found guilty. However, considering their pitiful daughter who was both intellectually disabled and autistic, the judge gave Li Zhuo a lighter sentence, fining him heavily and sentencing him to house arrest for one year within J province, pending review. As for Li Qing, she showed no remorse after killing someone and even slandered others. Although it initially began as an accidental homicide, her actions ultimately took on a more malicious nature, resulting in a life sentence.

When the final result came out, the public was stunned. No one had expected this; after all the twists and turns, it turned out to be a case of "the thief crying 'thief'!"

Lin Meng's murder charges were finally cleared, but her mood didn't lighten. Instead, it became even heavier. She felt sorrow for her friend and shame for her own selfishness. She had been good friends with Su Xue, but she only knew that Su Xue's father was in the hospital. When Su Xue said she would go see her father, Su Xue always smiled and refused, saying she would next time. She didn't think much of it at the time. If she had known about Su Xue's difficulties, she would have offered help back then. She could have asked Rong Ling for money to lend to Su Xue. That way, that young life wouldn't have been lost so tragically.

On the evening that the final result of the case was published in the newspaper, Su Xue's father also committed suicide. He had requested to be discharged from the hospital the morning before, and that evening he wrote his will and died peacefully in his bed. Besides asking an old neighbor to help cremate him and Su Xue together, and then place their urns next to Su Xue's mother, there were no other words!

When this message came, Lin Meng cried uncontrollably.

She suddenly felt that this world actually had so much misfortune, so much helplessness, so much sorrow! Compared to Su Xue and her father, it seemed that all her pain and helplessness could be as small as dust.

The next day when the media interviewed her again, she smiled and ended this self-destruction. It was enough, time for it to settle!

"I just got a new sponsor, and he doesn't like me making public appearances. He's already warned me to keep a low profile, so I won't be accepting any interviews from now on!"

Turning gracefully, the noise and the silence were actually just a hair's breadth apart!

The media was dumbfounded, they couldn't have imagined she would quit just like that. In the end, only one newspaper gave her a sigh of a review – The Chameleon Woman!

And the media outlets that went crazy reporting she was a murderer, after the real culprit was caught, it's impossible to expect an apology from them. Because the media, they only focus on making a big fuss and causing chaos, but never reflect on their actions afterwards!

Lin Meng faded out just like that, in a single day. She shut herself completely inside the small villa, severing all contact with the outside world. Her phone, even more so, had its battery removed and was stuffed deep into a drawer.

And so, the world fell silent!

But silence, for her, was a luxury!

Ronger made a high-profile reappearance in City J, greeted by the mayor himself. News reporters, with forced smiles plastered on their faces, eagerly followed along to welcome him, as if his previous betrayal had never happened.

Lin Meng saw him on the evening news from the city. The man was full of energy, and his every gesture still radiated an extraordinary charm. The way he seemed to have everything under control, with a confident air, almost made him look like an emperor looking down upon his subjects. That put her mind at ease!

She thought, she had probably overthought things. This man was stronger than her, much, much stronger. How could a small setback possibly defeat him!

Forget it, it's over, it's impossible, just forget about him.

She wouldn't have been a match for him in the past, and now that she is so famous, there isn't even the slightest chance. Such a prominent family like the Rongs couldn't possibly tolerate someone as humble as her! Besides, he's the kind of man who wouldn't struggle to find a suitable woman. As long as he wanted, he could have ten or even hundreds of Lin Mengs vying for his attention; oh no, it wouldn't be Lin Mengs, definitely girls far better than her!

She turned off the television and went to bed. She used to always feel like she didn't get enough sleep. She'd wake up and have to go to school, and when she got home from school, she had to wash up and go to bed. It seemed like every day was just school and sleep. Even during rare holidays, she still had to wake up early and clean the house thoroughly. Sleep seemed like a luxury. But for a long time to come, she could probably relax and enjoy being lazy.

But in her sleep, who choked her, making her unable to breathe!

When she opened her eyes, in the dim light, was the face she saw real or an illusion!

Handsome, cold, and ruthlessly sharp!

Is it the moment she left him again in his dream

She blinked, but the suffocating feeling was so vivid. She started coughing uncontrollably and then, truly woke up, wide-eyed, staring at him in terror!

Okay, this is really not a dream!

Unexpectedly, he is here! How did he get here!

How did he manage to bypass all the security measures of this villa and make it here! Remember Xiao Yi said that the security here was top-notch, designed to prevent paparazzi from snooping around. It's likely even a fly couldn't just waltz in!

But how could he be here!

"Surprised" Rong Ling looked at her coldly, kneeling half-way beside her, retracting his hand from her throat with a mocking smile. "I should have killed you, but doing so seems too easy for someone like you!"

He spoke those icy words with indifference, casually hanging the threat of her death over her. Her heart felt as if it were being ripped apart, a searing pain like a knife twisting within her. She hadn't known he hated her this much!

But she couldn't tell him that all she was doing was for him!

She pursed her lips and looked at him, but in the end, she could only hide all her grievances, sighs, and helplessness in her heart.

He landed one foot outside the bed, the other half-kneeling. He looked down at her from above, and in the dim light, his two star-shaped eyes were strangely cold, reflecting a chillingly frigid light.

"Don't you think you're something special! Don't you think you helped me! Don't you think I should be grateful to you!" said with a mocking tone!

Her face, as you could see, was changing.

Under the thin blanket, his hand trembled!

He was almost terrified. This man, he... could it be that he... knew everything!

Well, this man is incredibly smart. He just didn't figure it out at the time, but she said all those ridiculous things to the media. He must have realized some things afterward. But...but he shouldn't come looking for her again. She's a burden to him, and completely unsuitable! If he takes her away again, what excuse will she use to refuse!

But she had clearly overthought things. She heard very clearly the man's icy sneer:

"Lin Meng, don't think you're anything special. I won't be grateful to you, and I certainly won't look down on you!"

Her heart plummeted straight down. She let out a soft "Oh," and as her heart throbbed with pain, she thought to herself, "This is for the best. This is for the best." Now it could be clean cut, and she wouldn't have to worry about any more unnecessary trouble because of her.

“Aren’t you curious why I came to find you!” He sneered, the darkness of the night making his single white tooth even more glaring. It shone like a beacon, yet it also felt ominous, emanating a sinister aura!

She shook her head, a wry smile playing on her lips. "Go ahead," she said, "I'm all ears."

"I saw the prices in the newspaper, it said to sleep with you, it costs about one hundred thousand yuan each time. I thought, you still owe me two million seven hundred thousand, then, I should be able to do you twenty-seven times!"

This was his first time, speaking to her in such vulgar language! It's hard to imagine that someone so noble would use the tone of a thug to utter such crude words!

Her face turned pale in an instant, her body involuntarily shrinking back. Her little hands clutched the blanket tightly, wrapping herself up as if that could somehow protect her a little.

"I..." She moistened her throat, which was so dry and scratchy from crying. She had to lower herself, to be utterly humble, and she whispered, "I'll pay you back, I promise. Please... no, beg you, just give me some time!"

“Beg me!” he sneered, a cold smile spreading across his face. “Is your plea still valid! Tell me yourself, when has anything you’ve said ever come true! You say you believe me, yet you always act as if you don't. In reality, you've never truly believed me once! You said you would never leave me, but then you ran off with another man! One moment you were promising me everything, saying I should handle things and you’d be good, the next you were acting worse than anyone else! Oh, and remember how you promised to use all the money you earn for the rest of your life to pay back my debt Well, here we are again. You're asking me for time now. How much time do you need A day Two days A month Six months Or is it another one of those ridiculous “forever” promises!”

He suddenly reached out and grabbed her neck, pulling her off the bed. He leaned in close and bit her lips viciously, biting until they bled before letting go. He narrowed his eyes at her, a look of disgust on his face as he coldly sneered: "Look at those lips, so full of lies, they're practically magical. Who would believe what you say now! You only use them to charm men who want a taste of you! Since you do this with everyone, why not just offer your body as payment Use the money you made from this body to pay off my debt. Honestly, I find it disgusting!"

Saying that, he suddenly ripped away the thin blanket covering her. Reaching out, he was about to tear at her clothes. She understood very well what this man was going to do next! She couldn't let him, she wouldn't allow it!

He can think whatever he wants about her, but please don't insult her like that!

She said she would pay him back, and she will, but please don't insult her like this!

She didn't expect him to completely disbelieve the reports in the media, but please don't make her seem so pathetic. From beginning to end, there was only him as a man. Please don't insult her like this!

"You go, I'll definitely pay you back, but please leave!"

She gritted her teeth, her heart was more bitter than eating yellow gentian, but she still had to stand tall with pride, not letting him look down on her. She reached out and pushed him. But from the beginning, she had never been his match. His domineering and brutality easily tore apart her clothes, directly ripping her nightgown off her body, exposing her bare upper body. She covered herself with her hands, her heart aching so much it was almost unbearable. She roared in a hoarse voice, "If you don't leave now, I'll call for help!"

"Calling someone Who are you calling!" He reached out menacingly, covering her full chest and kneading it roughly. "Your Xiao Yi won't be coming back tonight, I had people tie him up already. So tell me, who are you going to call Are you going to call the guards in this house You plan on having them all come over to watch you get...used!"

Saying that, he pinched hard.

She cried out in pain, her face paling to a sickly white.

“What do you want!” she exclaimed, widening her eyes as much as possible in an attempt to hold back the tears welling up. She wanted to plead with him, beg for his mercy, not to treat her this way. She was a person, capable of feeling, capable of pain!

But he sneered, a different kind of coldness. "Doesn't matter what you want, I just want to get rid of you!"

After saying that, he went to pull down her pajamas.

In front of him, she was always the weaker party. She wanted to call for help, but could she really Xiao Yi arranged guards around this small villa, all real fighters. She couldn't bear to imagine calling them over after a scream, then being beaten and kicked by Rong Ling.

She couldn't open her mouth to call out, she really couldn't!

As she watched, her pajamas were being torn off by him, and she was about to be violated. She could only pretend to be calm and sneer: "Didn't you say my body is just mediocre and that you're tired of it Then why are you still doing this!"

"Collecting the debt!" He ripped her panties off and viciously drove his palm into her legs, coldly saying, "Paying back debts is only natural. If it wasn't for collecting the debt, do you think I'd want to touch you! With your scrawny body, you have nothing going for you. You are worlds apart from a decent woman, and all you do is make me sick."

"Then don't wrong yourself! Get out!" She roared angrily, wounded by his words to her core. This man, though he wasn't one to flatter her before, had never spoken to her like this.

"Get out, that's natural. But only after I'm done with you!"

"You're free to find another woman, I'm sure there are plenty who'd be happy to be with you. Why would you put up with my flawed body"

He suddenly and forcefully split her legs apart, taking possession of her with brutality.

She cried out in pain, "Ah---."

He showed no pity, coldly mocking: “Stop wasting my time, finish it quickly and pay off your debts!”

“Damn, you really are tight!” He continued ruthlessly, his words laced with venom and mockery. “How long has it been since you’ve had a man! Can your thirsty body hold out! Or is it that Xiao Yi’s little thing is like a needle, pricking you for so long yet not even drying you out!”

"Shut up, shut up!" she hissed, finally brought to tears by the overwhelming humiliation.

Down below, it hurts, a pain that's unbearable. Before, this man would always take his time with foreplay before claiming her, but now, he rushes in without any warning, crashing and pushing his way through. It feels like she's being torn apart down there, the pain piercing her soul. She clenches her fists, biting down hard to suppress the agony, but tears stream uncontrollably down her face.

Ouch! It hurts so much!

And he showed no pity at all, recklessly and rudely continued to taunt: "I'm just like this, you can't stand it! So naive, how will you deal with one after another wealthy patron in the future! They won't be as kind as me, I bet they'll shove all sorts of things, good or bad, into your little mouth! This is just a taste, and you can't handle it!"

After finishing, he viciously bit her chest, biting down hard, leaving a large tooth mark with each bite.

She couldn't take it anymore, she had never endured such abuse and humiliation. Finally, she broke down and cried uncontrollably.

He looked on coldly, watching the tears that always made his heart ache slide down her cheeks. His heart was hard as stone. He told himself, it's good, this is how it should be. This little woman, she's gone, she can be gone, she just has to be gone!

Such a woman is born to be looked down upon, there's no need to cherish or treat her well. She should be humiliated in the most brutal and casual way possible. This is what she brought upon herself, and it's what she deserves.

This is what she gets for thinking she's so great!

This is what happens when she doesn't trust him!

What he said, she will pay the price for her foolishness!

She betrayed him, she can't get away with it!

She made him suffer, so he made her suffer tenfold, a hundredfold!

Fed up! She said he was fed up! How dare she say such things! Who is fed up with whom!

"Oh... hurts... hurts..."

“Get out…leave now!”

She was crying, her face covered in tears!

But he felt a sense of satisfaction, maliciously thinking: Pain on, just keep hurting!

He is so good to her, what has he done wrong to deserve this from her!

She thought she was helping him!

It's ridiculous, he still needs a little woman to help him!

He is just not appreciative! He's never going to be grateful!

"How did Xiao Yi possess you! Is it like this now! Or, by using a back position!"

He glared at her with bloodshot eyes, his face contorted in rage, wishing he could tear her to shreds.

He flipped her over, taking possession of her from behind. He slapped her buttocks viciously and coldly commanded, "Move, don't act like a dead fish. You leech off men but haven't even learned the most basic bedroom skills. What else do you know! Tell me, are you utterly useless!"

She sobbed silently, burying her face deep into her hair, allowing all her tears to soak into the pillow.

He assaulted her fiercely, coldly like a block of ice. At times, he would taunt her with the most vulgar language, provoking and insulting her!

She was forced to submit and suddenly felt how could she be so humble, so vulnerable to being bullied! Why after enduring hardship, she couldn't wait for sweetness! Why even though they had already broken up, she still had to endure his revenge and anger!

How much longer will he have to do this! Why can't he just let her go!

She didn't mean to offend him, but why did she have to run into him!

Ouch! It hurts so much!

My body ached as if it wasn't even mine!

My heart aches, as if the pain wasn't even my own!

Just let her die!

When he finished with her, the only thought that crossed her mind was this: utter despair!p, there was nowhere to find him. She could only struggle to get up from the ground, enduring the pain in her lower back, tears streaming down her face, silently pushing He Ya back to the ward.Althoug...