Zuo Yu An Shu Ting L works

Chapter 314: Don't Force It


director asked me to demonstrate."”He spoke openly and acted decisively, following the script's plot. He turned slightly, lowered his head, bringing his face only a few centimeters from hers. Then, wi...Yi Muyang wanted to hide his injuries from Tinglan, but when he was wheeled back to the ward after surgery, the bandage covering his wound was still clearly visible.

He was unconscious for so long even under anesthesia, that when he woke up, it was already nighttime with thousands of lights twinkling outside his window. All he saw was Tinglan sitting quietly by his bedside, keeping him company.

He stirred awake, and couldn't help but smile at the sight of her.

Shu Tinglan was originally full of worry, but as soon as she saw him smile, she became angry. She glared at him and pointed at his wound and asked...

“Why aren't you explaining what’s going on”

She was a little angry, upset that he wasn't being truthful and it was worrying.

Yi Muyang was much better now. Seeing Tinglan like this, he softened his heart and explained.

“I went to Yunnan with Ding Zhi to find the leader of the poaching gang, Scarface, who also shot Song Song back then.”

"Did you find it So you booked a flight back before, and we made plans to meet at the airport."

"I found him, but Scarface is very cunning and has a strong counter-tracking ability. After following him for some time, I realized something was wrong and decided to come back and let the police handle it. I promised my parents and Songsong's parents that I would never take risks again, and you and the kids are waiting for me. I don't want to go crazy with Dingzhi, that outlaw. But when I was at the airport preparing to board a plane, I unexpectedly discovered Scarface who was preparing to flee abroad. After all, I followed Dingzhi specifically to Yunnan to find him. If he escaped abroad, it might be impossible to catch him for life, so I was impulsive at the time."

"Tinglan, I was wrong. I made you worry."

"Are the wounds on you from scratching him"

"Well, Scarface is good at counter-tracking. We had a little physical altercation when we were pursuing him, but it's nothing serious, just superficial wounds."

"Are all the problems solved"

"It's solved."

Shū Tínglan completely believed him, for both the questioner and answerer were sincere. The way he answered didn't seem like a lie. Such a world was too far away from her, and she couldn't tell truth from falsehood anyway.

"I won't do it again. Please don't be angry, okay" Yi Mu Yang grasped her hand. In fact, the true reason he had made it back from the brink of death was Ting Lan. Because they had promised to meet at the airport, he was truly afraid that he wouldn't come back.

He didn't lie to Tinglan about what happened. Everything before the airport was the truth, but after he chased Shaye at the airport, everything changed drastically, including these injuries. He didn't want to talk about it anymore; it was all in the past.

Shu Tinglan sighed and adjusted the position of his bed, saying

"I'm not angry. I know Songsong is your heart knot. If you don't bring the poaching gang to justice, you won't be truly happy. I'm just worried about you. You don't tell me anything."

Yi Muyang didn't expect her to understand him like this. His heart moved slightly, he held her hand tightly and couldn't bear to let go, promising...

"From now on, no matter what happens, I won't keep anything from you."

"Shū Tínglàn nodded. 'Tired Want to take a nap'"

Yi Muyang shook his head. "Not tired, are the children all doing well"

"He's been asking all day when you're coming back. When he found out you were in the hospital, he wanted to come see you."

"Let them come when they're feeling better, don't scare them."


Yi Muyang held her hand, reluctant to sleep. But in this safe environment, the tightly stretched string relaxed especially, and after chatting with Tinglan for a while, he fell asleep unknowingly.

Shu Tinglan watched as his furrowed brow relaxed, and he slept soundly. He just kept holding her hand without letting go. Afraid of disturbing him, she remained sitting by the bedside, keeping a vigil over him.

Actually, ever since that inexplicable spring dream in Senzhou, she had made a decision about their relationship when returning to the city. But ever since seeing Yi Muyang at the airport yesterday, she couldn't bring herself to speak up, especially now that he was lying in bed injured like this. How could she bear to hurt him again

She will never forget, on that rainy highway when she was at her most desperate and helpless, Yi Mu Yang appeared as if from heaven; nor will she ever forget him shining gold at the kindergarten parent-child sports meet; nor will she ever forget his meticulous care for her and the children day and night.

He led her out of the mire of life, and he gave the children the joy-filled childhood they deserved.

Her affection and reliance on him were not feigned.

As for the intimate relationship, she thought that perhaps having such a spring dream was related to her encounter with someone in the elevator the previous night, or maybe it was because all her past intimate relationships only involved memories of Zhuo YUAN. So dreaming about him was normal

She found a reason to convince herself, and thought that as long as she never went to Senzhou again and stopped associating with the old people, everything should go back to normal.

At this time, she didn't realize that any relationship was natural and didn't need to be persuaded.

She also wanted to give herself and Yimu Yang a chance, because the sense of security and comfort she felt when with him was what she desired most.

By the middle of the night, she had fallen asleep on her sickbed in a hazy stupor.

The next day, she took a day off to care for him in the hospital. She was experienced at this; they had first met in a hospital. He had broken his leg, and she would report to the hospital on time every day for work. At that time, he was quite dismissive of her.

As if by unspoken agreement, they both smiled, remembering their first encounter.

"How could you have thought to consult online back then That's not like you." If I hadn't consulted online, there would have been no chance of meeting.

"To be honest" Yi Muyang asked.

"You said."

"At that time, I thought lawyers who offered online consultations must be of low caliber. Otherwise, busy lawyers wouldn't have time to waste online, right So I wanted to find a low-caliber lawyer named Tang just to vent my frustration, the one who is your college classmate."

"So you think my professional level is low"

"No, we chatted twice and I found you were too professional and responsible. I lost interest, so I went offline. Later, you came to me."

It seems that way, so their relationship started because of her.

Yi Muyang smiled: "So thank you for your persistence."

This sentence of thanks is a double entendre, thanking her first for initially persisting in finding him, and second for her current persistence.

Shu Tinglan smiled and changed the subject: "I went to pick up the kids from kindergarten to come see you. They were clamoring to come when Auntie Liu dropped them off this morning."

"Okay, but what if they see me like this " Yimu Yang was still worried about scaring them.

"It's fine, in their eyes Uncle Yi is Superman, capable of anything. We need to let them know that even Superman has a vulnerable side."

"What kind of logic is that How could you ruin my image in front of the kids" Yi Muyang was furious.

She left without looking back.

"It's what you meant by not forcing yourself, right"onflicted again: "I feel like a bad mother" 。When you're in a good mood, you're better to the baby. The benefits outweigh the drawbacks. 。and drinking just a few sips of carbonated beverages won't h...