Zuo Yu An Shu Ting L works

Chapter 120: A Soul as Pure as Orchid


hu Tinglan drove from the legal aid center to kindergarten, and she was almost an hour late. Her two children were waiting for her at the kindergarten entrance, being led by their teacher hand-in-hand...She just thought, in case one day, Zhuo Yu'an had a better choice and wanted to end the relationship, since they weren't public now, it wouldn't be too embarrassing then. 。

"Good" 。He agreed, fully respecting her thoughts. 。"Have you told your parents When do you need me to come in and help" Shutinglan recalled that when they got their marriage certificate, his household register was a separate one, with no other family members listed. 。"Not yet, maybe another time." 。When you need me, I'll let you know. 。Many things take time, and you always have to take them step by step. 。"Well... nice doing business with you." 。She raised her glass to him, looking at him with sincerity. 。He smiled faintly, raised his glass and lightly clinked it with hers, saying: 。Excellent, everything is just right. 。Although they were lying in the same bed late at night, Zhuo Yu'an didn't hold her like he used to. Instead, he lay on the other side, maintaining a respectable distance between them. 。Shutinglan rotated the diamond ring in her hand, her heart swirling along with her finger movements. She knew Zhuo Yu'an wasn't asleep, so she moved closer to him and poked his shoulder with her finger, feeling his whole body tense up. 。Cut it out. 。He rebuked her, his voice taut. 。She found it funny, and poked it again and again. 。He suddenly turned around, grabbed her hands, and stopped her from moving. 。Now the two of them were very close, lying face to face. 。Shutinglan's hands were held in his, unable to move. In the darkness, she stared at him with wide eyes, seeing only the outline of his face. She knew he was holding back, deliberately teasing her, watching how long he could endure. 。

“Get a good night’s sleep” 。He said 。But her hands were sweaty in his. 。"Are you hot" she asked. 。"Shu Tinglan, don't blame me...." He gritted his teeth, suddenly rolling over. 。More than just hot; it's about to explode. 。Shu Tinglan kept begging for mercy behind him, it could only be said that he reaped what he sowed, deserved it! The next morning, as soon as Shu Tinglan woke up, he immediately got out of bed, not daring to linger on the bed for a moment, fearing that this person would go crazy early in the morning. 。Zhuo Yu'an woke up to the sound and saw Shu Tinglan carefully carrying his clothes outside. He couldn't help but laugh, feeling mostly awake now. 。"Got the wrong clothes." 。He smiled at her, propping his head up with his hand. It was early morning, his hair a little messy and tousled, yet still irresistibly alluring. 。Shu Tinglan had already reached the door when he was startled by a sound from behind. He stopped in his tracks, turned to look at the clothes he was holding in his arms, and sure enough... they were his. 。And her clothes, which he had tossed to his side last night. 。My blood rushed to my head, and my face turned beet red. 。Zuo Yu'an didn't care at all. He got out of bed, picked up the clothes next to him, and strode towards her. When he reached her, he put a hood over her head directly, his movements smooth and swift. 。Put your clothes on before you go out, don't catch a cold. 。 。“This person can be quite a jerk sometimes, Shu Tinglan hated him. He changed his clothes, washed his face, didn't even bother with breakfast, and stormed out the door with his bag.” 。Couldn't Zhuo Yuyan not know about her bad temper He was prepared for it. When she went out and into the elevator, he followed in right behind her, trapping her in a corner of the elevator and coaxing her: "Have breakfast with me downstairs." 。Not eating breakfast can lead to an increased risk of gallstones. 。"Speaking is still annoying." 。You're the one who gets gallstones. 。Shū Tīnglán scolded him. 。Ding dong... The elevator went down one floor, and the door opened. 。Zhuo Yu'an and Shu Tinglan didn't mind. Zhuo Yu'an had his back to the elevator door, cornering Shu Tinglan in the elevator nook and teasing her. 。 。。"Having such greasy food in the morning Don't you want me to gain weight"Zuo Yu'an pinched her face "Gaining some weight is good" 。"

Unable to resist any longer, he impulsively wanted to kiss her. His actions outran his thoughts, and he leaned down to gently peck her lips." 。Shutinglan

He really didn't know there was his old flame in the elevator...

She pushed him, and moved aside. 。Then, Wenlan finally called out to him,

"Yu An" 。"

Wen Jian, standing next to him, faced the elevator without a word, standing straight. " 。But the elevator mirror clearly reflected her strained expression. She had booked a flight back after seeing Zhu Yu'an's text yesterday, and now she looked a little tired, still adjusting to the time difference. 。"Lanlan, you're here too" Wen Lan was a bit older after all. She had emotions on her face, but wouldn't let anyone see them easily. 。Shutinglan has become quite smart now. 。Wen Lan called her Lan Lan, and she obediently replied:

"Good morning, Auntie" 。"It takes a lot of courage to take that step and face them, mother and daughter. No more running away." 。Look them in the eye, face them head-on. It doesn't seem so difficult after all. 。It was only recently that her thinking made this turn. In their relationship, she was the most innocent one, it was them who needed to hide and avoid each other, not her and her mother. 。After figuring this out, she suddenly felt much more enlightened. 。Wen Lan and her daughter also went to the first floor lounge for breakfast, and the four of them walked together along the way. 。Shu Tinglan was visiting for the first time and originally thought it was just a small restaurant. After all, poverty limits imagination. 。Upon entering, there is a luxuriously decorated multi-functional hall that can be used by the owner to receive guests or host banquets. 。To the right is a fully equipped gym with a swimming pool, and to the left is the restaurant. 。The restaurant is also quite large, divided into a Chinese food area and a Western food area. At this time, it's breakfast time, and it's a buffet style, free for the owners. 。Wenlan: "Mind if we sit together" Zhuo Yu'an didn't answer directly, but glanced at Shu Tinglan, asking for her opinion. 。

Sure. 。She replied readily. 。Wen Lan sat down, and Shu Tinglan also sat down. 。What do you want to eat I'll go get it. 。Zhu Yu'an asked. 。"Didn't you say these xiaolongbao were delicious I'm eating xiaolongbao " 。"Aren't you afraid of getting fat now" 。Zhuo Yu'an then turned and walked toward the food area, Wen Jian also went with him to get food. 。This side of the table became just Wen Lan and Shu Tinglan. 。Shu Tinglan didn't expect that one day he could face Wen Lan with such calmness, even a hint of disdain. 。

Yeah, utter disdain. 。"Lanlan Actually, your father used to call me Lanlan too. When I first learned your name, I asked your father if it was taken from mine." 。"Aunt's thinking too much, they're just homophones. " 。My name, Lan, means "watching the sea and listening to the waves" as the wind rises. It means a majestic wave soaring straight up ninety thousand miles. My mother chose it for me. 。"Are you the orchid of spider plant"

She's really something else, using "orchid" instead of "lilly" just to be spiteful. 。She knew that Wenlan had always boasted: "A person as pure as orchid, and a heart as simple as jade." 。So her name is Wenlan, and her daughter's name is Wenjian. 。Uh...Shu Tinglan thought, their faces were really thick. 。ub, the driver waited by the car with the door open. He didn't get in immediately, wanting to take a breath of fresh air. He leaned against the car and lit another cigarette, taking a drag before exti...