Zuo Yu An Shu Ting L works

Part Three Chapter 33 Suspicion of Pregnancy


g was wrong. She couldn't sleep at all night after night. When she was alone, her mind would race with thoughts. 。She later saw a psychiatrist, who after communicating with her in detail, preliminaril...The first and last sentences are unimportant, only the second sentence touched the leader's heart. Now, people her age, no matter how excellent they are in their studies or work, most of them have been pampered since childhood, and very few can really endure hardship.

To work in underdeveloped countries from scratch, the difficulties are self-evident. Therefore, what they need is someone who can endure hardship and has an unyielding spirit. Chen Ning's hardware and software conditions are both very suitable.

Although the meeting didn't explicitly announce the outcome, it was pretty much decided. She's going to do it.

If this were before, Chen Ning would have definitely felt a sense of relief as though a large stone had been lifted from her heart. But today, she couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. Her heart felt heavy as if a large stone was pressing down on it, making it hard to breathe.

Go back to your seat, Tao Kaiyan saw her face pale and absent-minded, thinking it was because she was going to be sent to country x, after all, they were fellow disciples. So, he came over to comfort her: "Actually, you'll be able to come back in two years or even go to a better country. There's also a Chinese pavilion next to country x, and it's convenient to get in touch."

"Well, thank you," Chen Ling replied with a nod.

Finally making it to quitting time, she usually stayed late at work, but today she left the office building promptly and hurried towards the pharmacy near her apartment.

But, having only taken two steps, a familiar voice suddenly rang out from behind: "Linghui."

She saw Song Jingye sitting in the Jeep parked by the roadside. He rolled down the window and called her, his expression unfathomably cold at this moment.

Seeing him, Chen Ling's afternoon of hidden panic instantly turned into a bittersweet feeling of sadness, yet she dared not speak.

, I cannot speak.

Song Jingye saw her wronged expression, frowned, got out of the car, didn't say anything, and opened the passenger door for her, "Get in the car, I'll take you to eat."

He probably thought she was hungry, because every time he saw her, his opening line was asking her out to eat.

Chen Ning wanted desperately to go home and buy a pregnancy test, but she couldn't refuse him, so she got into his Jeep.

Sitting beside him, thinking that she might be pregnant, she was terrified but also heartbroken and wanted to cry.

And Song Jingye seemed to be in a bad mood today, especially when he saw her dejected expression, his brow furrowed, and he sped up the engine to a nearby restaurant.

Even if the restaurant is great and the food delicious, Chen Ning can only taste the same old wine.

Song Jingye was silent for a moment before asking, "Is your department going to send you to country X"

He's well-connected. Ever since he got someone to introduce him to their unit last time, that person has been "accidentally" bringing up Chen Linghui's situation at work. Of course, they are very tactful because they can't figure out the true nature of his relationship with Chen Linghui, so they haven't treated Chen Linghui any differently at work.

This has always been Song Jingye's principle: public is public, private is private, and he would never interfere in her work.

Despite this, what is he doing now

He finished his question and waited for her answer.

Chen Ling had been completely focused on getting pregnant. She didn't expect him to suddenly ask this question, so she answered truthfully: "The department called me today to discuss it, but we haven't made a final decision yet."

"Would you like to go" Song Jingye asked.

He didn't know the ins and outs of the situation, he just thought she was a newcomer who had been wronged at work, taking on the hardest and most tiring tasks.

Make it lively for her, and while you're at it, how many years will this take

To say she's a person who separates public and private matters, to this extent, especially seeing her eyes red-rimmed, as if she'd suffered a great injustice, he couldn't just stand by. After all, she was a little girl he watched grow up; there's no reason for her to suffer an injustice out of the blue.

Chen Ning was about to answer that she had applied herself when Song Jingye spoke first, making a direct decision: "If you don't want to go, I'll take care of it for you."

"And then he added, "Just so you know, I still owe you one thing."

"It turns out you were rushing to 'repay your debt,' huh Chen Ling shook her head. "Uncle, I applied for it myself."

Song Jingye was stunned: "Why"

X country is very far from China. It takes at least a day and a night of flying, even with a stopover, and his identity would make it inconvenient to travel abroad in the future unless it was for official business.

Chen Ling calmly replied, "This is the nature of our work, we all need to be sent out on assignments. I'm lucky that I got such an opportunity so soon after arriving."

She spoke lightly.

Song Jingye glanced at her: "You didn't seem happy just now."

"Well, my period." She blurted out, as if afraid he'd know it was late.

Song Jingye didn't have much experience interacting with girls. Hearing her mention her period, he inexplicably thought of the red stain on the sheets that morning and blurted out, "You should drink more hot water."

Straightforward man.

After that, both of them seemed a little absentminded. Song Jingye was in public service himself and knew his responsibilities well. He often felt constrained by his duties, so he understood her work nature. But: "The environment in X country is harsh, and you've just started working. Would you consider gaining some experience domestically first"


"Uncle, doesn't he believe in my abilities"

She stopped him with another sentence, feeling a little annoyed inside, "What if you get into danger going there alone"

"We also have experienced leaders going with us, and isn't there a saying that in war between two nations, envoys are not to be harmed No matter what corner of the world we go to, we will be the safest people."

Speaking of work, her attention was diverted, and she felt a temporary sense of relief.

Song Jingye's face was still not very good, but after that he didn't say anything else. He finished the meal and sent her home. As usual, he waited downstairs and told her to go upstairs and send him a message before leaving.

Chen Ling went upstairs and turned on the light when he got home. He sent a message to him saying that he was home. Usually, he would leave after receiving the message.

She would usually stand by the window to watch his departing figure, but today she had no mood for it. After sending the message, she went straight out to buy a pregnancy test at the pharmacy.

The whole way, I was on edge, tiptoeing around like a thief. I should have known better than to buy it from the pharmacy by my front door. I should have gone further away. This neighborhood is full of family housing for people who work at my company. What if I ran into someone It would be so embarrassing because everyone knows I'm single.

As she walked out of the pharmacy, head bowed and hurrying towards home, she only took two steps before bumping into a wall of people. A familiar scent filled her nostrils. She looked up and saw Song Jingye; he hadn't left after all.

He lowered his head, gripping her shoulders with both hands, and asked with concern, "Are you sick"

She was holding a plastic bag from the pharmacy in her hand, containing a pregnancy test. Before she could put it in her pocket, he caught her red-handed.

He had her arms in his grasp, she could only try to shove whatever was in her hands behind her back. She was too tense, especially with his breath completely enveloping her.

Go to sleep.

Song Jingye originally just asked out of concern, but her unusual attitude made him suspicious too. She wouldn't say anything, so he took the plastic bag from her hand directly in a domineering manner.t handling the company's normal work.This made Lu Kuo a little worried.“Leave it to Shaohui, you should take a break and rest your eyes.” She said as she handed him water, but he ignored her. After f...