Zuo Yu An Shu Ting L works

Part Three Chapter Three: Waiting


offices for human resources, administration, finance, and technology. 。There is a direct staircase leading to the 20th floor inside. The floors above are divided into different lawyer offices based...Not until the twilight faded and night fell did the two trucks appear on the opposite side of the road. 。After-school study time was about to begin. The entrance of the school, which had been bustling just a moment ago, gradually quieted down. Only three or four late students ran quickly past her into the school. 。Chen Ning didn't dare to go back for evening self-study, nor did she dare to leave, fearing that if her uncle came and couldn't find her, he would miss her. 。But just standing there foolishly wasn't an option, so she went to ask the security guard for his phone to make a call. She already knew both his mobile and landline numbers by heart. 。

She hesitated to call his mobile number, fearing that he might be busy at work or inconvenienced by the call. So she called his office landline first, where someone was always available to answer. 。The phone was answered quickly, and she identified herself.

The man on the other end seemed to want to verify, and asked again: "Who are you"

"Chen Ling" 。

She repeated her name again, and he suspected the other party had a list in hand. As the other party repeated her name while flipping through pages with a rustling sound, they finally seemed to see her name and replied: "Captain Song is training people in the western suburbs today, and there was a minor incident. He will be back late, and the return time is uncertain." 。"Having thought about this, Chen Ling didn't dare call him on the phone anymore. She returned her phone to the security guard and quickly ran back to class to ask the teacher for leave. Then, she hurried back to the school gate and continued waiting." 。

Another two hours passed. School's after-school study session had ended, and boarding students rode their bikes past her, while others walked by one after another. Then, everything returned to normal again. 。

Just when she thought she might not see him today, their two military trucks finally appeared on the opposite side of the road. As it happened to be a red light, she barely had any thought before getting up and happily running towards the car. 。But Song Jingye and Zheng Ke seemed a bit tired today, both staring blankly ahead with no expression. Neither of them saw her. 。She jumped up and down under the window, waving for a long time, until the green light came on, but Song Jingye didn't even glance outside the window or below. 。Because of the green light, Chen Ling could only quickly walk to the side of the road, watching helplessly as the car passed in front of her, feeling a bit dejected and disappointed. 。Zheng Ke, who was driving in front, didn't drive fast because he had just started. He glanced at the rearview mirror subconsciously and said to Song Jingye beside him who kept his eyes straight ahead: "Is that the little girl from yesterday"Song Jingye turned his head back and frowned: "I'll get out of the car, you guys go back first." 。He was so busy today and something unexpected happened, he completely forgot about asking someone to wait for her. 。Chen Ling turned back as the car stopped, watching that tall figure jump out and stride towards her. All the previous despondency and fatigue vanished instantly. 。"Sorry, I was busy today and forgot. " 。"Song Jingye came over and explained. Although his tone was cold and indifferent, it could be seen that he was sincerely sorry." 。It's alright, I know you're busy. 。Chen Ling hurriedly waved her hand. 。"Have you been waiting long" Song Jingye asked. 。Just came out from the evening self-study. 。She doesn't want to make him feel guilty. 。Song Jingye nodded and took out an old-fashioned cell phone from his pocket: “Here you go, I asked around, your school doesn't allow smart phones, only these.” 。This phone was actually given back by someone on their team before. It has a long standby time and good signal, so it's the most suitable for her to use. 。

"Thank you, uncle" 。Chen Ling's eyes welled up with tears, and she whispered. 。。She treasured her elderly mobile phone, placing it deep inside her backpack. In fact, this was her first-ever phone, regardless of whether it was smart or not, it was incredibly precious to her. 。Song Jingye, after giving the stuff away, had nothing more to say. He and the little girl were from different generations and had nothing in common to talk about. 。After thinking for a long time, he finally asked: "Is there any difficulty in learning Can you keep up"His tone was also stiff, like an elder asking a younger generation. 。When you call him uncle, he truly acts like one. 。"I can keep up, no difficulties at the moment." 。She reported truthfully. 。"That's good, the teaching quality here at this school is average. If you want to get into a good university, you should broaden your knowledge base and do more practice problems outside of school." 。As if on cue, Chen Ning's stomach let out an untimely rumbling growl. 。She didn't eat dinner tonight waiting for him, and she has been starving ever since. 。Song Jingye had only nibbled on a little something during training, intending to eat it back at the barracks. Since that was the case, he said, "Let me treat you to a meal." 。Chen Ning hesitated a bit, pointing to the school gate not far away with principled firmness: "Uncle, I'm sorry, it's almost time for the security check. We won't be able to get in after that." 。"

Go" 。"Song Jingye nodded." 。

Chen Ning turned back and waved at him: "Uncle, I'm leaving, goodbye" 。Then, clutching his backpack, he dashed across the crosswalk. 。Chen Ning ran all the way back to her dormitory, her face still flushed. Even though her stomach was rumbling with hunger, she didn't feel like eating at all right now. She carefully took out her phone from her school bag and looked at it repeatedly, over and over again, her heart filled with joy, especially those three words "Song Jingye" in her contacts. Seeing them just made her feel at ease. 。Actually, the school does have rules against students using smartphones, but in their dormitory, every student is secretly using them, one better than the next. 。The classmate in the bunk opposite saw the phone in her hand and laughed, "Wow, Chen Ninghui, what an antique you have!"

Chen Ninghui immediately shoved it under her pillow, not wanting them to see it, treating it like a treasure. 。The girl in the bed opposite me flashed a look of disdain in her eyes, as if to say, "I'm not interested," or, "What's so special about you" 。"What year is it How can anyone still use such an outdated phone"

Chen Ling didn't care about the other person's attitude. The phone was under her pillow, and her uncle's name was still on it. Even if she was hungry, seeing his name made her happy. 。

Although they had cell phones for instant contact, in reality, they hardly ever reached out to each other. 。Chen Ning didn't dare call him because her old phone was mainly used as a watch; Song Jingye would be even less likely to call her. When he wasn't thinking about her, she was like someone who didn't exist. Especially recently, after training ended, he no longer passed by their school gate, and he completely forgot about her. 。Until almost the Spring Festival holiday, his wife, Ms. Song, urged him to return to Beijing for the New Year. Only then did he suddenly remember that the little girl might be nowhere to go So he contacted her again. 。

School has been on holiday for a week, Chen Ling went back to the school to apply for winter vacation dormitory stay, and could help look after the campus duty. Only then did the school agree. 。But as soon as the school holiday started, the heating stopped working. It wouldn't be worth it to keep the heating on just for one student, so her dormitory was like an icebox. 。Growing up, he has hardly ever had a disagreement with his parents. In Beijing's circle, he has always been a model child in everyone else's eyes.But Cheng Zhimin didn't expect that a teenager's first...