Full Moon works

Chapter 578: Fainting Again


will make improvements. 。"The meeting has been almost entirely Qin Jingwen giving a lecture from the start. Her expertise earned her admiration from everyone, she was a different person compared to y...Qin Jingwen used the form of questioning to expose this matter because she wanted to give Xiao Zheng a chance. 。Regardless of whether she knows what Su Qin did with this information, she has indeed violated industry principles. 。The most taboo thing for a secretary to do is to divulge their boss's schedule. 。 "General Qin... how did you know I didn't mean any harm. Su Qin asked, so I told her." 。" Xiao Zheng panicked, his first reaction was to sincerely admit to the matter. 。"Xiao Zheng, have you ever thought about Su Qin's intention when asking these questions" Qin Jingwen's question didn't require Xiao Zheng to answer, she was just reminding... 。Qin Jingwen continued speaking 。As your secretary assistant, no matter how good your relationship with Su Qin is, even if she's a family member, you can't casually reveal Mr. Qiao's itinerary. 。"You'd better handle this yourself. If Joe found out, you'd be out of a job." 。"Qin Jingwen said a few words as a warning, she wouldn't tell Qiao Shunchen, and she wouldn't hold Xia Zheng responsible. " 。But whether or not something will happen in the future depends on how Xiao Zheng handles it. 。After Qin Jingwen finished speaking, she took the documents and went to Qiao Shunchen's office. 。It's not just Qiao Shunchen in the office, Sun Xu and Chen Shu are also reporting on their work. 。Seeing Qin Jingwen walk in, Sun Xu and Chen Shu both smiled and greeted Qin Jingwen with care. 。"General Qin " 。" General Qin, you're here for work" "Well, I had to come." 。"Qin Jing's warm implication was clear, she might not even be able to keep her life if she didn't come to work. " 。Qin Jingwen finished speaking and then looked at Qiao Shunchen with a carefree air. 。"Joe, I'm here to report on the progress of the project." 。Qin Jingwen spoke to Qiao Shunchen politely, formally, and distantly. 。She had experienced this kind of scene several times, as if everything was back to the starting point. 。This time she had to be more thorough, this time she made sure there was no room for anything to go back. 。"The two of you go out first" 。“ Joe Shunchen coldly ordered, Qiao Shunchen felt dissatisfied with Qin Jingwen's quick adaptation to the relationship after the breakup. 。Sun Xu and Chen Shu didn't say anything, just went out. 。But they prayed, hoping that the two people could have a good talk and that this matter would pass quickly. 。Only Qin Jing, Wen and Qiao Shunchen were left in the office. 。Qin Jingwen knew that Qiao Shunchen had driven Sun Xu and Chen Shu away for a reason. Although Qin Jingwen knew, she still avoided talking about personal matters. 。"Mr. Qiao, I'm now starting to report on the progress of my work." 。"This month..." "I don't want to hear a work report, I just want to hear your explanation." 。" Qiao Shunchen domineeringly interrupted the work report that had just begun. " 。At the same time, he also noticed that Qin Jingwen's face was very pale, and she seemed to have lost a lot of weight these days. 。Now that there's another man, now that you've let them have their way, why are you still torturing yourself like this 。It's inevitable to feel heartache seeing Qin Jing, Wen Qiao, and Shun Chen in such a state of anger. 。Qin Jingwen was speechless and furious at Qiao Shunchen's behavior. 。She dislikes blurring the lines between public and private, and she especially dislikes Qiao Shunchen's forceful attitude. 。Mr. Qiao, this is working hours. Let's talk about personal matters after work. 。“ Qin Jingwen refused to answer, her response was already obvious. I wonder what Qiao Shunchen still wanted to hear " 。When will I have the final say 。If I don't explain Luo Zhenghao's hot pot restaurant, I will let him shut down one by one. 。"

Qiao Shunchen used this method to threaten Qin Jingwen again. For him, this was the only effective way.

" 。"You...can you change things up a bit Can we do this without hurting anyone" 。Joe Shunchen, we were in love, at least that's what I think. 。“Must lovers go to such extremes when they break up” “I’ve explained everything I can. I don’t know what else you want to hear Do you really want a detailed account of what we did in the hotel room” “You were the one who said you wanted to break up. I didn’t cling to you, I didn’t cause you any trouble. What else do you want from me” Qin Jingwen was furious. She didn’t understand why Qiao Shunchen chose to break up and why he had to make things so difficult for her. 。She just wants to breathe some fresh air, just wants to relax a little. Is that really so difficult Qin Jingwen now understands that the most difficult person to deal with in the Qiao family is not Qiao Dexiang, but Qiao Shunchen. 。As long as you're associated with him, don't even think about living your own life. 。"You're worried about hurting others when it comes to us two, but you don't seem to worry about hurting me when it comes to your other relationships." 。When you and Luo Zhenghao were opening a room, how could you not have thought about my feelings 。Joe Shunchen's anger surpassed his heartache for Qin Jingwen. Just thinking about the scene in that video, Joe Shunchen found it very difficult to control himself. 。"I was the one who said we should break up. You already have another man, do you still want to be with me I, Qiao Shunchen, am a man of integrity. How could I possibly stay with someone like you, a woman who is promiscuous and has no shame" 。" Jo Shun-chen, enraged, blurted out whatever came to mind. He was provoked by Qin Jingwen's words, "What were you doing in the room" " 。He couldn't stand to hear such words, he couldn't bear that kind of scene. 。However, the words he uttered in his rage were regretted the next moment. 。Looking at Qin Jing's pale and sallow face, looking at the hurt in her eyes, looking at how her whole being was shattered by his words, Qiao Shunchen regretted it. 。“Yes, you are right. " 。I don't deny that I am a shameless woman who is fickle and unreliable. 。So I admit I was wrong, so I deserve to be abandoned by you. 。“ Jason, I understand what you mean. From the beginning to the end, you never treated me as a good woman. " 。You've never truly looked at me as a person, from beginning to end. 。Qin Jingwen wanted to cry, but she squeezed her eyes shut as hard as she could, trying her best to swallow the tears back into her eye sockets. 。 Qiao Shunchen's words were too hurtful, they instantly shattered her dignity that she had painstakingly maintained. 。How could she become a woman who flirts with many men From the day she agreed to be a surrogate mother until now, she has only had Qiao Shunchen as a man. 。 Is this simple relationship called being fickle Is it unshameful to be so devoted to one man Well, let him say whatever he wants. 。

To belittle her and elevate oneself.

Who let Qin Jingwen have nothing 。I’ve explained everything I could, and at work, I will follow your instructions here. 。If you want to hate, hate me. If you want to torment, torment me. But don't harm the innocent. 。" Mr. Qiao, work... I've asked Xie Miao to give the report." 。I'm going back now. 。Qin Jingwen turned resolutely and left. 。She no longer had any hope for the man behind her. 。Qin Jingwen heavily closed the door. Before Qiao Shunchen could react, she heard a commotion outside, with both male and female voices, all very urgent. 。 “General Qin… General Qin, what’s wrong with you” “General Qin, wake up” 。" "Xiao Zheng, call 120!" "Joe, Qin, they've fainted." 。When Qiao Shunchen heard the last sentence, he had already pushed open the office door. 。 Qin Jingwen fell to the ground, apparently unconscious. 。Joe Shun-chen quickly crouched down and hugged Qin Jingwen in his arms. 。

"Wen Wen, Wen Wen wake up" 。" Qiao Shunchen cried out urgently, but Qin Jingwen didn't react at all. 。At this point, Qiao Shunchen had forgotten his anger. He was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. 。Son Xu is preparing the car 。Joe Shunchen ordered someone to carry Qin Jingwen directly to his office, preparing to take the CEO's exclusive elevator so they could get there faster. 。Qin Jingwen was sent to the hospital for a thorough examination, and Song Xizhe's final answer was >>> 。"Sleep deprivation, and malnutrition " 。If my analysis is correct, Wenwen should have been sleeping poorly and not eating well for days. 。Another reason for her coma was excessive emotional distress and heartbreak. 。"

Song Xinzhe's analysis made Qiao Shunchen feel ashamed>>> 。He didn't notice Qin Jingwen's problems at all. She had clearly said she was very tired, but he kept verbally hurting her. 。Knowing Qin Jingwen's poor physical condition, he still pressured her like this. 。It's clearly meant to make her faint. 。"Did you two fight" Song Xinzhe, seeing Qiao Shunchen's silence, casually asked. 。Qiao Shunchen just frowned and didn't answer. 。He didn't know how to answer, for if he answered, the argument would escalate beyond just an argument. 。If he says breakup, he doesn't recognize this ending himself. 。Just when both of them were silent, Qin Jing slowly opened her eyes. 。She was a little dazed and didn't know where she was. Her memory stopped at her leaving Joe Shunchen's office. 。Then, I don't know. 。Qin Jingwen glanced sideways and saw the IV drip above her head, only then realizing she had fainted again. 。Thinking about herself fainting, thinking about herself fainting outside Qiao Shunchen's office, she was especially angry and hated herself. 。Filled with fury, she suddenly sat up and yanked the IV needle from her hand with a violent tug. 。Still cursing himself under his breath. 。"With such little ability, you dare to make things difficult for me. Why did you have to faint in front of him when there were other times" 。So useless, might as well be dead. 。"Wenwen, what are you doing" 。"When Qin Jingwen suddenly sat up, Qiao Shunchen realized she was awake. But when he rushed to her bedside, it was too late. Qin Jingwen had already pulled out the IV needle. " 。Seeing the blood on her hand spraying out, Qiao Shunchen quickly held Qin Jingwen's hand out of concern. 。"Let go, don't touch me" 。Don't dirty the hands of your big boss, Qiao. 。Qin Jingwen almost used all her strength to shake Qiao Shunchen's hand away. 。Ignoring the blood still flowing, he hid his hands behind him. 。 "Wynn..." "Sorry, I didn't mean to faint." 。My damn body is letting me down, causing trouble for Mr. Joe, the CEO. 。“I'm fine now, Mr. Qiao, you should go back to work.” 。" Qin Jingwen's hatred for herself was being held back with all her might, but Qiao Shunchen's insulting words still echoed clearly in her ears. " 。A woman like her, who is so promiscuous and shameless, might tarnish Mr. Qiao's reputation. 。"Wenwen, your hand is still bleeding." 。"Is there anything that can stop the bleeding"

Jo Shunchen was also angry, but listening to Qin Jingwen's words, all he felt now was heartache.

He knew Qin Jingwen was still angry, angry that he had spoken without thinking. 。He already knew he was wrong. No matter what happened, he shouldn't have said that hurtful thing to her. 。"It's fine, I hope it keeps bleeding and I die." 。This lousy body won't help her either. 。 。Qin Jingwen's anger hadn't subsided at all. She and Qiao Shunchen had nothing to do with each other, and she didn't want Qiao Shunchen to see this awful side of herself. 。She didn't want Qiao Shunchen to think she was playing mind games to gain his sympathy. 。She has always walked her own path, and now she can get through this on her own. She doesn't need Qiao Shunchen's false compassion. 。>y. 。After the last message was sent, Qin Jingwen put her phone away. She didn't even want to look at any messages Qiao Shunchen might send. 。Where is Qiao Shunchen's matter, he was speechless, not kn...