Full Moon works

Chapter 312: The Transaction of the Necklace


y. 。"From this single phrase, 'ruining other people's families,' Qin Jingwen immediately concluded that you, Song Yiren, were involved." 。It seems she's never been at peace, it seems she's always been...At this point, Su Qin could no longer care about so much. Whoever came up was fine as long as it wasn't Ye Wen. 。"Mr. Qiao, for the sake of my husband, please forgive me this time, I promise you..."Su Qin suddenly burst into tears, then suddenly hugged Qiao Shunchen 。"Sorry, it's my fault..." Su Qin cried and apologized. 。Joe Shunchen had a moment of stunned silence, then reached out to push Su Qin, but she held on tightly and showed no sign of letting go. 。"Let go, Su Qin. Are you being sincere with this apology" Qiao Shunchen's voice was icy cold, his brow furrowed tightly. 。He didn't expect Su Qin to pull this move at all, he had no defense. 。However, such Su Qin not only failed to win his favor but instead made him even more disgusted. 。Joe Shunchen saw that his words had no effect on Su Qin. He put his hands back on Su Qin's shoulders, just as he was about to push her away forcefully, the elevator door suddenly opened and Qin Jingwen walked out like that. 。Qin Jingwen knew she had come a little suddenly, but she never expected to see such a heartbreaking scene. 。She stared at the two people hugging each other, clearly seeing that they were Qiao Shunchen and Su Qin. 。However, the first thing that reacted out of all her organs at the sight of this scene was the heart, which was already scarred and battered. 。Jo Shunchen had said more than once that he and Su Qin had no relationship, but could two people with no relationship hug each other so intimately Qin Jingwen's next reaction was to quickly withdraw her gaze. 。"Sorry to bother you " 。"Qin Jingwen wanted to turn around and leave, but she felt that doing so would mean she cared about Qiao Shunchen. 。But to leave her would break his heart. 。Having said that, he managed to save some face for himself before turning away. 。At that moment, Qiao Shunchen's voice called out to her. 。“Warm warm " 。At this moment, Qiao Shunchen was going crazy. He pushed Su Qin away with all his might, not caring if she would fall. 。He hailed Qin Jingwen, and with the utmost speed, he grabbed the elevator remote control and took control of the elevator. 。He completed the action in one fluid motion and then walked to Qin Jingwen's side. 。"You misunderstood, I..." "No need to explain anything to me, this is CEO Qiao's private life, no one has the right to interfere" 。It's just that I came over without saying hello, which was a bit presumptuous. 。You continue, I'll come back tomorrow. 。Qin Jingwen didn't think it was necessary to listen to Qiao Shunchen's explanation. What kind of relationship they had had nothing to do with her, and she didn't have the right to hear his explanation. 。Qin Jingwen's eyes were filled with pain, but her mouth insisted... 。As his words fell, he reached out to press the elevator button, but there was no response. 。The elevator was closed by me, you can't go down. If you have something to say, just say it now, there's no need to wait until tomorrow. 。“ Qiao Shunchen had already confirmed that Qin Jingwen couldn't get out. After saying what he wanted to Qin Jingwen, he returned to Su Qin’s side, only then did he realize that Su Qin had fallen to the ground. 。However, Joe Shun-chen had no pity at all. 。Su Qin, you saw the elevator coming up, so you did it on purpose. 。Your actions make your apology extremely ironic. I see you for who you truly are and will not give you another chance. 。Joe Shunchen let out a long sigh, and at that moment Su Qin realized the seriousness of the situation. She quickly got up and apologized while crying. 。"Mr. Qiao, I'm sorry, it's not what you think." 。I didn't do it on purpose, I just got heartbroken thinking about my husband and couldn't control myself. 。I apologize, I explain, I am now explaining to General Qin. 。Su Qin said, coming to Qin Jingwen's side, with a mournful face, she opened her mouth. 。"General Qin, please don't misunderstand, I came to apologize to General Qiao on your behalf." 。I was so emotionally charged that I lost control and... There's nothing to do with Mr. Qiao, it's my own shamelessness. Please don't be angry. 。This was still Su Qin's first time apologizing to Qin Jingwen. Although Su Qin was unwilling in her heart, she had no other choice at this time to keep her job. 。Joe Shun-chen's determination in his eyes already explained everything. If she couldn't explain this matter, then she wouldn't have to come to work tomorrow. 。"Su Qin, you shouldn't be like this" 。This matter has nothing to do with me, you don't need to apologize to me. 。Su Qin's desperate explanations, and her tearful apologies, only left Qin Jingwen feeling helpless and made Qin Jingwen feel guilty. 。If it wasn't for her sudden appearance, this wouldn't have happened. 。"General Qin, please trust me. I have no relationship with General Qiao at all." 。Su Qin was still apologizing, and now her only thought was to get Qin Jingwen's forgiveness. 。But for Qin Jingwen, saying the words "forgive" was tantamount to admitting that she and Qiao Shunchen had a relationship unlike any other. 。At this time, Qin Jingwen was very embarrassed, too embarrassed to know what to do. 。She had only one thought, to leave as quickly as possible. The rest would naturally work itself out between the two of them. 。"Su Qin, what's your relationship with President Qiao You really don't need to explain it to me." 。Qin Jingwen finished speaking and directly bypassed Su Qin, taking big strides toward the office door, wanting to leave by doing so. 。 Qiao Shunchen was always paying attention to Qin Jingwen, how could he not know she wanted to leave 。He took large strides forward and quickly grabbed Qin Jingwen. 。Then the icy voice spoke, but its target was Su Qin. 。"Su Qin, you get out now. Stay home on standby tomorrow, don't come to work." 。“ Qiao Shunchen had already made up his mind not to give Su Qin another chance. If Su Qin hadn't caused this, how would there be hurt in Qin Jingwen's eyes” 。"I'm so sorry, Joe. I'm so sorry... Just please forgive me this once." 。“General Qin, I'm so sorry.” 。Please beg Mr. Qiao for me, I have elderly parents and children who are all relying on my income from work. 。Su Qin panicked because she didn't know how long Qiao Shunchen's standby would be. 。So she hurriedly came to Qiao Shunchen's side and continued to apologize. 。Su Qin was very panicked. She didn't expect the person who came up was Qin Jingwen, and she didn't expect Qiao Shunchen to directly use work to punish her. 。If she had known about the current situation, she wouldn't have been so impulsive. 。Qin Jingwen had a look of embarrassment on her face, wanting to leave, but her arm was trapped in Qiao Shunchen's hand and couldn't move. 。She really didn't know how to deal with this situation. 。Seeing Su Qin's panicked expression, Qin Jingwen's heart softened. 。"No matter what, this is a private matter. You shouldn't threaten her with work." 。"President Qiao..."

Qin Jingwen wanted to continue pleading, but she was interrupted by Qiao Shunchen

"You still pleaded for her How many times has she hurt you, and you still aren't satisfied, are you" Qiao Shunchen said angrily, just like Sun Xu said Qin Jingwen was too kind, always able to forgive easily 。That's between her and me, we'll sort it out. 。 。Qin Jingwen thought that Qiao Shunchen's words came too late. Su Qin hated her deeply, and even if she helped her this time, she would still hate herself. 。But if she doesn't help Su Qin, she will hate her even more. 。"Let her go back first, and you think carefully about the work matters." 。Qin Jingwen could only say these words. She could only help to this point. As for what kind of relationship they had, or whether they were acting now, Qin Jingwen didn't want to know. 。Joe Shunchen panted, his eyes locked on Qin Jingwen's. Though angry, there was more in his gaze - a deep sense of reluctance towards Qin Jingwen. 。Su Qin, go back first. We'll talk about your matters tomorrow. 。“

Joe Shunchen spoke angrily, but Su Qin still wanted to continue arguing. 。"Mr. Qiao..." "Get out, right now, or I won't give you this opportunity" 。" Qiao Shunchen suddenly flew into a rage, glaring at Su Qin who seemed clueless. 。Seeing the burning rage in Qiao Shunchen's eyes, Su Qin was terrified. She didn't dare say another word and quickly left. 。The door to the CEO's office closed, and Qiao Shunchen finally eased his anger. 。"Just now you saw..." "Mr. Joe, please let go first..." 。“Qin Jingwen spoke coldly, her heart was very messy at the moment, she didn't know what kind of attitude to communicate with Qiao Shunchen was correct. ” 。Joe Shun-chen reluctantly let go of her hand and opened his mouth to explain again, but he saw Qin Jingwen take out the necklace he had given her from her bag. 。"Mr. Joe, I checked online and this necklace costs over five million. I can't accept something so valuable." 。"Qin Jingwen said, handing the necklace to Qiao Shunchen. 。Only she knows how heartbroken she is to let go. 。This necklace is incredibly meaningful to Qin Jingwen, she loves it very much. 。It's just too valuable for someone of her status. 。If this necklace was a worthless fake even on a street stall, she wouldn't give it back to Qiao Shunchen. 。What she wanted was that piece of heart, not how much this necklace was worth. 。 Qiao Shunchen's furrowed brows did not loosen, looking at the necklace Qin Jingwen handed over, his heart ached again. 。Joe Shunchen did not reach out to take it, but instead looked up at Qin Jingwen with an air of helplessness. 。"Why do you care about money This is a gift from me, it has nothing to do with money." 。I admit this necklace really costs over five million. I didn't tell you the truth at first, but if I had told you the truth, you wouldn't have accepted it anyway. 。"I received your kind intentions, but I'd rather you keep the necklace. " 。Qin Jingwen didn't explain much, seeing Qiao Shunchen not taking the necklace, she directly bent down and placed the necklace on the coffee table. 。Then turned to leave. 。 Qiao Shunchen watched Qin Jingwen about to leave, in a moment of desperation, he directly reached out and pulled her back. 。"Wenwen, accept the necklace" 。Just take me in and I'll move to the suburbs tomorrow. 。"In order for Qiao Shunchen to accept this necklace from Qin Jingwen, he could only agree to her condition. " 。He knew this was Qin Jingwen's weakness, knowing she always put others first. 。Joe Shunchen's proposal did touch Qin Jingwen's heart. She turned back, moved her hand away from Joe Shunchen's grasp, and silently stared at him. 。

A moment

"Are you serious" 。"If I promise you something, I can do it. " 。" Qiao Shunchen's voice was firm. This time, he promised Qin Jingwen and would never break his promise. " 。You can't get angry with your uncle, you can't give him a hard time, and you have to eat dinner with him at home. 。Qin Jingwen took the opportunity to put forward another request. 。One reason for wanting him to move back to the suburbs is to improve the relationship between father and son. If he keeps scowling every day and shouting all the time, it might be better not to go back at all. 。Another reason Qiao Shunchen moved back was that no matter what, it was his home. He could have delicious meals on time, which put Qin Jingwen's mind at ease. 。 Qiao Shunchen didn't answer immediately, but bent down to pick up the necklace and walked closer to Qin Jingwen. 。"I can't guarantee that I can do it right away, but I will do my best." 。First, take this necklace. If I don't do well, you can use the chain to bind me. 。。How should this be handled, Qiao Dexiang lived over ninety years old for the first time embarrassed to eat poorly and sleep poorly… Ye Wen helped Su Qin plead for a few days, Qiao Shunchen's side has...