Full Moon works

Chapter 637 Two Months or Five Months


her. 。"After all that talk, she eventually circled back to Ye Wen." 。No matter what Qiao Shunchen said, or how Tang Dani and Xue Yao tried to persuade her, she remained firm in her own decision. 。Tha...Xue Ma had to remind Chu Yang of this matter, after all, both daughter and work were very important to Xue Baba.

Mama Xue continued to say: 。 "Since your uncle has this idea, I can't keep YaoYao for you anymore. " 。After all, your uncle knows I'm pretending. 。" How long will you be gone" Chu Yang also realized the seriousness of the problem. If he was gone for too long, his efforts might be wasted again. 。“I don’t know this yet” 。" Mother Xue couldn't give an exact time because she hadn't had a chance to talk in detail with her daughter and son about this matter yet. 。Since things had come to this, Chu Yang felt he should tell his uncle and aunt about his relationship with Xue Yao. Maybe there was still a chance for reconciliation. 。At that moment, Dad Xue returned home from work. 。"Chu Yang is here too, haven't seen him in days." 。" Hello Uncle 。

I've been sick and busy lately, so I haven't had time to come over.

" Chu Yang stood up and respectfully greeted 。Then he couldn't wait to speak. 。"Uncle, come sit here. I came today to be honest with you both." 。Chu Yang kept standing, and only sat down after Xue Baba came over and sat down. 。"Just say anything, you don't need to be polite with your uncle. " 。"Dad Xue said with a generous air of 。"That's it, actually I was..." Chu Yang didn't even have time to say a single keyword before a deafening roar came from upstairs, followed by the sound rapidly approaching him. 。Xue Yao, in her pajamas with messy hair and sleepy eyes, ran down the stairs in a panic. She came to Chu Yang's face and without saying a word, covered his mouth directly. 。What do you want to tell me 。Xue Yao glared at Chu Yang, but in front of her parents, she didn't dare to speak too loudly. 。Why was Xue Yao so flustered It was because she just saw Chu Yang's comment. 。Fearing that Chu Yang would really say it, I rushed down to stop him. 。"Mom and Dad, I'm taking him upstairs" 。We have something to say. 。" Xue Yao said and pulled up Chu Yang, then pulled Chu Yang upstairs. " 。Halfway there, I turned back to tell my parents. 。"Mom and Dad, it's time to prepare dinner." 。Let Chu Yang eat here. 。Xue Yao had no choice but to do this, otherwise her parents would definitely follow upstairs to eavesdrop. 。This eavesdropping was just like Chu Yang saying it himself. 。If she doesn't get married by then, she's as good as dead. 。Leading Chu Yang to her own room, Xue Yao confirmed that her parents hadn't followed. After making sure they were alone, she closed and even locked the door. 。"Come here, don't stand by the door" 。Still afraid that her parents would hear, Xue Yao cautiously pulled Chu Yang into the dressing room. 。"Are you crazy How could you say such things to my parents" Coming into the dressing room, Xue Yao didn't give Chu Yang any chance to breathe before angrily reprimanding him. 。When she woke up and saw Chu Yang's message, then looked at the time to confirm that Chu Yang was currently at their home 。In that moment, it was like being startled awake in the middle of the night, making her hair stand on end. 。After being scared half to death, it wouldn't be normal for Xue Yao to be able to speak to Chu Yang harmoniously now. 。“Did you just wake up Did you just see my message” Chu Yang not only didn't get angry, but seeing Xue Yao in such a disheveled state, he actually laughed. 。Well, no matter what she looked like or said, Chu Yang's mood was exceptionally good just to see her. 。"Yeah, but what are you laughing at Is this how I look funny If it's funny, why are you still clinging to me In the future, if I'm married, I'll be like this every day." 。" Xue Yao was so angry that she almost died, but Chu Yang just laughed and laughed endlessly. This made Xue Yao even angrier, so angry that she didn't know what to say. She even blurted out words about getting married in the future. " 。Xue Yao was so angry that she was half dead, but Chu Yang laughed more and more unrestrainedly, becoming happier and happier. 。He didn't answer Xue Yao's question, but instead directly gave her a warm embrace, pulling her into his arms. 。It seems like I still have a chance. You've already thought about things after we get married. 。Don't worry, I love you no matter what. Even if you become a shrew or a nagging wife, my love for you remains the same. 。" Chu Yang's most sincere expression, no matter what Xue Yao is like, or what she will become in the future, he will love her as always. " 。"You..." He wanted to get angry but was touched by Chu Yang's words. 。Right now, feeling his heart beating so close to me, it's incredibly real. 。I hope his words are as real as his heartbeat. 。“Let’s start over, give me another chance and I promise I won’t disappoint you, I won’t deceive you anymore.” 。Chu Yang once again proposed a複合, once again expressing his heart. 。This time Xue Yao did not interrupt Chu Yang's words, this time Xue Yao did not immediately speak to refuse 。She was seriously thinking, could she lean on this man's chest for a lifetime, could he warm her for a lifetime 。For a moment, Xue Yao pushed Chu Yang back with reason and then took a step back to maintain a distance. 。"Chu Yang, Dad told me to help him after I came back from business school." 。Actually, I wanted to go abroad before to enrich myself and then come back to help my family. 。I can't keep relying on my parents like this. I need to do something. 。 Xue Yao did not directly answer Chu Yang's love request because she hadn't figured it out yet. 。These days, spending time with Chu Yang has indeed loosened the knots in her heart. 。But I haven't reached the point of impulsively agreeing. 。She wanted to give herself some time, not resisting the urge to think it over properly and prepare herself mentally. 。

"Overseas or still domestically How long will it take"

Chu Yang did not pressure Xue Yao, knowing she hadn't fully opened her heart yet

"In about two months, I'll be back. I want to go abroad." 。I will think about our situation carefully for the next two months, and I'll give you an answer after that. 。“This is Xue Yao’s own meaning. At the beginning, she went out for a few years, and then shortened it to two months. ” 。But Chu Yang couldn't accept going abroad because it was too difficult to see each other. 。And giving her two months of space, not being around her to bother her, it's very possible she'd forget about me. 。Two months later, his answer would definitely be no. 。"If you trust me, I'll give you some advice " 。" Chu Yang had to find a way, otherwise Xue Yao would run away again. 。You said 。Xue Yao wanted to hear Chu Yang's opinion. If it was feasible, she could adopt it. 。"Don't go abroad, just study at University B." 。When you first start getting into business, things you've learned abroad might not always be applicable. 。There's a business administration class that all of you are studying in. 。The things I learn are all quite practical and useful. 。Time is about five months longer than overseas. 。"But time is not necessarily a bad thing. You have your own company, during these five months you can study while also familiarizing yourself with the basic business operations of the company." 。"After you've worked at the company for a while, achieved some results and stabilized your position, then you can consider studying abroad." 。There's one more important thing. If you want to work for the company and help your uncle share Let me know if you'd like me to continue translating! 。From the very beginning, you should focus on identifying talent and building your own team. Find assistants you trust and who are a good fit for you. 。Only in this way can you work with ease when the time comes. 。Chu Yang said very specifically and analyzed it very thoroughly. 。And it's a tailor-made plan specifically designed based on Xue Yao's current situation. 。Both keeping Xue Yao by my side and allowing her to learn are possible. 。All's well that ends well, just wait for Xue Yao to nod in agreement. 。After listening carefully, Xue Yao pondered deeply. 。Chu Yang is a talented person and an excellent leader. 。He has a voice on this matter and experience to draw on. 。So, should she take Chu Yang's advice 。"Alright, let me discuss this with my dad and get back to you." 。" Xue Yao herself was still undecided, she needed more people to give her advice. 。"Yes, it should be considered carefully. " 。"After you discuss with your uncle, if you decide to study at University B, I can let you sit in on any classes anytime." 。Chu Yang said confidently, he wasn't bragging. Getting into B University was a piece of cake for him. 。“Okay, that’s settled then.” 。But for the next five months, you can't tell my parents that we... that we slept together. 。“

Xue Yao had to make a decision, or she wouldn't have time to consider it. ” 。"Five months You just said you were considering two, how did it become five months now"Chu Yang resisted, two months was already a long wait for him, if it was five he would collapse. 。"What I'm saying is about the time for studying. If you study for two months, I'll give you two months. If you study for five months, I'll give you five months." 。"Well, I'm going abroad or staying in the country" Xue Yao threatened Chu Yang with an air of confidence, but now Chu Yang knew Xue Yao's weakness and wouldn't be intimidated by her. 。"I can't wait five months, I have to go tell my aunt and uncle now" 。Chu Yang was speaking, and he actually turned around to walk out. Xue Yao, in a moment of urgency, hurriedly grabbed Chu Yang's arm. 。"You can't say now, four months Four months will do" Xue Yao compromised, but the degree of compromise didn't seem to satisfy Chu Yang. 。He didn't speak, only shook his head. 。"Those three months" Chu Yang still shook his head. 。"Two and a half months, that's my bottom line." 。If you still insist on telling my parents, I will definitely choose to go abroad. As for how many months I'll be back, I'm not sure. 。" Xue Yao angrily released Chu Yang's hand. She had retreated again and again. If Chu Yang didn't agree, she could only go all out. " 。She must put forth a bit more forceful attitude to help Chu Yang, otherwise he won't give her any time for two months. 。Okay, two and a half months deal 。Chu Yang knew when to stop. He could bear it for another half a month. 。But he couldn't stand the indefinite return. 。For the first time, the two of them reached an agreement without any argument. 。This should be a good direction, a pleasant start. 。For the sake of caution, during dinner time Chu Yang found an opportunity to secretly tell Xue Yao's father about this matter. Xue Yao's father is currently in agreement with Chu Yang's opinion and subsequently expressed his willingness to cooperate with Chu Yang to keep Xue Yao in China for further study. 。Since Qin Jing and Qiao Shunchen told their child the truth, the two of them seem to be avoiding each other. 。Qin Jingwen tried her best not to report on her work, and Qiao Shunchen did his best to prevent Qin Jingwen from coming to see him. 。Such a situation was more comfortable for Qin Jingwen. Aside from her heartache, 。

Without Qiao Shunchen’s constant torment, without the disdain of the Qiao family, she finally felt like she could breathe. The suffocating and stifling feeling had eased considerably.

Qin Jingwen felt that if this situation continued, Qiao Shunchen would soon drive her out of Qiao's company. In that case, she would completely distance herself from Qiao Shunchen and forgetting him would also be a matter of time.Xu again, her face will be lost. 。But what could Qin Jingwen do by calling at this time Qiao Shunchen is too obedient, isn't he Couldn't he wait to answer after the meeting 。Judging from Qiao Shunchen...