JShen works

Chapter 850: Ancient Lotus's Anomaly, Eight Demon Rider


Long Gongzi hate me even more if he found out" Ao Luan said."That's simple enough, isn't it You Dragonkin are highly respected within the Immortal Ancient World. Just command a few elite prodigies fr...Meng Zhan explained to Jun Xiaoyao.

Generally speaking, a foreign king from a different lineage might command numerous clans of warriors under his banner.

The Snake Night Demon Clan, the superior clan of the Abyss Demons, is one of the Hundred Great Demon Clans in the alien realm: the Heavenly Demon Clan.

Although this clan did not rank among the top ten royal families, they were incredibly powerful.

Now, Jun Xiaoyao and Meng Zhan et al. have wiped out the group of She Yaccha creatures.

This will inevitably alarm the Heavenly Demon Clan.

If it had been in the past, facing the Heavenly Demon Clan, Meng Zhan might still have some apprehension.

But now, for some reason, he felt much more at ease with Jun Xiaoyao around.

Next, Meng Zhan and the others continued their advance. They still had a primary objective: to seek out the Seven Sin Deities' Remembrance.

Their primary mission, above all else, is to seek out the divine thoughts of deities, rather than slaying extraplanar beings.

All the people in this team respected Jun Xiaoyao deeply.

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After this battle, they held even greater respect for Jun Xiaoyao.

Even Jun Xiaoyao's authority surpasses that of Captain Meng Zhan.

Ling Yuan felt a little neglected.

It's not that her record is bad, it's just that compared to Jun Xiaoyao, it seems a bit lackluster.

Ling Yuan now understood why so many people in the Immortal Realm wanted Jun Xiaoyao to fall.

After all, the feeling of having your brilliance taken away is not pleasant.

In this era of great upheaval, it seems as though the world belongs solely to Jun Xiaoyao. The vast majority of glory shines upon him alone.

Gazing at Jun Xiaoyao's always expressionless handsome profile.

Ling Yuan suddenly felt that Jun Xiaoyao should be quite lonely.

After all, so many people want him dead.

Even God wanted him dead.

"Bah...what was this palace thinking, to feel sympathy for such a despicable wretch"

Ling Yuan came back to her senses and let out a small, silent scoff.

This despicable man, who did so many outrageous things to her, even branded her thigh with his mark.

She hasn't even begun to hate yet!

Jun Xiaoyao, of course, was unaware of Ling Yuan's inner thoughts.

He was checking his meritorious jade talisman, and found a large sum of merit points had been added.

Obviously, the merits of Lord Xie's title as Quasi-Supreme were also appropriated by Jun Xiaoyao.

It wasn't that Jun Xiaoyao deliberately stole kills, but that he had to do it that way to kill She Night Demon and prevent him from escaping.

"Captain Meng Zhan, could it be that we are unaware of the exact location where the deity's seal is placed" Jun Xiaoyao suddenly asked.

Meng Zhan shook his head and said, "My divine child, you are unaware that the seal placed by the deity is not fixed in one place, but changes locations irregularly."

This is also why it's so difficult for outsiders to find the seal site.

Jun Xiaoyao suddenly realized.

It is likely that the Qing Emperor was aware, and understood that the seven divine spirits of his remaining sins could very well cause a great catastrophe in the future.

That's why it seals the location by changing it, so outsiders won't notice.

But unfortunately, it was eventually discovered by outsiders.

Just as Jun Xiaoyao was pondering how to find the location of the divine soul's seal,

Suddenly, in the wellspring of life within his inner cosmos.

That ancient lotus seed, overlooked by Jun Xiaoyao, trembled ever so slightly.


Jun Xiaoyao also keenly noticed it.

The next moment, he felt a faint presence in the depths of his being, not too far from this star system.

Could it be...

Jun Xiaoyao thought about something.

Could that faint trace in the ether be the location of the deity's thoughts, closest to me

This left even Jun Xiao Yao a little taken aback.

Then it dawned on him.

This ancient lotus seed is actually related to the Azure Emperor.

At first, the ancient lotus seed had nothing special about it, not even the dignitaries of the Gongxun Hall could discern anything unusual.

But after soaking in the fountain of life for a while, it seems to be gradually showing signs of some kind of ability now.

Thinking of this, Jun Xiaoyao's eyes flashed, and he said, "Captain Meng Zhan, how about we go that way"


Meng Zhan and others were puzzled.

Why did Jun Xiaoyao suddenly want to walk in that direction

"Do you perchance know the location of the deity's seal" Ling Yuan said nonchalantly.

"If you can't speak, just shut up." Jun Xiaoyao said lightly.

Ling Yuan was choked with anger again.

"Alright, let's go this way then." Meng Zhan also nodded, anyway he didn't have any leads himself.

In the haze, Jun Xiaoyao seemed to become the leader of this team, possessing the highest authority.

Subsequently, led by Jun Xiaoyao, the Meng family's fleet set course for another star region.

Several days passed.

Along the way, Jun Xiaoyao and Meng Zhan, along with others, also encountered some scattered alien creatures, which they swiftly and decisively killed.

Finally, they arrived at another star sector of the Divine Ruins world.

This starfield has extremely rich spiritual energy.

Wisps of ethereal mist swirled and danced, rivaling even the celestial paradises found within the Nine Heavens.

"Such potent spiritual energy, could this place be home to a divine treasure" Meng Zhan exclaimed in surprise.

The Divine Ruins World is vast and boundless, and within it lie numerous undiscovered treasures.

Jun Xiaoyao's eyes locked onto a planet in the central region of this star field.

They disappeared in a flash.

This planet is extremely spiritual, with a dense aura that envelops the entire celestial body like an atmosphere.

"The spiritual energy here is so strong, it's almost unnatural." One of the other Knights of the House Meng wondered aloud.

"There's a scent of exotic offspring…" Meng Zhan, the God of War, was perceptive. His senses were especially sensitive to extra-terrestrial beings.

He could sense that on this planet, there were many alien lifeforms.

"There's another energy, a tremendously vast energy, within this planet," Jun Xiaoyao said.

His soul perception was even sharper than that of Meng Zhan and others.

Immediately, Jun Xiaoyao and others, converged all sounds, quietly descended onto this planet.

At the same time.

On a giant continent on this planet.

A large throng of exotic creatures, are busy excavating something here.

That was clearly a gigantic immortal spirit vein buried deep underground.

That giant immortal source meridian vein, like a snow-white serpentine dragon, extended deep into the earth.

The spiritual energy was incredibly dense.

And beside the Immortal Source Spirit Vein, there were four figures like iron towers, watching those alien creatures laboring and excavating.

These four individuals, all clad in black armor, rode powerful and strange beasts.

Even as a mount, it possesses the cultivation level of a Great Saint peak.

They are none other than four of the Heavenly Demon Eight Riders, renowned throughout the Heavenly Demon Clan.

"I didn't expect that the seal of this deity's thought would be under a piece of the Immortal Source Ancestral Vein."

One of them, a black knight wielding a long axe, growled.

He is the fifth of the Eight Heavenly Demons.

"Fortunately, when we arrived, the Immortal being who was skilled in divination and fortune-telling had calculated the possible locations of the seal's appearance. Otherwise, it would have been very difficult to find."

Another knight wielding a blood-red long sword, he was Lao Liu.

"The four elder brothers have already entered the depths of the Xianyuan Ancestral Vein to investigate the movement of the sealed land, and our task is to dig up this section of the Xianyuan Ancestral Vein." Lao Qi said.

But before that, the aura of Sheya's team had disappeared, as if they had encountered a powerful enemy from the Immortal Domain," Lao Ba said.

"What powerful enemy, in the hands of our Heavenly Demon Eight Riders, are all just trash!"

"That's right, Immortal Realm cultivators, one by one!"

Four demon knights, all sneered.

Unbeknownst to them, someone was already spying on them from between the distant mountains.five, or ten....but as many as over four hundred! ...Over four hundred rules, who dares to competeThat dazzling Law's radiance almost blinded the three heads of the Three-Headed King!What the heck is...