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Chapter 3105: Ice Scorpion


d alchemists can increase the heat and make the spirit herbs melt faster in the cauldron, saving a lot of time during the alchemy process. 。Of course, this alchemy method is undoubtedly several times...In the depths of the gloomy mine, wails and clashing sounds intertwined. Occasionally, mist-shrouded ice scorpions, several feet long, emerged from cracks. These ice scorpions were incredibly fast and could even leap into the air. Their sheer numbers made this a disaster for the many cultivators who ventured in to collect the immortal crystal veins. Even immortals under this surging tide of scorpions would find it difficult to protect themselves.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of cultivators and several Immortals were swallowed by this tide of ice scorpions, leaving no bones behind. The counterattacks from many cultivators and a few Immortals did inflict some casualties on the ice scorpions, but these minor losses only further fueled the ferocity of the ice scorpion tide.

The cries and moans within the mine went in waves, one after another.


The scorpions surging out of the mine quickly slaughtered the many cultivators collecting immortal crystals inside and the scattered immortals.

Outside the mine, Lei Yin Xian Zong organized several attempts to send people in, but they were all repelled by the scorpion tide inside.

At this time, hundreds of miles away from the mine, there was a fairly large fairy village. Tu Xingyun, who was in charge of guarding this place, had already received the distress message. At this moment, Tu Xingyun's face was gloomy. Since the last trip to Zhumu Lei Pool, he suffered heavy losses but gained nothing, and his status within the sect declined. If this mission failed again, even though his cultivation level was one of the top cultivators in the fairy realm within the sect, after several consecutive failures and setbacks, it was inevitable that the elders in the sect would look down on him.

For Tu Xingyun, a slight loss could be recouped eventually, but being looked down upon by the real fairy predecessors within the sect was a loss that was irretrievably difficult to recover, and even to a certain extent determined whether he could advance to become a true immortal in the future.

The ice-type fairy crystals in several nearby fairy crystal mines were quite abundant. After a few days of mining, his harvest was considerable. He thought that as long as he stayed here for a while, just relying on the harvest from the mine could make the senior members of the sect look at him with admiration. Who would have thought that something like this would suddenly happen

"Tu, Tu Senior Brother, it's not good. The many cultivators inside the mine have been slaughtered. The Ice Scorpion tide hasn't shown any signs of retreating and is spreading towards Xianzhai." At this time, a woman who looked delicate and petite rushed over with a panicked expression.

"I'll go take a look." Tu Xingyun rose abruptly.

Just for a moment, the ice scorpions outside, shrouded in mist, had already gathered in large numbers. And these ice scorpion formations were extremely neat and tidy, not a random mess. They were clearly no ordinary monsters. Either they possessed extremely high intelligence or there was something powerful directing them from behind. Regardless of which, the outcome wasn't too good for Tu Xingyun.

Tu Xingyun stood on the tower of Xianzhai, looking at the countless ice scorpions on the ground in the distance. Some even had powerful strength, their bodies emitting white mist and floating into the air. The pungent demonic energy was already overwhelming.

“This fairy village is impossible to defend!” Almost in an instant, Tu Xingyun's mind flashed with this thought. The ice scorpions before him hadn't completely surrounded the fairy village yet. If they waited for the ice scorpions to completely encircle them, it would be too late to leave.

"Zhao Shidi, let's each lead a team and withdraw to the other two mine shafts." Tu Xingyun reached out and summoned Zhao Xiuyuan from afar. He was the second most powerful cultivator in Xianzhai after Tu Xingyun himself.


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"This... my strength is far inferior to my senior brother's. Even Luo senior brother, guarding the No. 3 mine, was stronger than me but still couldn't escape..."

Zhao Xiuyuan looked troubled. The situation was urgent, and every delay brought more danger. Besides the losses they had suffered in Mine No. 3, there were now less than thirty immortals in the Immortal Village who could be of use. If they gathered together, they might have a chance of survival, but if they divided their forces, their strength would be greatly weakened.

Zhaoxiu yuan also knew that if he abandoned another mine, it would mean abandoning the many cultivators who had not yet managed to evacuate. Several mines would simultaneously suffer a severe blow to their vitality. At that time, the one who would inevitably be held accountable would be Tu Xinyun, the person in charge.Knowing that asking Tu Xinyun to give up another mine at this time would be difficult, Zhaoxiu yuan was naturally unwilling to go to a place where he had a high chance of perishing.

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"I don't mind guarding Mine No. 2, but if we fail and our limited strength is divided, it will be even more disadvantageous for Senior Brother Tu."

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Tu Xinyun's face darkened. Of course, he understood Zhao Xiuyuan was being cowardly, but what the other man said wasn't entirely without merit.

"Organize the troops and retreat step by step. When we reach the rear Xianzhai stronghold, we'll decide whether to divide our forces and station them in the mine tunnels." Tu Xingyun took a breath, his figure flashing like lightning as he shot towards the distance.

At this time, the Immortal Village was in a state of chaos, with countless cultivators organizing under the guidance of immortals to attack the ice scorpions using weapons from the village's base. Meanwhile, they repelled waves of ice scorpions that had already begun attacking the village in batches and shifts.

In an inconspicuous corner of the fairy village, a seemingly unremarkable man in black sat cross-legged. Surrounding cultivators automatically avoided this area, lest they attract unwanted trouble.

"Anonymous friend, this time's trouble is no small matter, only you can help me." Tu Xingyun just landed and said in a rush.

“With old debts still unpaid, you want to incur new ones It seems, Brother Tu, thinks I am too easygoing.” The lotus split-self raised an eyebrow, as if the icy scorpion surging outside the Immortal Village had no effect on him whatsoever.

"I shall give you the Fire Tide True Thunder now." Tu Xingyun naturally understood the urgency of the situation. He immediately took out a crimson, several feet tall and long-necked pot. Inside, the fiery thunder rolled around, faintly carrying the sound of tides.

“Brother Lei Tu, didn’t you say it would take some time to collect this Fire Tide Why is it suddenly here out of thin air It seems Brother Lei Tu isn't entirely truthful about what I said.” The lotus avatar glanced at the fiery red, long-necked gourd, but for now, it didn't make any further moves.

"I wonder if my nameless friend still has other requests Please feel free to mention them. As long as I am able, I will certainly not disappoint my nameless friend."

Tu Xingyuan not only wasn't angry that Lianhua's split-self had raised her status, but instead showed a smile. The nameless fellow before him, due to his exceptional swordsmanship, was highly regarded by the sect's seniors. The only thing that made the Lei Yin Xianzong elders slightly hesitate was that this nameless person wasn't a Lei cultivator and didn't practice Lei methods. Even if they reluctantly took him into the sect, he probably wouldn't feel much belonging to the Lei Yin Xianzong.

Lei Yin Xian Zong is different from ordinary immortal sects. The main focus is on Lei Xiu, and other immortals, even if they can enter Lei Yin Xian Zong, are only peripheral members. The lotus avatar has been summoned by two seniors of the sect, which shows the importance attached to it. The sect also understands that the lotus avatar collects various true thunders, so Tu Xingyun took this matter upon himself.

It's not that he really wanted to withhold resources from the Lotus Avatar, offending someone with such profound and unfathomable power. It's just that Tu Xingyun didn't want his sect to show favoritism towards the Lotus Avatar before he reached the True Immortal stage himself. After all, the Lei Yin Xianzong wasn't that big. There was only so much food in the pot, and if more was given to the Lotus Avatar, there would naturally be less left for him.ray master, and they saw through the oddity of the formation. If I insisted, they would be swallowed by the Blood Cauldron Refining Demon Array, it would be a certainty. Outsiders don't know the agony...