Mr. Jade works

Chapter 1314: Persuasion


y intimidate others. Yet, An Xuetang remained unaffected, her smile unwavering as she spoke calmly:"Then I think you should just bloodbath us.""... "Mo Yunze seemed to be struggling, his eyebrows twit...Compared to the bustle of the Bei Jiang Wangfu, the imperial palace was also quite lively at this time.

Mo Yunze cared very much about his face, and he also knew that his own physician was no match for the many imperial physicians in the palace. So when he left Beijang Wangfu, he went straight to the imperial palace and found an imperial physician to treat him immediately. He asked them to do everything they could to cure him of the poison.

This matter must have shocked the emperor.

When the Emperor learned that Mo Yunze had gone to the Northern Border Prince's Mansion and was poisoned, terribly so, he was furious and immediately smashed the teacup in his hand.

"This is simply audacious and arrogant! Mo Yunze was sent by me, and she dares to poison him This is like rubbing my face on the ground!"

Hua Duo was now sitting beside the emperor, feeling the heat of his immense anger. Her expression remained unchanged.

She just sat there quietly, listening to the emperor hurl insults at An Xue Tang. She couldn't help but sneer in her heart.

This emperor, besides cursing here, now has no way to deal with Ah Tang and the people of Beijiang Wangfu.

Today, he didn't dare to offend the people of Beijiang王府 directly, so he had the Cheng family make a scene first, and then sent Mo Yunze with his edict to arrest them.

Although the emperor had a considerable number of Imperial Guards at his disposal, the number of people left in the Bei Jiang Wangfu was far less than his Imperial Guards, but unfortunately, what Atang held in her hand was dynamite of immense power.

Even if the Beijiang Royal Manor was short-handed, as long as they had explosives, the Emperor's Imperial Guard, no matter how large, would not dare to act rashly.

So he didn't want to handle the matter of offending Prince Bei Jiang personally, thinking that Mo Yun Ze was at least a legitimate prince and his noble status spoke for itself.

Even though Mo Yunze is nominally Mo Yunjing's older brother, it shouldn't be this difficult for him to apprehend An Xuetang and bring her to the palace for questioning.

He simply didn't use his brain to think about problems. Let alone An Xue Tang, even those subordinates of the Bei Jiang Wangfu never placed him, the emperor, in their eyes, so how could they possibly care about someone like Mo Yunze

And she had figured it out, the emperor's memory lately was truly terrible. He must have forgotten everything his second son Mo Yunren went through not long ago.

But if he still remembered how Atang had used explosives to cost him so many Imperial Guards not long ago, and left the disciples of Liji Jianpai, founded by Mo Yunren himself, with no survivors, he would never have taken such action today.

The emperor's memory is fading, and his temper is growing increasingly volatile. It seems the medicine she has been giving him these days is finally working.

The flower bud looked thoughtfully at the shards on the ground, then slowly raised her head to look at the emperor and said softly:

"Your Majesty, please calm yourself. Getting angry now won't help. The people of Beijang Wangfu are known to be fiercely protective of their master. They wouldn't agree so easily to hand over their princess today."

"This is outrageous!" The emperor grew angrier the more he thought about it. "Who do they think they are I haven't died yet! This is the capital, my territory. If I want to arrest someone, they dare to stop me Do they really think I have no way to deal with them Has An Xuetang become invincible"

A barely perceptible smirk played at Huāduǒ's lips. So what if you were the emperor of this Tianbà country

Aren't you helpless against them right now

When the news of Mo Yunren's previous incident reached the palace, weren't you afraid of An Xue Tang and the people of Beijiang王府 Have you already forgotten

Although she inwardly scoffed, Huahua maintained a pleasant expression on her face. She picked up the teacup on the table and took a slow sip. After putting down the cup, she spoke:

"Your Majesty sent Mo Yunze and the Cheng family to cause trouble at Beijang Palace. Did you consider what might happen if the people of Beijang Palace insist on tearing up their face with Your Majesty Can Your Majesty stand against the explosives of Beijang Palace"


The emperor abruptly turned his head and glared at Hua Duo'er, gritting his teeth. "What do you mean by that In your eyes, am I incapable of standing against those in the Northern Border王府 You think I'm such a useless waste"

The emperor was truly furious at this moment. To be publicly told he was incompetent in his lifetime This was something he had never experienced before.

He wielded tens of thousands of Imperial Guards, yet in his concubine's eyes, he was incapable of handling a handful of servants from the Northern Border Prince's Residence

The flower blossom stood up. If it had been any other concubine, seeing the Emperor so angry, they would have knelt down and begged for forgiveness long ago.

But the flower did not kneel down. Instead, she walked behind the emperor, placed her hands gently on his shoulders, and gave him a little massage. She explained in a calm and collected manner:

"Your Majesty, you have misunderstood me. I did not mean to look down on you. In this world, there is nothing I care about except for your well-being, Your Majesty."

I have to say, the emperor loved such words. So after Huāduǒ finished speaking, his anger subsided somewhat.

But he still turned his head, those unkind eyes still fixed on the flower, wanting to know what excuse she could possibly come up with.

If she can't give him a reason that satisfies him, no one can save her life.

The air was thick with malice, but Huāduǒ's face showed no sign of panic or worry. Her expression remained unchanged:

"Your Majesty, everyone in the kingdom knows that King of the Northern Frontier was sent by you to Youlan City to guard the border for the Heavenly Domination Nation and protect against foreign threats. Yet, at this very time, you wish to harm his wife. Once this news spreads, how will the people of the kingdom view you, Your Majesty"

The emperor was not pleased with this. He scoffed dismissively, “I want to see who dares speak ill of me! Discussing the Emperor is punishable by death!”

"Yes, Your Majesty, you could easily kill the people who have bitten their tongues. But there are thousands upon thousands of people in the world. What if they all participated Could you kill them all, Your Majesty Even if you were willing to kill them all, wouldn't you rather not be remembered as a tyrant"

The emperor's lips moved slightly, he wanted to retort. He was the Son of Heaven, wasn't he Didn't history books write themselves according to his will Who dared to play tricks under his very nose

Hua Duo'er did not give him a chance to speak, only hearing Hua Duo'er soften her voice:

“Even if Your Majesty doesn't care, I do. I know you are not a bloodthirsty person, so I don't want the people to misunderstand you. Moreover, your initial intention was not to be an enemy of the people. So why now, for a mere woman from the Cheng family, cause all this trouble”

This is not just a matter of the Cheng family's daughter. What does she amount to What displeases me is that the entire Northern Border Palace, from top to bottom, treats me with utter contempt! I am the emperor, I am the ruler of this Heavenly Domination Kingdom!

A disobedient subject, continuing to remain so wouldn't he be slapping himself in the faceact immediately, so she was still staring blankly at Mo Yun Jing.An Xuetang blinked, "A Jing, you...didn't you say the wrong thing""No."Mo Yunjing's expression was completely serious, with no trace of...