Full-time domestic s

Full-time domestic s

author:Blue-collar Jokers
state:in the series
update:(2025-03-26 14:32:53)

Soon enough, the entire Divine Martial land was stirred by this wedding that was not known by outsiders. Almost everyone knew that top-notch individuals were heading towards Family Fang, making it the focus of the entire Divine Martial land.,Xianyao smiled at the four girls; this was the life he wanted—no need for luxury, no desire for power, not seeking invincibility... all that was needed was freedom and happiness. This was the life Xianyao aspired to: a carefree existence!,Some might ask why this isn't continued further and why it ends now What I want to say is that novels only need to showcase the protagonist’s most brilliant moments; there's no way one could write out an entire lifetime...。

author:Blue-collar JokersStraight to the bottom